Sex addiction or just being played????

Reply Wed 11 Dec, 2024 08:12 am
I'm going to try and be delicate with this forum but I hope we all can be adults.

I'm a 55 year old male and I have a twin brother. For the past 10 years or so he has been doing some very questionable behavior but the more I try to talk to him about it the more he argues and curses me out. He's been divorced twice due to his infidelity. The 2nd wife and he worked together very hard to get their credit cleaned up so they could work through a program to have their house built from ground up. A year or more into them moving in his 2nd wife found out he was cheating and actually bringing women to their home and having sex with them on their bed. And it wasn't that he found a girlfriend, he was cheating with cheap escorts. Not the high class ones where you have to go through a screening process. These were the Craigslist, Backpage type of women who would hook up with you for like $60. He told me about it and I told him he needed to cool it. He then tells me that I don't have the right to tell him what to do with his money. He continued so they stopped paying the mortgage and was forced to sell the house and eventually divorced.

My brother had nowhere to go so he had to move back home with our parents on their sofa. He eventually got a settlement from the house of about $26k. Instead of banking the money or using it to find a new place he takes the bulk of it and goes and buys a used SUV. There was nothing wrong with his current SUV but he did that because the people at his church were all getting newer cars so he wanted one too.

Fast forward a few years and he finally finds himself and his son, from his 1st marriage finally find an apartment. Still seeing escorts he eventually finds himself back in the same boat. He was up for eviction and I found out that my mom and 2 of our sisters came together and gave him like $6k to get his rent caught back up. That was like Aug of one year. Come Jan of the next year my sister emails me saying that he was getting evicted that day and had to be out. They get evicted from that apartment because he was so far behind on his rent, again. My brother professes to having a high sex drive. I told him he was bordering on a sex addiction. Again he cursed me out. Finding himself homeless again he and his son ended up back at our parent's house back on their sofa and floor. My other brothers and sisters all told him he had 3 months to get his crap together and be back out of the parent's house. He keeps making one mistake after another and is using our parents as his soft landing pad. Mom doesn't want him and her grandson out on the street so she keeps letting him stay. What originally started out as a 3 month stay turned out to be a little more than 2 years. Late in the year 2022 his son, our nephew, committed suicide. Yes, very devastating for the family. He and his first wife couldn't even come together for a memorial service or funeral so they each had their own service with their sides of the family. They decided to have him cremated. My brother has a $15k life insurance policy on his son but the mom paid for the cremation so when the ashes were ready she picked up every drop of them and didn't give my brother not even one teaspoon of them. She took them to the other side of the state and scattered them from what we were told. So now my brother has all this insurance money to burn.
What did he do with it? I assure you that he didn't give my mom or either sister any of the money back he borrowed from them.

No, we find out a few months later that he is now dating a new girl. Again, we're both in our early to mid 50s at this point. We find out that this girl is pregnant and she doesn't know who the father could be. Why? Because she also is an escort and has sex with multiple guys for money. My brother thinking it's his baby start buying baby stuff and taking this girl out to eat and getting them hotel rooms to lay up in all the while still staying with our parents. Later in the year we have our parents a big birthday celebration and anniversary cookout since they were both born around the same time and their 65th wedding anniversary was also coming up. You have to imagine there were a lot of their older friends and our family there. My brother rolls up with this girl, who we find out is only about 22 or 23 years old. She gets out of his truck with tight booty cut shorts on, a very thin white shirt that looks like she bought it from the children's dept from Walmart which means the shirt was riding over her stomach to show everyone she was pregnant. And the fact that she didn't have on a bra. So her pregnancy nipples were on full display. My oldest sister, whose house we were at told her since it was Aug it would be too hot for her to be sitting outside in the heat so she told her to just sit inside. The reality is that she didn't want her sitting around the other adults looking like that. Anyway, once the baby was born and a DNA test was done it turns out not to be our brother's baby. His heart was crushed.

Here's what's going on with him now. For the past few months he and I have been talking and he is still messing with this girl on top of still seeing other escorts on the side. He likes variety and doesn't like eating the same meal at the same restaurant every night, as he so puts it. This girl is still escorting and he's still sleeping with her. Yes, he does now have a place of his own but they are no longer a couple. He'll tell me this is the best sex he's ever had because this girl lets him have sex with her however he wants. bare sex, anal, humiliation, facials, etc. You name it and she lets him do it so he is hooked on this girl. A while back when the insurance money dried up she stopped dealing with him but now that he has his own place she's starting to come around again. I keep telling him why does he keep dealing with this child who he knows sells herself to anyone with the right amount of money and he says even though they still have feelings for each other he doesn't see him wanting to date her again. But he'll still keep having sex with her. He then tells me yesterday that he was thinking about letting her move in with him . . . but they are not dating. A week or so ago he texts me to say that he was at work and she was still at his place in his bed sleeping. I asked him what would he do if he found out she was seeing clients out of his apartment. His reply was she can't because she doesn't know his address. This is how naive my brother is. How hard is it to find a piece of mail in his place to give her clients the address, walk outside to find the name of his complex or just ping them the location to her phone.

