very doubtful - but innerested
dlowan, It starts with interest, then progresses to maybe, then "I'm going!" Will wait for the good news.

Hi pueo, I'm sure you won't forget, but I'm treating ya to a great dinner and suds. c.i.
Ooops, since this is an echo, I'll change it to, "COME ON A2Kers, LET'S SEE SOME MORE OF YOU PLANNING TO COME TO SAN FRANCISCO ON APRIL 1 TO 4, 2004." We've started the list, and we've got four in the first 24 hours. c.i.
Hey guys do you think I can come to the 3 Continent Gathering? I'd love to meet ya'll.
keta-mine, Love to have you. I'm putting you on my list. Look forward to meeting you.

Lord. Does that mean no magic spindles?
What is dlowan on? Can I have some!
c.i. We expressed an interest but just can't commit right now - sorry! But will keep watching this space.
fionb - oops can't spell my own name
FionaB, You know that you and McTag are always welcome to our neck of the woods, and I'd be more than happy to show you around Northern California as a threesome. You have my "real" name, address, and tele number, so call any time. c.i.
Just posting today to prevent it from dying on the vine.... c.i.
I might be interested in something like this but I'd have to go over for longer than 4 days, would anyone else be interested in a few extra days before/after? I could go and see a few other things as well
If you haven't already, take a look at the last few posts on The London A2K Meet. I've goofed. I got mixed up in more ways than one - wrong thread, wrong person!! I wasn't very well at the weekend and my proof reader was not doing his job properly. No, Mctag does NOT check my posts but may be I should get him to!! My thanks for your kind message are on that thread. I feel such a dope.
Dek, If you travel to San Francisco all the way from the UK, I will personally give you a one day private tour of Northern California. c.i.
FionaB, I've been peeking at the London Gathering forum off and on, so I got the message. No fret, no sweat.

BTW, I've noticed it's turned into a sports forum.

Gotta use my shovel again to bring this dang forum back to life.

Maximom and I are definite maybes.
roger, You responding to maxdadeo or are 'you' for sure?
maxdadeo, Got you listed as a "mabe" for now, but want to hear "for sure" later on.

I will come to the a2k SF meeting, but cannot get there until the 4th. This would be true for any month it is planned - our gallery openings are the first Saturday night of every month and we work like dogs the days before the opening and are exhausted the minute the last person walks out the door - which would be at 9pm on the evening of April 3rd. Depending on where we meet, I can fly in on Sunday a.m. (takes an hour) or drive (takes 4 1/2). As it is planned so far, I would arrive just as everybody else is leaving.
On the other hand, if that is Easter/Passover week, maybe some others would stay for the first part of the week, that is, say, the 5th through???