Oh, OK. I'll take the easy way out, and just "Cut-and-Paste" from Abuzz
I started out as a kid, then became a teenager.
I became a parent, then a grandparent. Now I'm
a devout, practicing curmudgeon. Some other
stuff happened inbetween, but I won't bore you
with the details. Suffice it to say I've had
varied experiences and have developed varied
My interests include: Audio/Video/HomeTheater,
Photography (conventional and digital),
Computers and the Web, Camping/RVing, NASCAR,
Flying, Hunting/Fishing, Model Railroading, Literature,
Music (with an ear toward Classic Rock),
Cooking, Politics, News/Current Events,
Philosophy, History, Rural Lifestyle, and lively
discussions, among other things.
Sat 3 Mar, 2007 04:23 pm - [url=http://reviews.cnet.com/Zune_30GB_black/4505-6490_7-32068976.html?tag=prod.txt.1][u][i][b]ZUNE[/b][/i][/u][/url]
Also, similar information functionality (artist, track title, etc) is... (view)
Sat 3 Mar, 2007 03:59 pm - Actually, the article is an op-ed piece, pressing a particular POV, something which in and of itself is perfectly fine. On the other hand, the opinion expressed by that piece fails to square with... (view)
Thu 1 Mar, 2007 07:04 pm - You've got a few things going on there, and likely a few more HJT doesn't show.
First thing I'd recommend is that you get rid of BPS and all related files and folders - it is a... (view)
Thu 1 Mar, 2007 09:29 am - [quote="unclelarry"]I haven't lost my mind, I just misplace it once in a while. :lol: :lol:[/quote]
That's the deal with getting older - by the time you finally get it all... (view)
Wed 28 Feb, 2007 03:53 pm - Hey, larry - got any idea how long do unfrozen neices keep? And is there some special way ya gotta wrap 'em or something before ya store 'em? (view)