Rightwing Liars Falsely Claim 2,000 NO School Buses Sat Idle

old europe
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 12:24 pm
CoastalRat wrote:
It is important to get the numbers right. I never said anything to the contrary. At least I do not think so.

No, I don't think you said anything to the contrary. I'm glad Chrissee started this thread, though. Because obviously some wrong numbers are out there.

Now, we can all go ahead and argue with some better numbers at hand, maybe......
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 12:25 pm
Chrissee wrote:
It is important to get the numbers right. I never said anything to the contrary. At least I do not think so.

In reality, you said virtually nothing except that, in a perfect world, NO could have evacuated close to 100% of the population. The fact is that NO evacuated an UNPRECEDENTED 80% of its population.

Of course, as a bleeding heart liberal, I bemoan the fact that it was the poor, disabled, elderly and largely black population who were left behind. As a BLEEDING HEART LIBERAL, I am all for programs that help the poor, elderly and disabled. ARE YOU?

Chrissee, you like to insist that people quote you correctly, so please do the same for others. WHERE did I say that NO could have evacuated close to 100% of the population? WHERE?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 12:29 pm
i am not using the excuse that someone else did it so its ok. i think it was completely wrong for them to do it. i wasn't arguing it was ok, i was simply pointing out that right wing media are not the only ones lying here. Cnn in a video linked to in the bush's aftermath supporter's thread states that amtrack offered help and got turned away and Nagin clearly says he never got that call (in the russert interview).

don't get me wrong at all, what they did was completely wrong, and they shouldn't report something unless they have verified the facts. they lied, i agree. i was simply pointing out that left wing does as well.

i made my point in the wrong thread, i apologize.
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old europe
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 12:38 pm
dragon49 wrote:
i am not using the excuse that someone else did it so its ok. i think it was completely wrong for them to do it. i wasn't arguing it was ok, i was simply pointing out that right wing media are not the only ones lying here. Cnn in a video linked to in the bush's aftermath supporter's thread states that amtrack offered help and got turned away and Nagin clearly says he never got that call (in the russert interview).

don't get me wrong at all, what they did was completely wrong, and they shouldn't report something unless they have verified the facts. they lied, i agree. i was simply pointing out that left wing does as well.

i made my point in the wrong thread, i apologize.

Naaah, no worries. Basically, I agree with you. I think sloppy reporting is not tied to a certain political fraction.

It's just that I have seen the 2,000 buses number seen mentioned quite often recently (unlike the Amtrak thing, for example). I think it has been hyped, and the hype has been based on on misinformation. Everybody should react allergic to that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 12:38 pm
dragon49 wrote:
i was simply pointing out that left wing does as well.

You misspelled "attempting" to point out. You have not done so and you can't because it isn't so. There is NO "left-wing" equivalent of the Moonie Times, Faux News, Newsmuck.com or Whirlednetdaily.

You have politicians who lie and spin, you have left and right bloggers. WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE is news media on the left who purposely manufacture fiction as truth.
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old europe
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 12:42 pm
Chrissee wrote:
dragon49 wrote:
i was simply pointing out that left wing does as well.

You misspelled "attempting" to point out. You have not done so and you can't because it isn't so. There is NO "left-wing" equivalent of the Moonie Times, Faux News, Newsmuck.com or Whirlednetdaily.

You have politicians who lie and spin, you have left and right bloggers. WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE is news media on the left who purposely manufacture fiction as truth.

To be honest, I think there's waaaaay to much opinion in the left news media, too. Or maybe I'm just not used to opinion being presented as "news". But that'd be a topic of its own, I suppose.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 12:54 pm
I think the idea here is that the right used grossly exaggerated numbers to stir outrage thereby taking the focus of FEMA and juniors incompetence, which is a different issue than local or state government incompetence of which there was no doubt some as well.

It's the well used "George ate a bowl of **** but it's okay because someone else ate two" argument, but it's finally wearing thin with even his supporters.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 12:56 pm
Chrissee wrote:
here is a transcript from Tim Russert on MSNBC interviewing Nagin...if you read down Russert quotes the Houston Chronicle that said NO had 550 municipal buses and "hundreds more" school buses. Nagin doesn't dispute this fact, he just says they had no one to drive them. That doesn't constitute 2,000. However, if you read on, Russert reads something else that says that in July Nagin said, "you're on your own" to the poeple of NO because he didn't think the evac plan would work (ummm why didn't you write a better one?) and then Nagin dances around the question. My purpose in posting this is to show that all parties exaggerate the truth or dance around the answer to make their case sound better. Right wingers are not alone...

