The reason I don't want to continue with this discussion with you is because it is not a discussion. It is you telling me I am wrong and I still haven't the foggiest idea of what you actually believe. Yes, you quote scripture. I can do the same. But, what Bible are you quoting from? You have yet to mention John 3:16 or respond to the fact that Christ said, No one gets to the Father, save through me. I am the truth, the way, and the life.
And honey, in everyone's life, there is something they do that contradicts the Bible. We are not perfect. We all sin. God knows that. Why do you think He provided us grace and salvation?
Until you start having a discussion with me instead of just telling me that I am not a Christian (which is in essence, what I feel you are doing) I am not going to answer you after this. And, if you will look at my previous post, it will say the Bible does not support the word "trinity", just the concept.
I have tried and tried to fully explain what I feel and believe. What I get from you is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. You don't answer my questions directly. Why is that? Are you ashamed of what you believe? I'm not. I told you EXACTLY what I believe you have to believe to get to heaven. I will take it even one step father, if I had to put a denomination to my faith, it would be Baptist. Now, can you answer these questions for me:
1. If you had to put a name to your faith (i.e., Jehovah's Witness, Buddhist, Baptist, etc.) what would it be?
And I have commented on your 1 plus 1 equals 3. You just don't accept it. And that's fine, you don't have to.
Again, it is not what you believe that offends me. What offends me is that I try so hard to get non-believers to understand that not all Christians are alike and try to force our beliefs down their throats. But, Rex, that is exactly what you are trying to do to me. This is only causing more diversion. A discussion is fine, even welcomed. But, if you cannot stop from flat out telling me I am an idolator, practice demagoguery, I don't know the real "word", etc., I am going to have to stop. We, as Christians, are supposed to plant the seed. You can't force anyone to believe anything. The harder you try to force someone to believe something, the harder they will stand on their non-belief.
So, if you really wish to have a discussion, please answer my questions and we can go from there. If you choose not to answer my questions, then I will not continue in this vein with you further.
2. What version of the Bible are you quoting from (i.e., King James, NIV, etc.)
3. EXACTLY what do you believe you have to believe or do to receive salvation?
If you will answer these questions then I will gladly carry on a discussion with you. You keep coming out of left field with answers that do nothing but confuse me even more.
Rex Reed Wrote:
Quote:Frank, you know I have been waiting for this trinity discussion...
I had to come back and address this. It's been bugging me since I read it earlier. I am a bit puzzled here, Rex. You seek to gain the favor of a self-professed agnostic? Frank, no offense meant to you. I'm just perplexed by why a professed Christian would seek approval or favor of someone who admits to not even knowing if God exists and who has repeatedly pointed out in these threads that he feels the God of the Bible to be barbaric, idiotic, a scumbag, and a cartoon God. Perplexed to no end. I think this speaks for itself, Rex.