god loves man, loves man not god.

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2005 10:53 am
Frank, you wrote:

"Whether or not it is a lost cause is problematic. I have had an inordinate amount of success in getting others to adopt the agnostic position. "

My question is this. If someone is happy, content, and living a good life in their beliefs, why do you feel it is okay for you to try to get them to change their views but it does not appear (to me) that it is okay for believers to try to do the same?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2005 11:04 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Frank, you wrote:

"Whether or not it is a lost cause is problematic. I have had an inordinate amount of success in getting others to adopt the agnostic position. "

My question is this. If someone is happy, content, and living a good life in their beliefs, why do you feel it is okay for you to try to get them to change their views but it does not appear (to me) that it is okay for believers to try to do the same?

MA...I am one of the folks around here who almost never (perhaps NEVER) has expessed the slightest amount of concern with religious folks trying to convert me to their religion...or to their "beliefs."

Fact is, I do not understand how anyone can feel things as deeply as some of you folks do...and not try to proselytize.

As for the suggestion that somehow I am against "believers" trying to get me to change my views...

...well, not only am I not against it...

...I encourage it with every fiber of my body.

I want religious people to try to move me over (to the dark side Twisted Evil )...so that I can point out the issues I have with their arguments.

I have on several occasions mentioned that I love you folks. From some of the responses I get when I do...I suspect many, perhaps most, think I am being facetious...patronizing...or am just lying. I am not.

My mother, my brother, several of my cousins and aunts are all religious people...deeply religious and I love them. I love you guys too.

Don't think I think it is wrong for you to effort as your are. I encourage you to continue doing so...and if I could, I'd like to encourage you to bring friends.

Whenever you try to influence legislation in this country based on these superstitions, however....I will fight you with everything I have.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2005 11:10 am

It may have taken me awhile to believe that you really meant that I love you guys statement, but I do.

I understand about the rest and have no problem with that. I just needed clarification.

Well, it's starting to get pretty windy here. Guess Rita is starting to make her presence felt.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2005 11:10 am
Frank Apisa wrote:

MA said "Christ, as the Son of God, had authority over everyone on earth. Had He chosen not to be crucified, He could have stopped it at any time."

I am of the opinion that this is a guess MA is making...based in large part on another guess she is making....that the Bible speaks the truth.

So I am really not out of line.

Ah, well in that context then I can understand. I was failing to see the point of arguing something in a religion that is written down in the main knowledge source of said religion.

If you're actually questioning the truthfullness of the religion itself then it makes perfect sense.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2005 05:49 am
And I don't understand why you would take pleasure in being arrogant?

Because the arrogance of humbleness is the most repelling arrogances of all. It is to acknowledge that you do not know, then look down on everyone who claims they do. I am not accusing anyone here. I just prefer to be honest. Smile

What I don't understand is why Christians feel the need to soak their spiritual quest in thousands of years of bloodshed, crusades, powerstruggle and misinterpeted symbols. Why make millennia of enemies and crimes your own?

I am pressed for time right now, so a more elaborate response will have to come later.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2005 06:09 am
Cyracuz wrote:
And I don't understand why you would take pleasure in being arrogant?

Because the arrogance of humbleness is the most repelling arrogances of all. It is to acknowledge that you do not know, then look down on everyone who claims they do. I am not accusing anyone here. I just prefer to be honest. Smile

Ah...while I do not know for sure...my guess is that if you were truly being honest, you would not have written "I am not accusing anyone here."

But then again...maybe you were not being honest when you said you prefer to be honest.

What I don't understand is why Christians feel the need to soak their spiritual quest in thousands of years of bloodshed, crusades, powerstruggle and misinterpeted symbols. Why make millennia of enemies and crimes your own?

I am pressed for time right now, so a more elaborate response will have to come later.

No problem. I can certainly wait.

I must note, however, that the word "more" was not especially needed in that last sentence.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2005 10:04 am
[BCyracuz Wrote:[/B]

Because the arrogance of humbleness is the most repelling arrogances of all. It is to acknowledge that you do not know, then look down on everyone who claims they do. I am not accusing anyone here. I just prefer to be honest.

What I don't understand is why Christians feel the need to soak their spiritual quest in thousands of years of bloodshed, crusades, powerstruggle and misinterpeted symbols. Why make millennia of enemies and crimes your own?

I am pressed for time right now, so a more elaborate response will have to come later.

