Thu 3 Apr, 2003 10:49 am
With the encouragement from pueo, I have decided to start on the plans for the A2K Three Continent Gathering. It is my fervent hope that we can choose San Francisco as our venue, because it offers so much in the way of sights, sounds, experiences, and good food - including the wine country of Napa/Sonoma. Besides, who wouldn't want our group picture taken with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background?
The first order of business is to select some dates that will attract the most number of participants from all across the globe.
Okay, A2Kers, who's willing to be part of the planning group? We want to make this the Most Successful A2K Gathering, and I can't do it alone.
We would love to c.i. So many factors affecting decision. If its to take place soon then we would not be able to fit it in but if some way off then there may be a possibility. The chances of us coming are pretty slim so we feel it would be unreasonable to influence arrangements.
Therefore we shall watch this space with interest and hope that we can be part of the Three Continent Gathering when it is finally arranged
FionaB, I doubt very much we are looking for a date in the immediate future. Too many A2K Gatherings have been planned for this time of year. I'm sure we're looking for something about 12 months hence, but I'm open to the majority rules by the numbers. Let's say for now, we're planning for something in April 2004. That'll provide a base from which to work from. c.i.
2004 is do-able for me. i need to get out that way in any case to visit my mom, brothers and sisters in the monterey/salinas area.
I must find a conference somewhat related to what i do and then find some foundation that will pay for my tix and accommodation, but if i can count on april, i'll get to work! would love to see san fran again!
margo, Maybe we can have two in 2004.

When? I would prolly not be able to manage so soon - but San Francisco would be great.....hmmmm ...conferences and such...
dlowan - u can fly to London first and then we will go together to SF !
Money is farther away!!!!! But I be very flattered....
Would u like to fly with a monk or an owl ?? take yr pick !
gautams a banker, perhaps he can arrange a loan?
The only debt I arrange these days are debts of gratitude towards the almighty
the almighty is asking for payment. what should i do?
Collect all yr change and offer it to him. And remember change comes from within !