Can't you guys ever deal with truth? Media Matters exposes the outright lies of the right-wing/corporate media. To counter that you lamely cite a politician parsing words. (spinning) Apples and elephants.

Nice try though.

so you are arguing that spinning is not lying? its ok for a politician to say, i think we spent the money on the levees (code for either i have no idea because i didn't pay enough attention or that isn't what i really spent it on and i don't want anyone to know so i am doing a little CYA)? i don't blame him completely, and bush is not without fault here either. they all f'ed up.

however, i am dealing with the truth, they lied. i don't have an issue with that. way to go media matters for finding the truth! bad on hannity and colmes for repeating it. what i do have issue with is the question "can't you guys EVER tell the truth", the opening statement of this thread. which implies, right wing media always lies. i take issue with that.
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Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 01:02 pm
Chrissee wrote:
dragon49 wrote:
i was simply pointing out that left wing does as well.

You misspelled "attempting" to point out. You have not done so and you can't because it isn't so. There is NO "left-wing" equivalent of the Moonie Times, Faux News, Newsmuck.com or Whirlednetdaily.

You have politicians who lie and spin, you have left and right bloggers. WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE is news media on the left who purposely manufacture fiction as truth.

CNN was the first place i heard of the amtrack comments, then on msnbc with the interview. and nagin is calling them out right lies. i believe CNN to be a left leaning news source. do you not? so no left wing media has ever exaggerated the truth? are you really arguing that?

again, i am not arguing what they did was right. like OE there is all too much biased in ALL the news, it actually really irritates me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 01:03 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I think the idea here is that the right used grossly exaggerated numbers to stir outrage thereby taking the focus of FEMA and juniors incompetence, which is a different issue than local or state government incompetence of which there was no doubt some as well.

It's the well used "George ate a bowl of **** but it's okay because someone else ate two" argument, but it's finally wearing thin with even his supporters.

i don't think anyone could take the focus off FEMA's stupidity. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 01:10 pm
dragon49 wrote:
Chrissee wrote:
dragon49 wrote:
i was simply pointing out that left wing does as well.

You misspelled "attempting" to point out. You have not done so and you can't because it isn't so. There is NO "left-wing" equivalent of the Moonie Times, Faux News, Newsmuck.com or Whirlednetdaily.

You have politicians who lie and spin, you have left and right bloggers. WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE is news media on the left who purposely manufacture fiction as truth.

CNN was the first place i heard of the amtrack comments, then on msnbc with the interview. and nagin is calling them out right lies. i believe CNN to be a left leaning news source. do you not? so no left wing media has ever exaggerated the truth? are you really arguing that?

again, i am not arguing what they did was right. like OE there is all too much biased in ALL the news, it actually really irritates me.

If you believe CNN is left-leaning, you need to crawl out from underneath that rock, friend. By and large, real news organizations try to report the facts, some try to senasationalize it, others, all right-wing, just outright make it up.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 01:22 pm
Chrissee wrote:
If you believe CNN is left-leaning, you need to crawl out from underneath that rock, friend. By and large, real news organizations try to report the facts, some try to senasationalize it, others, all right-wing, just outright make it up.

i would say they all try to sensationalize it. and again chrissee, i am not saying what they did was right or trying to rationalize it. it was outright wrong to say 2,000 buses when it was 700. however, they didn't fabricate the fact that there were buses there that did not get used for whatever reason, which is for another time and place to debate.

and you might get lucky, ophelia may wash away said rock i am living under...
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 01:24 pm
dragon49 wrote:
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I think the idea here is that the right used grossly exaggerated numbers to stir outrage thereby taking the focus of FEMA and juniors incompetence, which is a different issue than local or state government incompetence of which there was no doubt some as well.

