Sat 3 Sep, 2005 09:23 pm
Quote:Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Home
Sep 03 11:11 PM US/Eastern
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died Saturday evening at his home in suburban Virginia, said Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg.
A statement from the spokeswoman said he was surrounded by his three children when he died in Arlington.
"The Chief Justice battled thyroid cancer since being diagnosed last October and continued to perform his dues on the court until a precipitous decline in his health the last couple of days," she said.
Rehnquist was appointed to the Supreme Court as an associate justice in 1971 by President Nixon and took his seat on Jan. 7, 1982. He was elevated to chief justice by President Reagan in 1986.
Pat Robertson's prayers for God to kill off some more justices have been answered!
OK. Does the Chief get appointed...or what?
He went with his boots on. Didn't know very much about him.
I can't believe GWB gets to nominate another SCJ. Ugh!! what a year.
I can't believe GWB gets to nominate another SCJ. Ugh!! what a year.
That was worth saying twice, JB.
Squinneys another ilk!!!!
She must have joined the He Man's Woman Hatin' Elk's Lodge! Mmmm, Ilk's Lodge.
Betty Bowers® is a satirical newsletter/website Betty Bowers is a complete work of fiction. It is a satire/parody.
If we think there's a catfight going over Judge Roberts, just wait until our President nominates the next Chief Justice.
Judge Rehnquist was one of a kind and will go down in history as a great Chief Justice. He fought the good fight right up to the end. May he rest in peace.
Personally, I think it is a very good thing to have judges going on the high court who are committed to preserving the Constitution rather than rewriting it as has been the trend in the last decade or two.
Yeah, but Betty gets it right way too often.
(Thanks for noticing my new uniform, Lash. Like it?)
I laughed out loud when I heard the news, not because I'm insensitive to someone passing away but I immediately thought of Robertson's prayer. The religious wackos will see it as a sign from God instead of the natural death of a cancer ridden 80 year old man.
Chief can be named from among any of the justices sitting, right? I know he'll need to be replaced, but it may be a justice that has already been on the SC that gets the Chief position.
It cracked me up!!! I saw Setanta's thread about the Ilk's club...and it made me laugh because my daddy was an Ilk, and his daddy. Masons, too. We have all sorts of Brotherhoods of the Fraternal Order of Somekinda Animal Club.
They all have special hats and handshakes.
Does your club have hats and handshakes?
Robertson really put the Holy Hit on Renquist?
I hope they have hats. You'd look great in a tall pillbox with a fuschia feather...but I don't know about Setanta...
Foxfyre wrote:
Personally, I think it is a very good thing to have judges going on the high court who are committed to preserving the Constitution rather than rewriting it as has been the trend in the last decade or two.
These force-fed civics classes; it's apparent that they're a monumental waste of time.
It is speculated that the two front runners for Chief Justice will be Scalia or Thomas. We'll know the probable nominee when we see how much defamatory oratory emerges from certain sectors of Congress and the media.
That's not Brandon. Traditionally, the Chief Justice is chosen from among sitting justices. However, therr is nothing to bind the Shrub to such a choice other than tradition. He may appoint whomever he wishes, subject, of course, to the advice and consent of the Senate. As with all presidential appointments for quite a long time now (one hundred fifty years or more), the Senate's advice is not sought, and their consent is become a matter of severe partisan politicking and criticism.