Cindy Sheehan Busted In Front Of White House.....

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 04:30 am
Ticomaya wrote:
I heard some snippets of these anti-war folks talking today. What a bunch of moonbats! She didn't have far to fall, but I'm sure she's widely seen now not as a grieving mother, but just another wacko anti-war liberal.

Wishful thinking Tico. You can't possibly believe that. This IS Viet Nam all over again, and people are realizing it. Cindy Sheehan neds to appear at her next protest meeting under a "Mission Accomplished" banner. She is garnering sympathy for the end the war movement.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 04:35 am
mysteryman wrote:
Lord Ellpus wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
I heard some snippets of these anti-war folks talking today. What a bunch of moonbats! She didn't have far to fall, but I'm sure she's widely seen now not as a grieving mother, but just another wacko anti-war liberal.

That was going to be the second part of my earlier post, but I thought I would dilute my main point.

You just watch the likes of Fox News and the other Bush guard dogs. They will be looking for every "wacko" near the White House and making sure they get good democratic air time.

The wackos make up a small percentage of all populations, left wing, right....or middle. But I bet Fox et al are now trying their very best to portray that these people make up the vast majority of the demonstrators.

Cindy can be as wacko as she likes, I say. She has earned it the hard way, seeing her flesh and blood go off to fight and die, so that Halliburton and co. can declare a good bottom line.

.....Oh, and to ensure the security of the USA against "terror", of course.

So,using your logic,I can be as wacko as I want,and you cant say anything about it,right?
After all,I left part of my body in Iraq,so I earned it the hard way also,didnt I

So if I make comments about her,then you must agree,after all,you seem to be agreeing with her because her son died in a war he VOLUNTEERED to fight in.
Lets not forget that part,he VOLUNTEERED to go to Iraq.
He wanted to go.

Yes he volunteered to go because he was lied to about the reasons for it and thought he was dong an honorable thing for his country. He paid for that lie with his life. With no disrespect, he died a sucker, fleeced by PT Barnum politicians, more's the pity.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 05:30 am
And of course you have absolute proof that he volunteered "because he was lied to"?

Yeah, I can see you really think highly of the men and women who volunteer for our country's military.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 05:36 am
CR you are taking the immature and knee jerk approach of "You don't approve of the war therefore you don't support our servicemen."

I'm surprised. Your statement is full of **** and you know it. As far as defending all the lies connected with our going into Iraq, they are so well documented it is not necessary to list them here.

I support all of America's young people, which is why I hate seeing them conned into laying down their lives for not aamn thing.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 05:58 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
CR you are taking the immature and knee jerk approach of "You don't approve of the war therefore you don't support our servicemen."

I'm surprised. Your statement is full of **** and you know it. As far as defending all the lies connected with our going into Iraq, they are so well documented it is not necessary to list them here.

I support all of America's young people, which is why I hate seeing them conned into laying down their lives for not aamn thing.

I never said you don't support our servicemen. Please don't read something I write and put your own spin on it. If I wanted to say what you claim I said, I would have written it plainly. I personally don't know if you support our servicemen or not. I would assume you do simply because I have never seen any post of yours that would indicate otherwise. Quite frankly, unlike a few of my conservative friends here, I see a big difference between support/non-support for the war and support for the troops fighting it.

But read your own statement again. You have basically said that the only reason people joined the service to fight in this war is because they were lied to. That statement is full of it and you know it. You have absolutely no way of knowing why Casey Sheehan joined. Neither do I. Saying that he joined because he was lied to and calling him a sucker is at the very least a bit disengenuous on your part. You claim he died a sucker (and by extension all those who joined and died also) and get mad because I think that statement calls into question your feelings toward our military personnel who are fighting? Sorry, but I tend to think of them in a better light than that.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 06:03 am
save the backpeddling.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 06:16 am
I wasn't backpeddling so again, please don't try to say I was. The words you wrote were as plain as mine. You think all those who joined the military are suckers. If that is not a disparaging remark about our military personnel, then explain to me why it is not.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 06:26 am
Debra_Law wrote:
When, if ever, will the "job" be done? When will we be leaving Iraq?