It's the well used "George ate a bowl of **** but it's okay because someone else ate two" argument, but it's finally wearing thin with even his supporters.

i don't think anyone could take the focus off FEMA's stupidity. Wink

but they could be stupid enough to think they could Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 01:25 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
dragon49 wrote:
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I think the idea here is that the right used grossly exaggerated numbers to stir outrage thereby taking the focus of FEMA and juniors incompetence, which is a different issue than local or state government incompetence of which there was no doubt some as well.

It's the well used "George ate a bowl of **** but it's okay because someone else ate two" argument, but it's finally wearing thin with even his supporters.

i don't think anyone could take the focus off FEMA's stupidity. Wink

but they could be stupid enough to think they could Laughing

Laughing they'd be wrong... Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 01:35 pm
Dragon49 wrote:
i believe CNN to be a left leaning news source. do you not?

No, I do not believe CNN is a left leaning news source at all.

What I do believe, for I have witnessed it for decades, is that the right wing will scream that any news organization that does not accept it's preferred version of events all the time is left leaning.

It goes as least as far back as VietNam, with Spiro Agnew leading the charge.

Today, the right wing has 24 hour a day talk radio, right wing blogs, the Washington Times, (owned by Sun Myung Moon). and Fox News. It constitutes an entire industry. At this point, their main goal is to holler that all the other news media, (which they brand "the MSM"), is so biased that the only place anyone can turn to get the real story is the right wing media.

That's their game.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 01:42 pm
D49, you think the Wall Street Journal, for instance, tries to sensationalize the news?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 01:49 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
Dragon49 wrote:
i believe CNN to be a left leaning news source. do you not?

No, I do not believe CNN is a left leaning news source at all.

What I do believe, for I have witnessed it for decades, is that the right wing will scream that any news organization that does not accept it's preferred version of events all the time is left leaning.

It goes as least as far back as VietNam, with Spiro Agnew leading the charge.

Today, the right wing has 24 hour a day talk radio, right wing blogs, the Washington Times, (owned by Sun Myung Moon). and Fox News. It constitutes an entire industry. At this point, their main goal is to holler that all the other news media, (which they brand "the MSM"), is so biased that the only place anyone can turn to get the story is the right wing media.

That's their game.

so you would say CNN is ... reporting purely news? i definitely wouldn't call it right leaning, and they were the first ones i heard report the whole amtrack thing which nagin is saying is not true.

regardless, i agree with OE on this subject, most news media outlets regardless of political leaning like to report their opinion as fact. and they all try to sensationalize their own story. i said before watching any news channel irritates me because i don't feel like we get the facts, we get the opinionated facts or in your words "preferred version of the facts" which stinks. each reporter you see has their own opinion and they swing the story how they want, i don't like it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 01:56 pm
Chrissee wrote:
D49, you think the Wall Street Journal, for instance, tries to sensationalize the news?

yup, i do.

here's the definition i found for sensationalize: To cast and present in a manner intended to arouse strong interest, especially through inclusion of exaggerated or lurid details

when i read the article on Carly Fiorina getting replaced at HPQ, they sure did make her out to be a loser (if she is or isn't is not the point, they cast a certain light on her to arouse strong interest).
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 09:21 pm
dragon49 wrote:
Chrissee wrote:
D49, you think the Wall Street Journal, for instance, tries to sensationalize the news?

yup, i do.

here's the definition i found for sensationalize: To cast and present in a manner intended to arouse strong interest, especially through inclusion of exaggerated or lurid details

when i read the article on Carly Fiorina getting replaced at HPQ, they sure did make her out to be a loser (if she is or isn't is not the point, they cast a certain light on her to arouse strong interest).

Oh please, you are grasping at straws. You present no evidence except a rather distorted POV.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2005 09:35 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
Dragon49 wrote:
i believe CNN to be a left leaning news source. do you not?

No, I do not believe CNN is a left leaning news source at all.

What I do believe, for I have witnessed it for decades, is that the right wing will scream that any news organization that does not accept it's preferred version of events all the time is left leaning.

It goes as least as far back as VietNam, with Spiro Agnew leading the charge.

"nattering nabobs of negativism" "effete snobs" Spiro Agnew? written by Pat Buchanan, right? Yes, they have been trying to sell us this for forty years. Keep lying enough and some epople will believe it but it will never be true.
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