Bush asks for divine intervention to aid New Orleans

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2005 10:56 pm
RichNDanaPoint wrote:
Well if it was for Southern Decadence Katrina never would of hit New Orleans lol. I hear Bush and Pat Robertson are praying for a hurricane to hit San Francisco, they have already named her "Miss Thing"

Just got home. Three-quarter moon over the Bay and fireworks going off, and it's Wednesday night in San Francisco.

God? She must be a liberal and gay.
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Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 12:32 am
yeah, cjhsa. I won't even speculate what those initials stand for......I bet you've been to Canada, the touristy places all Yanks go to. So, now you're an expert! Good for you. Still can't name our provinces/territories?
I would take OUR health care anyday over the HMO's in the States, having had the pleasure dealing with them before. Had to wait 2 weeks to see a doc in the States and I had a fracture. You call that good health? I can compare both countries health care systems, having lived in both places, and the U.S. comes up short. At least my old age pension won't go for medical care. As far as firearms, mostly all Canucks have firepower, who want it, and they don't tell the government, either. It's voluntary. There aren't Homeland Sec. Gestapo dudes who raid the house, but then we don't have a violent society like the states have. Why is that, do you think?
Yes, we could cut off the hydro to the States and you'd freeze off your patookas. Remember: we have the water. You don't.
I'm not going to enter into any more arguments with you about Canada. It's a country that does not need defending. Your comments about Euro trash are interesting. Where did your ancestors come from? Mars?
Still detect jealousy in your reply, also fear and ignorance about a huge country you Yanks know nothing about. Keep perpetrating stupidity; it's what got you into Iraq, after all.
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Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 12:47 am
Bush asks for divine intervention? I hope his special angel, Satan, is listening. He seems to have done him lots of favours in the past. Faustian deals.....Bush is a fanatic schizoid who uses religion for his own purposes. He's as crooked as a dog's hindleg. And dangerous. Hitler called on God too.

God, in my view, doesn't go for killing, but Bush does. He calls it war on terror -an oxymoron! Anyone who reads knows it is war for OIL. I think even most Yanks are slowly figuring that out. Also how come America sells more weapons to developing countries than any other? Then, they accuse them of having WMD's so they can invade and put their puppet gov'ts in place. It's all very transparent to anyone outside of the U.S., but then we hear news reports that are censored in your country of 'free speech'. Divine intervention, indeed! Maybe 2 major hurricanes is God's answer? Is He/She pissed at America?
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