yes, yes, yes...........maybe
have to get closer
but it's on my calendar
Still interested, still can't get there until at least mid sunday after the first Saturday, whatever month. Past that, am willing to do all sorts of organizing to help host..but I would like to be there myself.
On the other hand if the few days before the first Sat are best for everybody else, then I will invite the stragglers up to see my Victorian seaport situated on the coast in redwood country. We have at least one great restaurant and b and b (plus many good ones), the great one having one of the best wine cellars in the country, high on the Wine Spectator list, gold medal high...that is at the 301, part of the Carter House B and B. Incredibly gorgeous country, 5 hours from Sf in ordinary traffic (including pit stop), up ever more beautiful highway, or a one hour flight to Eureka/Arcata airport. Depending on the number, people could stay at my house or in a more grand fashion. Trust me, we have serious trees not far from me. Gorgeous northern beaches. Tree sitting situations. Low employment. Small town atmosphere. Actually, I love it here, not least the light.
Well, that is for the stragglers. Hoping to meet you all in SF myself first.
Lola, Your 'maybe' made me very happy today.

Okay, my friend. Count me in ~ I'm looking at April 2 through 5 ~ I would hate to miss osso.
Will work on convincing Mom to go, too.
Last time I was in San Francisco was.....ummmm.....19 years ago.
Can we plan a trip to Sausalito? I loved that place 19 years ago.
Rae and Mom; Look forward to seeing you both! You should see the grin on my face! c.i.
Knowing that you're smiling will make the trip even more worthwhile!
So, what about Sausalito? Huh, huh, huh?
c.i., you've put some umph behind my maybe. As Rae said, your smile is motivating. I was sorry you didn't make it to Albuquerque. We'll make up for it next year. :-)
Come on, Miss Lola! Commit already!
Rae, Promise to take you and Mom to Sausalito; it's still a 'magical' place. c.i.
If no one has told you lately, c.i. ~ YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!!
Ditto to what Rae said above. And about commitment.........ummmm...............ok, I'll be there, come hell or high water........unless something drastic comes up. :-)
There are two threads talking about this...
this is the other one, it's under North America, Poll - San Francisco
I'll post this link there too.
We're running two forums on our A2K Three Continent Gathering in San Francisco for April 2004. The other forum is called, "San Francisco, California." We'll try to combine both into one; it's getting tiresome trying to keep up two separate forums for the same Gathering. c.i.
Should we just deep six this forum? c.i.
that sounds fine to me..........but if you will, please post the lind to the other one. Thanks
Nevermind.....I gotcha now. Thanks, Lola.
Please link us to the other thread on the three continent gathering thread..........thanks.............................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsleeping good night all