Recently I read an article about Sophia Loren. When she starred with Cary Grant in 'Houseboat', Cary asked her to marry him. She didn't respond as she was confused. But she was after Carlo Ponti. There were real tears in Cary's eyes when she married Carlo.
I know Cary isn't with us any longer, but I'd do him before Paul.
No, Newman not the beatle, you remember Cool Hand Luke, Mercy!!!!
When I was a kid I mixed him up with Brando. They seemed very similar same with Rock Hudson and Stewart Granger.
talk72000 wrote:When I was a kid I mixed him up with Brando. They seemed very similar same with Rock Hudson and Stewart Granger.
Help!!!!!! Nick send me a message, I'll do you and it will be better than Sophia./
I would have to do both you AND Sophia to find wehich is better Glitter. Perhaps I'll start with you...!
Worst Actress Ever? Christie Brinkley.
Caught a glimpse of her in National Lampoon's Family Vacation. It was enough.
Granted, she does suck, but I think Brook Shields sucks pretty bad too.
Brooke Shields is an actress???
I came across these quotes and thought you might get a kick out them.
They are from "Zingers, Quips and one-Liners."
I play John Wayne in every picture regardless of the character.
( John Wayne)
{Advice on acting) Talk low, talk slow and don't talk too much.
(John Wayne)
I stick to simple themes. Love. Hate. No nuances. I stay away from
psychoanalysts couch scenes. Couches are good for one thing.
John Wayne
John Wayne could only play one character. I recall seeing him in a movie about the ancient Romans or something and John Wayne was dressed in a toga and sandals but he was still John Wayne! I thought I would laugh my ass off! I recall him saying "come tend to my wound mother", and I thought I would fall off the chair.
Am I too late to stick my two cents in?
I think Marilyn Monroe was a terrible actress. All mannerism, no depth.
BTW, I have dibs on Paul Newman.
Roberta wrote:Am I too late to stick my two cents in?
I think Marilyn Monroe was a terrible actress. All mannerism, no depth.
BTW, I have dibs on Paul Newman.
I don't think Marilyn Monroe was an actress at all. She did make an effort, I think, but in the final analysis what came across on the screen was not acting at all (in any meaningful sense of the word) but a 'presence', for lack of a better expression, a sensual aura of pure femaleness. She didn't act. She just
Arnold Schwartlzenneger is the worst actor in history. Like Marilyn, he is.
Andy, I thought her screen presence was more a caricature of a female than an actual credible human being. This applied to any and every part she played. I thought the caricature worked wonderfully well in Some Like It Hot. Otherwise, fuggedaboudit.
As for terrible actors, my vote goes to Steven Seagal.
Roberta, after directing her in Some Like it Hot, Billy Wilder had been quoted as saying privately that he never wanted to work with "that woman" again. She had been a nightmare to manage -- late for shoots, temperamental, sulky etc. etc. Yet, just a couple of years later, when it came time to cast for The Seven Year Itch Wilder sighed and confessed he had to have Monroe. Nobody else could carry off the role like Monroe. John Houston said something similar in explaining why he was willing to put up with her tantrums on the set of The Misfits. In spite of complaints from co-star Clark Gable, Houston opined that there wasn't another star (I don't use the word 'actress') who could possibly carry off the role. (Streep hadn't yet made her mark in Hollywood.) There was something so sensual and at the same time really innocent in her delivery. That's what she was -- a child-woman, sexy and totally innocent at the same time.