When the Iraqis ask us to leave.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 06:43 am
Just Wonders:

And if the Iraqis ask us to leave so their Shia leaders can declare a Shia state, allied with Iran-would we still happily leave then?
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 06:46 am
Not sure about JW, but I would expect us to leave. Although honestly, I doubt they would tell us that is why they want us to leave. But that supposition does allow us to play these silly little "what-if" games here on A2K.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 06:53 am
CoastalRat wrote:
Not sure about JW, but I would expect us to leave. Although honestly, I doubt they would tell us that is why they want us to leave. But that supposition does allow us to play these silly little "what-if" games here on A2K.

apparently you find them distasteful. Odd that, when I find an activity distasteful, then I don't participate.

and my disparging remark was aimed towards the administration as you damn well know, but cloud it all you want. I'm here for you.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 06:56 am
mysteryman wrote:
Lord Ellpus wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
I heard some snippets of these anti-war folks talking today. What a bunch of moonbats! She didn't have far to fall, but I'm sure she's widely seen now not as a grieving mother, but just another wacko anti-war liberal.

That was going to be the second part of my earlier post, but I thought I would dilute my main point.

You just watch the likes of Fox News and the other Bush guard dogs. They will be looking for every "wacko" near the White House and making sure they get good democratic air time.

The wackos make up a small percentage of all populations, left wing, right....or middle. But I bet Fox et al are now trying their very best to portray that these people make up the vast majority of the demonstrators.

Cindy can be as wacko as she likes, I say. She has earned it the hard way, seeing her flesh and blood go off to fight and die, so that Halliburton and co. can declare a good bottom line.

.....Oh, and to ensure the security of the USA against "terror", of course.

So,using your logic,I can be as wacko as I want,and you cant say anything about it,right?
After all,I left part of my body in Iraq,so I earned it the hard way also,didnt I

So if I make comments about her,then you must agree,after all,you seem to be agreeing with her because her son died in a war he VOLUNTEERED to fight in.
Lets not forget that part,he VOLUNTEERED to go to Iraq.
He wanted to go.

You have every right to say what you like, but so has she....and all the others there who are demonstrating against this trumped up war.
She apparently tried desperately to dissuade her son from fighting for Halliburton et al......and look how it turned out for her. For what, I ask?
Don't give me all the "to take the fight to them" schpiel. I would imagine that her son fell for that one and was raring to go, despite her pleas.

Going to Iraq for that reason simply doesn't wash, as if THAT was the reason for going to war in the middle east, at least Bush should have got his John and Jill colour by numbers map book out, and worked out that the vast majority of AQ were in a place called YEMEN. Even Saudi Arabia would have yielded a better AQ hit rate.

My point is that the word "wacko" was being used to simply dismiss them, and will no doubt be used on a frequent basis by the self interested pro Bush media, to minimise the influence of these demonstrators on the population.

"Oh, I know there are 10,000/50,000/ 3 million of them outside the White house, but they are all wacko's"........what a silly reaction.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 06:58 am
Coastal Rat wrote:
I doubt they [the Iraqis] would tell us that is why they want us to leave. But that supposition does allow us to play these silly little "what-if" games here on A2K.

Oh no, Coastal Rat. They are coming very close to telling us right now that is what they plan to do.

The intelligence service of Iraq, for instance, does not report to the Iraqi government. We have it reporting to the US government. Reason? The Iraqi government already in place is far to close to Iran that we can allow secrets to be delivered to them.

The Shia and Sunni branches of Islam have about the same relationship to each other that Protestants and Catholics did a couple of hundred years ago. They do not like each other, and the Shiites have been outnumbered since 780 AD. That's a lot of resentment built up.

There are only two countries in the world where Shia is the majority religion, Iran and Iraq. That is a close, close bond for two countries in a region where separation of church and state has never taken hold.

If you wish to open your eyes, you can see the direction this thing is going is that the Shiite majority is going to elect a pro-Iran government, probably one with many features similar to Iran's "Islamic Republic". There have been many indications already that this fledgling government is pro-Iran. How many more indications will there be when the US force level is reduced?
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 07:04 am
CoastalRat wrote:
And of course you have absolute proof that he volunteered "because he was lied to"?

Yeah, I can see you really think highly of the men and women who volunteer for our country's military.

Patriotism means an undying love for one's country. It does NOT mean to blindly follow it's leader.