If humbleness is sincere, is it arrogant? Who decides the sincerity of someone's humbleness? If a Christian were to say "I don't know" when they believe they do, that is a lie. The Bible tells us what God thinks of what He calls lukewarm Christians. Christianity is not a matter of knowing by the scientific proof so many seem to want. Christianity is based on faith. We are given enough proof (as far as I am concerned) by what the Bible says, by the presence of God in our lives, etc.

And, if you choose to pick out just the crimes and enemies in the Bible, then you are missing a very important part of the picture here.


LMBO! You are such a hoot! I am still laughing, and I sure needed one! My roof is being blown off shingle by shingle right now. All the beautiful trees in my yard are being stripped of their bark, leaves, and branches. I will probably lose power soon. There is a large tree branch hanging over an electrical line that runs from the road to my house. We are expecting 10-20 inches of rain in the next five days. I got all but two feral cats in and made them a shelter so we are all safe.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 01:04 pm
Hehe... I said I prefer to be honest. I didn't say I know how always.

Cyracuz, I am sorry you believe John 3:16 is a myth. Again, you are asking that God or Christ would prove who He is.

I am just sceptical as to how literally this is understood after so many years of manipulation by man. I believe in christ, that he was a man, and spiritual leader. What draws me is his humanity, not his divinity. I don't care about that stuff.

What you know is that nothing that is possible to do is in defiance with God's will? God's verdict on all humans is equal? To God, a human and amoeba are equally puny or equally great? It sounds pretty much to me that you are saying you KNOW the mind of God. And, you also seem to be saying that it is okay to do anything? Does this mean there is no sin in your eyes?

Yes, it is ok to do anything as far as god is concerned, allthough you must remember than everything costs something. I definetly do not believe that there is a supreme judge waiting to put me in hell or heaven. We humans have a way of devising our own undoing, entirely. This happens through causality, and this "force" is active within us as well as in our environment. We're even a product of it.

And sin? If there were no cops or judges, would it be a crime to steal from my neigbor, or to kill him?

And, finally Cyracuz, if you make the statement ......which is the case with most religious people, are you not stating then that you know more of the mind of God than they do because you have decided they are wrong?

Not more. Less, in that I am deprived of the dogmatic notion of god. No matter how we twist it about, the entire christian belief system of the modern world is an echo of an outdated political model designed to rein in scared people.

You may feel Jesus isn't there anymore but He is.

No, he is dead. But his words linger, as do the tones of beethoven, both a source of immense comfort and inspiration.

Frankly I find the idea that he died for my sins a bit offensive. Will I not get to die for them? My guess is yes, very much. If so, then what's the point of jesus dying for them? It didn't save me anything.

The wisdom of Christ is timeless. But, let me ask you something. If, you find His teachings so full of wisdom, why then do you choose to disregard so much of it (according to what is written in the Bible?). I have been accused of disregarding or discarding a lot of the Bible. What makes us different in this respect then?

I do not disregard wisdom, just the words it comes in. And I do disregard any second or third hand interpetation. You can go to the church to find spiritualism, but there are so many advertisers there that it's hard to find the actual product.

But what makes us different? Don't know. A heck of a lot less than makes us similar I'll bet.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 10:11 pm
Cyracuz Wrote:

I am just sceptical as to how literally this is understood after so many years of manipulation by man. I believe in christ, that he was a man, and spiritual leader. What draws me is his humanity, not his divinity. I don't care about that stuff.

I don't know much plainer that particular scripture can be. The Bible says He was and is the Son of God. Why do you stop at his humanity? I am very curious about that.

Cyracuz Wrote:

Yes, it is ok to do anything as far as god is concerned, allthough you must remember than everything costs something. I definetly do not believe that there is a supreme judge waiting to put me in hell or heaven. We humans have a way of devising our own undoing, entirely. This happens through causality, and this "force" is active within us as well as in our environment. We're even a product of it.

And sin? If there were no cops or judges, would it be a crime to steal from my neigbor, or to kill him?

Well, if it were okay to do anything as far god is concerned then why would there be a cost?

If there were no cops or judges? Well, I would kind of think that the crimes came first and made a need for cops and judges. Or is it we need cops and judges because there might be crime? Hmmm, chicken or the egg? I don't understand you on this one. But I do know this, no, it is not ok to do anything you want as far as God is concerned. The Bible makes that pretty clear.

