First off, Thanks for joining in Blatham.
blatham wrote:We make a mistake, or at least are in grave danger of making a mistake, if we begin with the uninspected assumption that this period of time is just like any other period of time in American politics - that there is nothing much going on in the present which we haven't seen before and therefore anyone getting excited is merely falling prey to some personal or group hysteria.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't get worked up over something you feel strongly about. What I see as a major issue is how you react (you in a general sense not a specific person) once you do get worked up.
Once you reach the level of not talking about issues reasonably and result to petty snipes and witty comebacks, you lose credibility in the eyes of the opposition and merely blend in with the other people yelling equally loud. I think this happens for a couple of reasons.
One is the person is immediately put on the defensive due to a perceived attack on themselves. Two, if you are already worked up in a frenzy about something, you tend to stop listening as well. Instead of reading responses and giving a well thought out counter, it tends to drop to the level of "That is BS. I'm right you're wrong." The line is drawn and both sides firmly entrenched in their own ideology at that point.
To use a real life example, is your (now I am talking about you specifically) intrusion on the Bush Supporters thread. People have asked that those adding to the thread are either a.) a bush supporter or b.) remain civil in their discussions and bring something more to add than anti-bush rhetoric. They have repeatedly asked you and ci to desist from posting anti-bush articles there due to the fact that it doesn't fit in with either qualification. Why do you refuse to grant them their request? At this point you are merely taking up bandwidth and annoying the participants of the thread with absolutely no civil discussion going on at all. You are accomplishing nothing.
Now there are plenty of other threads for you to post whatever you want. Many of the participants on the supporters thread read many of the other threads as well. Why don't you just post on these threads, or open up your own, where they can come to you to discuss whatever it is you want to discuss?
I guess the point I am trying to make is that you can not force somebody to change their minds. Jamming information down their throats does not work and in fact probably has the opposite effect of merely strengthening their resolve. Unless, of course, your intent
is simply to annoy them.
blatham wrote:A related or similar assumption, which prudence ought to tell us is potentially delusional and dangerously so, is that the American system of governance is so robust and so near perfection that nothing can go seriously wrong. One can find numerous quotes from earlier periods and other great nations which were based on similar assumptions. And then, the **** hit the fan. Anatol Lieven's recent book on American Nationalism is a bright and sobering look at such assumptions
interview here
I don't think
anybody here finds American politics "robust and so near perfection that nothing can go seriously wrong." In fact I think most people here find American politics over-bloated and full of corruption.
blatham wrote:So two questions become the MSM markedly or profoundly or even measurably biased towards the Democratic party and to Democratic ideology? Alterman's book addresses exactly this question. For example, if the thesis of pervasive liberal bias in the MSM were true, then one could predict, for example, that the preponderance of newspaper editorials would come out in support of Democratic presidential candidates. Yet over the last thirty years, the converse has actually been the case. If such a bias were so, then Democrat politicians would be relatively free from criticism and attack, and yet Alterman's research on how, for example, Clinton's presidency was covered shows that assumption of bias which would let Democrats off the hook to be false. There's much else in the book, carefully researched and richly cited, and I can recommend few books more than this one.
I feel that getting all of your information from one side is dangerous, but this explosion of news outlets isn't all bad. For every rightwing whacko site out there there is a left wing whacko site. Everyone has a blog and everyone pushes what agenda they want pushed. But they are also digging deeper and finding out information way ahead of the MSM. I think it is really forcing the MSM to start doing a bit more research and dig a bit deeper before they actually go live with information.
blatham wrote:The second this alternate conservative media actually engaged in such a singular (and even covert) purpose. On this question, Brock's book is particularly valuable. All (or something very close to all) of the major examples of this new conservative media are originated by or funded by a small group of very wealthy extreme conservative activists. They've been busy at this task for three decades. They've been effective. Like Ailes at Fox, they aren't interested in educating the public, but rather in forwarding what is truly a form of propaganda.
Of course, such a media machine is less dangerous when the party it supports is out of power. But when its favored party is in power, then it operates exactly as Goering's media machine, or Pravada in the USSR, or China's media a state propaganda organ.
The problem I have here is, it isn't just an alternative "conservative" media. There are plenty of liberal bloggers and liberal websites. For now, at least, the liberal media has put up Air America in response to conservative talk radio. Yes they have an agenda and yes they are pushing it with a purpose.
What do we do about it? We can't start regulating information that is broadcast. That is even more dangerous. We can't just start shutting down news sites. That also limits information and is equally dangerous. i think what we need is a population that actually cares. Right now the majority of the population doesn't give a damn. It is to much work to get both sides. It is to much work to get involved. It is to much work to actually care. So what do we do?