A TRUE Patriot would not have sent his fellow countrymen into such a war.

Blair (Bliar) included.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 07:08 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
Not sure about JW, but I would expect us to leave. Although honestly, I doubt they would tell us that is why they want us to leave. But that supposition does allow us to play these silly little "what-if" games here on A2K.

apparently you find them distasteful. Odd that, when I find an activity distasteful, then I don't participate.

and my disparging remark was aimed towards the administration as you damn well know, but cloud it all you want. I'm here for you.

You just keep insisting on putting words into my mouth, don't ya. Never said anything or hinted that anything was distasteful. Do you really have that tough a time with your reading comprehension skills? I said silly, not distasteful. So if you wish to make a point, please do so using what I said. Personally, I think many of the discussions on here are silly, yet nearly all of us (myself included) get involved in those. I have seen a few that are distasteful and I don't participate in them. (I don't wish to encourage them)

As to your "sucker" remark, I will gladly take you at your word that it was an indictment of the Admin and not of our military personnel. That is all you had to say to begin with. I think you could have chosen a better way to express your idea that would have left no doubt as to your meaning, but hey, maybe that is just me. I know people have misunderstood my points sometimes also.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 07:18 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
And of course you have absolute proof that he volunteered "because he was lied to"?

Yeah, I can see you really think highly of the men and women who volunteer for our country's military.

Patriotism means an undying love for one's country. It does NOT mean to blindly follow it's leader.

A TRUE Patriot would not have sent his fellow countrymen into such a war.

Blair (Bliar) included.

Please tell me sir where I claim that patriotism means blindly following one's leader? Sometimes patriotism means speaking out loudly for what you believe to be right. I doubt nobody's patriotism on this board. I would worry greatly if everyone here always thought the same thing and always thought that what our elected officials do is right 100% of the time.

I have no problem with Ms. Sheehan protesting this war. Nor with anyone else who wishes to protest this war. Nor do I have a problem with those who question the motives of Ms. Sheehan in protesting. Nor do I have a problem with anyone's motives for doing anything being questioned. After all, that is what much of the left is doing, question Bush's motives for the Iraqi war. Question away. I think it is good and healthy for a country to question their leaders.

If I say something that I deserve to be questioned about or that sounds stupid, ridiculous or just plain wrong (informationally), then please call me on it. But as I have tried to tell BVT, make sure you quote me accurately. If I have said something that in any way has led you to think that I think it unpatriotic to question our leaders, then you have misunderstood.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 07:27 am
I don't think the US has any attention of leaving since they are building all those permenant bases and we have that huge US embassy.


F. Sovereignty Costs

Economic and Political Sovereignty: Despite the January elections, the country has severely limited political and economic independence. The transitional government has limited ability to reverse the 100 orders by former CPA head Paul Bremer that, among other things, allow for the privatization of Iraq's state-owned enterprises and prohibit preferences for domestic firms in bidding on reconstruction work.

Military Sovereignty: Currently, the U.S. operates out of approximately 106 locations across the country. In May 2005, plans for concentrating U.S. troops into four massive bases positioned geographically in the North, South, East and West were reported and the most recent spending bill in Congress for the Iraq War contained $236 million for building permanent facilities.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 07:53 am
kelticwizard wrote:
Just Wonders:

And if the Iraqis ask us to leave so their Shia leaders can declare a Shia state, allied with Iran-would we still happily leave then?

So long as they represent no clear and present danger to the US, it is not any of our business.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 07:53 am
dlowan wrote:
Hmmm.......I take it wacko, antiwar and liberal all mean the same thing?

Not to me. If I thought they did I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of typing all three words.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 07:54 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
I heard some snippets of these anti-war folks talking today. What a bunch of moonbats! She didn't have far to fall, but I'm sure she's widely seen now not as a grieving mother, but just another wacko anti-war liberal.

Wishful thinking Tico. You can't possibly believe that. This IS Viet Nam all over again, and people are realizing it. Cindy Sheehan neds to appear at her next protest meeting under a "Mission Accomplished" banner. She is garnering sympathy for the end the war movement.

Coming off her crying in dailykos about not getting enough media time because too much attention was being given to the victims of Katrina and Rita, she is no longer smelling like a rose to her former fans.
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