Cyracuz Wrote:

Not more. Less, in that I am deprived of the dogmatic notion of god. No matter how we twist it about, the entire christian belief system of the modern world is an echo of an outdated political model designed to rein in scared people.

Wow, you are pretty enlightened here. The entire Christian belief system? Rein in scared people? You know the entire Christian belief system? You know all these people are scared? And outdated political model? Uh, excuse me, but since when does God become outdated? Since when is doing right instead of wrong outdated?

Cyracuz Wrote:

No, he is dead. But his words linger, as do the tones of beethoven, both a source of immense comfort and inspiration.

Frankly I find the idea that he died for my sins a bit offensive. Will I not get to die for them? My guess is yes, very much. If so, then what's the point of jesus dying for them? It didn't save me anything.

He's dead? You know this how? Because He lived a human life a long time ago and surely can't be alive today because He would be pretty up there in years? Immense comfort and inspiration? Well, I glady agree with that remark.

You find the fact that He died for your sins a bit offensive? Do you find it offensive American soldiers are dying to keep you free? Would you find it offensive if a friend stepped in front of a bullet for you? We all die physical deaths. He died so you would not have to die spiritually. He died so that man could find eternal life with God. That, is not offensive. That is how much Jesus loves us and how much God the Father loves us.

Cyracuz Wrote:

I do not disregard wisdom, just the words it comes in. And I do disregard any second or third hand interpetation. You can go to the church to find spiritualism, but there are so many advertisers there that it's hard to find the actual product.

But what makes us different? Don't know. A heck of a lot less than makes us similar I'll bet.

You disregard the words it comes in. Isn't that like shooting the messenger? God-breathed and God-inspired means coming from God, I hardly find that second or third hand interpretation. You are to listen to your heart for what God wants for you. You will know which advertiser to buy from.

Similar? Different? Yes, we all are in so many ways. But, we have free will to choose.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 03:14 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Cyracuz Wrote:

I am just sceptical as to how literally this is understood after so many years of manipulation by man. I believe in christ, that he was a man, and spiritual leader. What draws me is his humanity, not his divinity. I don't care about that stuff.

I don't know much plainer that particular scripture can be. The Bible says He was and is the Son of God. Why do you stop at his humanity? I am very curious about that.

The Bible makes that pretty clear.

But when I say these things to you, MA...you find so many ways to disregard what the Bible says.

Perhaps Cyracuz is helping you see the light! Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 05:54 am
Momma angel wrote:
He's dead? You know this how?

Simple, by the fact that christianity celebrates that he was killed. Another thing is that his divinity wasn't decided until several hundred years after, then by people who had something to gain from it. Thus christianity in it's present form was born from political ambition. That is one reason why I'm not much interested in the divinity of jesus. His humanity forbids him to be any more divine than any human can potentially become. Otherwise, him dying for our sins would be equal to god revoking free will. When the gods walk the paths for us it is not a journey in freedom.

Well, if it were okay to do anything as far god is concerned then why would there be a cost?

Hehe... God doesn't care because god gets paid either way. It's in a win win situation, with a spoon in every bowl, so to speak.

You find the fact that He died for your sins a bit offensive? Do you find it offensive American soldiers are dying to keep you free?

Yes. Soldiers are not dying to keep me free. They are not keeping anyone free with their dying.

A friend that would take a bullet for me... There is always the issue of his own reason for doing it. But I wouldn't willingly or knowingly trade a friend's life for my own.

What is it to die spiritually? Does this mean that before jesus walked the earth all of us were doomed at birth?

You disregard the words it comes in. Isn't that like shooting the messenger?

No, it's like eating the grape, savoring the flavor and discarding the stones. Isn't the experience of eating worth more than food itself?

Similar? Different? Yes, we all are in so many ways. But, we have free will to choose.

Yes, we have free will. But how does that go along with divine creatures leading us by the nose? Jesus told us how to free our spirits, he didn't free them for us.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 01:49 am
youse are missing the point.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Jesus was pure. He had never sinned. When we sin, we become painfull to God like fire is to us. We need something to pay for what we had done and Jesus did that.

"On the cross, Jesus supposedly asked: Why hast thou forsaken me?

What do you suppose that was about?"

Jesus said, "why have you forsaken me" because the sin had blinded him. In his sinnfullnes, God had appeared to forsaken him.

"celebrate his demise like a conquering victor."

It isn't the demise of Jesus that we celebrate, its the demise of Death and Satan and sin. We can go to heaven and have a good life . WE can be with God.

