Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 07:37 pm
No question things could and should have gone better. No question either that the failure chain started with Bianco and Nagin. No question either that it was not until Wednesday that Bianco requested aid. No querstion either that the New Orlean's Disaster plan called for pressing the hundereds of school and municipal buses, along with other municipal vehicles, into service to effect a timely evacuation of those without their own transport, buses and municipal vehicles now themselves casualties of the flooding - flooding neither recognized nor acknowledged until Tuesday, BTW. And no question that the scurilous attempts by some to lay blame for a cascading series of misfortunes stemming from broadbased state and local misjudgement, arrogance, amnd incompetence on The Administration will - in fact already has begun to - backfire on the perpetrators of the calumny. With this one, the Bushophobes have jumped the shark.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 07:43 pm
timberlandko wrote:
No question things could and should have gone better. No question either that the failure chain started with Bianco and Nagin. No question either that it was not until Wednesday that Bianco requested aid.

You must have a hotline to RNC, Timber. Laughing

Apparently it isn't simply a case of being naive. It's a blindness that borders of the pathological, and you, apparently, waving your travel documents, were ushered on thru.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 07:44 pm
It is difficult to determine which is more pathetic and disgusting, the attempt to exculpate the venal, stupid and incompetent state administration, or those who make such an effort in a cheap attempt to damage a political opponent.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 07:47 pm
Having trouble coming up with original material, Lash?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 07:49 pm
I think you like the sound of your own 'voice' better. Perhaps the only one you listen to.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 07:51 pm
I am always amused to see you use the verb "to think" in a sentence. For the record, i've made no effort to exculpate the officials of the State of Louisiana. I'm simply pointing out that "oh yeah, well what about them guys" is a pathetically stupid argument, and does nothing to hide nor excuse the glaring incompetence of the Shrub and his Forty Theives of Baghdad.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 07:58 pm

So when Bush told ABC's Diane Sawyer during an exclusive interview (video available at the URL below) that nobody could have "anticipated the breach of the levees," surely she challenged him on his claim? Surely she said, "Wait a minute, Mr. President: the Army Corps of Engineers wanted more money to prevent exactly that. They must have anticipated something. The New Orleans Times-Picayune concluded yesterday that 'No one can say they didn't see it coming.' A former Republican congressman who headed the Corps of Engineers in your own administration lost his job after he publicly criticized your efforts to cut the Corps' budget. How can you say nobody saw this coming?"

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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 08:00 pm
Setanta wrote:
For the record, i've made no effort to exculpate the officials of the State of Louisiana.
Completely ignoring their responsibility and demonizing others for what the state neglected to do is, de facto, exculpating them.

I'm simply pointing out that "oh yeah, well what about them guys" is a pathetically stupid argument, and does nothing to hide nor excuse the glaring incompetence of the Shrub and his Forty Theives of Baghdad.
It should be pointed out to you that harboring hatred against people for other unrelated things makes you biased against them and incapable of rendering an accurate opinion of current events.

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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 08:09 pm
Lash wrote:
Completely ignoring their responsibility and demonizing others for what the state neglected to do is, de facto, exculpating them.

Apart from you having no logical basis for establishing such a premise, you can neither demonstrate that i ignore the responsibility of the officials of the State of Louisiana; nor change the record, which shows that Blanco requested that Bush declare an expedited disaster for Louisiana on August 28th, to which Bush replied: "We cannot stress enough the danger this hurricane poses to Gulf Coast communities. We will do everything in our power to help the people and the communities affected by this storm."

It should be pointed out to you that harboring hatred against people for other unrelated things makes you biased against them and incapable of rendering an accurate opinion of current events.

I don't hate the Shrub, i don't know him personally, a most felicitous situation. I do despise his incompetence and the venality and insensitivity to the lives of the majority of Americans shown by his plutocratic regime, of which this fiasco is but another example. I had not begun to criticize his administration until it became clear that they had ignored the problem, and then when finally moved to make a response, made a cosmetic response, and fumbled that into the bargain. Your pathetic bias makes you incapable of seeing what is becoming increasingly clear to the majority of Americans, and hence responsible for the Shrub's continuing slide in public opinion polls. This certainly will give many Americans in Tornado Alley and along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts pause as the next year's storm seasons approach.
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