Beautiful, osso. Just beautiful.
ossobuco wrote:Well, Kicky will get some succor..
Night, all..
That's right folks, she'll be appearing all week!
LionTamer got Osso to giggle!
I've never seen Osso giggle before.
This is the real thing!
nimh, will you go out on a date with me ?
littlek wrote:But, sheriouthly. I'm a girl <hic> who has rethently had a failed dating initiation.
Aww! It didnt work out with that perfect-sounding guy?
the prince wrote:nimh, will you go out on a date with me ?
He asked!
Sure, will you be in Budapest any time soon? Respectively, are you in Paris or London now? (I have to be choosing which report launches to go to, so I might be in Paris in November)
He accepted !!!!!!!!! <now I am not so sure - I refuse to join a club which will have me as a member

Budapest, no plans right now. Paris - I avoid going to Paris as much as possible, although a trip is due very soon (I still havent met my french technology team which is not good)
How abt Hong Kong ?
Ha! No, I dont get round much outside Europe ... ;-)
We have a launch coming up in London too, I suppose I could go there ... but I'm not so interested in the topic. There'll be a different launch in London I'd like to go to though, but that one I dont know yet when it'll be.
i will be repectfully joining the crowd in the corner.
i guess no one is into hair lasering...sniff...
well, I guess I'm just too much woman for anyone to handle.
I don't care anyway.
Quote:WHICH nipple?
I have eight.
3rd down on the left'll do, you wascawee wabbit you...
~~~>Chugs back her cough syrup, it has alcohol in
"Still sitting in the corner"
~Sniff, Sniff.....cough cough, ya'll don't worry about me, I have a cold...I'm not crying!
Hey, makemeshiver, I stopped at your house last night to pick you up for our date. Your husband answered the door, beer in hand, and looked at me menacingly. He growled, "What the hell do you want, old timer?"
I held up the bouquet of flowers I had brought for you and said, "I'm here to pick up makemeshiver. We have a date."
His cigar dropped out of his mouth and he said, "What the f_!"
Then he turned around and looked at you. I could see you typing away on your keyboard.
The door slammed in my face and much shouting ensued.
What happened? Everything ok now?
Damn Hillbillies!
He just don't understand that I need a nightlife...
I'm soooo sorry Gus, I was ready, but they turned him loose from the hospital too soon for me to sneak out.
WE'll try again real soon, I think I hear him snoring now....
I'll flicker the front porch light twice, you keep the motor running.
don't know if that's not against TOS, rabbit. Isn't this schematic porn? you should be ashamed of yourself.
oh!!! where's crazie my sweat heart