"The World presumably means mankind. How does making a human sacrifice demostrate love of mankind? It would only be outstandingly impressive if Jesus had firmly established himself as the Son of God."

Jesus has established himself as the Son of God. In the Lords house. He died, went to hell, beat death and went up into heaven to sit at the right hand side of his Father, God. Jesus did so much more than what we can see. Everything that Jesus did be being sacrificed and riseing up was to save us from something that will happen when we die. Since that will only happen once and you wont be able to write about it, you can't know what it is like, what a significance it is that Jesus died until you get there. That is why it is called faith.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 03:21 am
Boephe wrote:
youse are missing the point.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Jesus was pure. He had never sinned. When we sin, we become painfull to God like fire is to us. We need something to pay for what we had done and Jesus did that.

"On the cross, Jesus supposedly asked: Why hast thou forsaken me?

What do you suppose that was about?"

Jesus said, "why have you forsaken me" because the sin had blinded him. In his sinnfullnes, God had appeared to forsaken him.

"celebrate his demise like a conquering victor."

It isn't the demise of Jesus that we celebrate, its the demise of Death and Satan and sin. We can go to heaven and have a good life . WE can be with God.

"The World presumably means mankind. How does making a human sacrifice demostrate love of mankind? It would only be outstandingly impressive if Jesus had firmly established himself as the Son of God."

Jesus has established himself as the Son of God. In the Lords house. He died, went to hell, beat death and went up into heaven to sit at the right hand side of his Father, God. Jesus did so much more than what we can see. Everything that Jesus did be being sacrificed and riseing up was to save us from something that will happen when we die. Since that will only happen once and you wont be able to write about it, you can't know what it is like, what a significance it is that Jesus died until you get there. That is why it is called faith.

Well...the main reason why it is called "faith" is because people who exhibit it do not want to call it what it actually is...stone-headedness.

They make a guess about the nature of REALITY...a guess pulled out of thin air...and then insist that the guess IS the REALITY. The they call this stone-headedness "faith."
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 03:23 am
The entire notion of "Jesus dying for our sins"...is simply more of what has gone on since humans first decided to be superstitious about the unknown.

It is sucking up to the gods.

It makes no real sense.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 06:53 am
Well, Frank, I do not think humans ever decided to be superstitious about the unknown any more than a chicken decided to be born inside an egg. And this is an apt metaphor, because if humans cannot break out of the broken egg that is superstition they will drown in the yolk that was intended to keep them alive, like the chicken if he cannot crack it's egg.

Boephe wrote:
Jesus was pure. He had never sinned. When we sin, we become painfull to God like fire is to us. We need something to pay for what we had done and Jesus did that.

Do you not hear yourself? Can you not see that this violates the notion of free will? To claim that a divine creature does anything for us is to say that humans are not free creatures.

Buddha, another enlightened soul, said that it is a sin to suffer pains on the behalf of others, because in so doing you take away their oportunity of spiritual advancement. This is not a matter of faith, this is undisputed fact. If I carry my brother wherever he wants to go he will never learn to walk on his own.

"The World presumably means mankind. How does making a human sacrifice demostrate love of mankind? It would only be outstandingly impressive if Jesus had firmly established himself as the Son of God."

To say that the world presumably means mankind is ignorant to the point of arrogance. The world means the world, and in this statement you reveal that you put no worth in anything that is not human.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 07:42 am
that second quote was mine not Beophes

The world in that particular context does indeed mean mankind. Jesus was sent to save man, not rocks. My point that you obviously did not understand was that if sacrifice of a 'son' meant much, that person would have to be the son of the father. I ask again how many times did Jesus claim to be the Son of God?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 07:56 am

Your explanation was right on point as far as I am concerned. You explained it very well.

I see you are new to A2K. Welcome! You will find that those on A2K that do not believe in Christianity can come across rather harshly at times; some more so than others, but just hang in there because there are those that are willing to carry on a civil discussion with you. I have found exchanging ideas with those willing to discuss very enlightening. I have gained some understanding of their views. I am not saying I agree with their views, but I can understand a bit better why they don't like Christianity.

There are many Christians on A2K also and I have learned so much from them!

So, welcome!


I don't know how many times in the Bible Christ said He was the Son of God. Are you asking someone to look it up for you and give you the answer?
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 09:49 am
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 09:53 am
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 09:53 am
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:

Is there a reason you cannot do this yourself?
0 Replies

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