He told me that I don't understand because I have my wife to come home with plus I have my daughter and granddaughter to talk to and see. I told him my daughter and granddaughter don't live with us so I'm not seeing them as often as he thinks. He said this girl smokes a lot of weed and I told him why invite that into his place. My brother is not a weed smoker. He works in a doctor's office and holds a prominent position at his church so why would you want to go around anyone smelling like weed? He told me that this girl likes to be "slutted out" meaning she likes all kinds of sex and she loves it when she tells him she's about to have an orgasm and he tells her she can't yet so she holds it in. He will constantly send me pics of her naked on his bed because he just picked her up and the minute she walks in she gets naked and takes a nap. The other day he told me that she had posted a new ad and saw a few clients because her car is down and needs to be fixed. She's mad at my brother because she's having sex with him for free he should be more open to fixing her car. He wants to keep having sex with her but he's not willing to help her get her car fixed. It could be something as simple as a starter or it could be the transmission. She's not taken it to a shop to have it checked.

I asked him what they were, boyfriend and girlfriend, friends with benefits, or is he just one of her johns. He said they are not dating but they still have feelings for each other. I told my brother that he needs to grow up and start acting like an adult. This young girl is making him the laughing stock of the family. And not only is he having sex, unprotected, with her but he's also seeing several other girls. Remember, again, he likes variety so one girl isn't enough for him. He used that restaurant analogy on me a while back and I told him that going to the same restaurant each night wasn't a problem, but ordering the same meal every night is. You don't have to order the same chicken meal each night. Change it up. Order the fish one night. Get a steak a few nights later. Add a different topping on the chicken. You feel me. Having sex with one and only one person isn't the problem but you do have to do things different to spice it up a little.

So now he is mad at / with me because I'm telling him to leave this girl alone but he doesn't want to give up "the best sex he's ever had" in his life. Oh, and the other day he asked me if I ever looked at girls/women at my church and think about having sex with them. No, I'm married and my wife and I are a couple. He then tells me that there is a girl at his church who is the 19 year old daughter of a couple there he's friends with that he thinks is cute. He even sent me a pic of her he pulled from one of the parent's Facebook page. I honestly think he has an affection to the much younger girls. 19, 20, 21 years old. Does he think he can't find a woman closer to his age to date and possibly make a relationship with. Probably not because those women are probably not going to want to have sex 3 or 4 times a week and let him degrade them the way he does this girl he's involved with now. Most girls 45, 50 years old aren't probably into degrading sex where a guy finishes on their face and lets him take pics and videos of it or they aren't into the wild sex positions or constant anal sex. That's what this 23 year old girl lets him do to and with her. He honestly thinks that she is only letting him do it but for the right price one of her johns is probably doing it too.

How do you convince a grown ass person that their life choices are out of whack and that they need to grow up and stop acting like an 18 year old kid who just had his first experience with sex. Am I wrong here? Should I not try to talk some sense into him or should I just let him keep running his train off the track? Is this a sex addiction or does he just have blinders on? Some of the girls he is seeing he is dropping $100 on for 15 minutes of sex and he's told me he's seeing 2, 3 or 4 girls a week.

Help! Am I wrong here?
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Type: Question • Score: 3 • Views: 911 • Replies: 5

Reply Wed 11 Dec, 2024 05:02 pm
Never give him money.

That gal clearly sees him as an ATM and a crash pad and nothing more. He's living in a dream world because he thinks he's anything but that. She doesn't have feelings for him any more than you or I have feelings for a cash register.

It would not shock me one bit if he was infected with an STD or perhaps more than one. He's doing nothing to prevent infection and, if this gal does the bareback thing with other johns, then he is absolutely being exposed to something or other.

It's not just HIV that can kill him. Untreated syphilis can, too.

Quick q (IANAD): is this relatively new behavior? Or has he been like this all along? I ask because if it's newer behavior, maybe there's an actual cause to it, such as a head injury, drug addiction, or the like. Or early onset Alzheimer's, although I don't think that comes with an increased amount of risk taking. You'd have to ask an actual MD re that.

I am sorry about your nephew. That's awful. I hope the gal's child is being cared for properly, and that your brother's second wife's credit didn't take too bad a hit from his crap.

As for your brother, does the reason why he's doing this really matter, assuming it's not from some sort of medical condition that could be reversed? And even if it is, so what? Acting like an idiot because of tertiary syphilis or because he's just like that isn't much of a difference. Either way, he's acting like an idiot.

And allow me to repeat myself.

Never give him money.
Reply Wed 11 Dec, 2024 07:09 pm
Barry, Barry2021 & 4thtwin strikes again.
Reply Thu 12 Dec, 2024 05:30 am
I guess I just don't understand why someone of a certain age would be so clueless. Again when he and his 2nd wife decided not to pay the mortgage to their home and were forced to sell he had bought a bunch of new items for yardwork, a new lawnmower, weed eater, edger, etc. Instead of taking it with him or selling it to a neighbor our mom told us that he just set the items to the curb and let people just come take it. When he was evicted from his 2nd apartmetn he had put a lot of stuff in storage. Almost a house full of furniture, bedroom set, living room set, washer / dryer, etc. I guess the storage bill was too much for him. Instead of selling it, again, he just stopped paying the storage bill so they put a padlock on it and took it. Here's the thing, again he works for an eye doctor's office and this particular doctor schedules his surgeries for every Mon. They have several offices but this one in particular is closed on Monday. So instead of my brother just scheduling to work at another office on Mondays he just takes a long weekend. That means that every other weekend when he gets paid his check is short by 16 hours. But he is always short on funds. Our mom tells me all the time that he'll ask her for gas money to put in his truck.

But this is by far one of the worst things he has told me. My brother loves having raw sex with these girls and if a girl requires condoms he won't see them. One girl in particular he told me about said that she is not on birth control but will allow a guy to have raw sex with her but he has to pull out when he cums. He said that what he'll do is when they were doing carplay, basically he'll pick her up and they go drive somewhere either to a dead end road or behind a building in a dark corner. He said he'll have a condom hidden under the seat with a little bit of lotion in it so the girl he is with thinks he has on a condom but he said he will cum inside of her then when he pulls out he'll reach under the seat and show her he had one on. What he does is he'll cut a slit in the condom then put it on so she sees it but when they start having sex the condom slips up his penis so he can feel them unprotected.

I asked him what he's going to do if one of these girls gets pregnant and his mindset is that these girls have sex so much with so many different guys that if they do find themselves pregnant they probably won't know who the daddy is and it'll be hard to link it back to them. Now this particular girl he has had to his place, again, he's text me pictures of her on his bed.

One girl he has been dealing with a number of years is so cheap he can hit her up and have unprotected sex with her for $20. She apparently can't have kids because of repeated drug use. She's probably 25 or so herself. Either that or he'll buy her a bottle of her favorite $0 vodka or take her to a local smoke shop to buy some weed. Again, this is someone he can have sex with for $20. He got mad at this one a few years ago because he told me pretty much when he links up with her she just lays there till he's finished. No emotion at all. He said that he has offered her more money if she'll do anal or let him finish in her mouth or on her face and she constantly says no. I told him that not every girl wants to be humiliated like that or may be into that type of sex. She's good enough for a $20 lay but that's all.

And the minute he finishes with one girl he's already looking at the escort sites for his next one a night or two later. And again, some of these girls charge him $100 a pop. This is why he's always broke. He's probably barely paying his rent or keeping food in the cabinets.

Our dad use to love to work with wood and build things until his health started to decline. Down through the years as each sibling would have a grandchild he would build each one unique toybox. There were 6 grandkids between the siblings. When he was evicted from his 2nd apartment instead of taking his son's toybox with him he just left it behind simply because his son said he didn't want it and my brother didn't have the forethought to say to himself "dad built this with his hand and even though my son doesn't want it I'll keep it for sentimental value." Nope, he left it behind and the apartment complex just threw it in the dumpster. All the other siblings still have their kid's toy boxes and right now the youngest grandchild is in his 3rd year of college. There are just some things you don't get rid of.
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Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2024 11:27 am
Wonder why he thinks people here don’t know it’s him (Barry and 4thtwin) or think his and his family’s depraved story has any value to others? He’s Soooo judgemental, too!
Reply Tue 17 Dec, 2024 08:00 am
And exquisitely boring.
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