Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 08:16 am
If Bush had not sent our military off to fight the war in Iraq, they could be in the US helping the hurricane victims to safety.

If Bush had not spent the US's treasure on the war in Iraq, we would have the money to relocate the displaced people and to restore their cities and towns.

If Bush had not done any of these things, we would be in a better position to deal with the hurricane, or a massive earthquake, or other natural disaster.

How I hate that man!

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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 4,299 • Replies: 88
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Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 08:26 am
Good thread, ok people every reply must begin with "if"

"If Only I Were A Dictator"
~ George W. Bush


I'd unravel every riddle. For any individdle. In trouble or in pain. With the thoughts
I'd be a-thinkin'. I could be another Lincoln. If I only had a brain.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 08:49 am
Actually, the money would still not be there, since we're running at a deficit. The deficit would just be smaller.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 08:51 am
This from the "fiscally responsible" party....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 11:09 am
If Bush 41 was allowed to take care of business in Iraq in 1990....

If Clinton had taken care of OBL .....

If you had an once of objectivity, you would see how nutty your post is.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 11:48 am
woiyo wrote:
If Bush 41 was allowed to take care of business in Iraq in 1990....

If Clinton had taken care of OBL .....

If you had an once of objectivity, you would see how nutty your post is.

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 12:27 pm
Once I had an ounce of objectivity, but u took it away from me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 12:34 pm
DrewDad wrote:
Once I had an ounce of objectivity, but u took it away from me.

Good. You are unable to handle it. You tried it once, and you blew it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 12:44 pm
woiyo wrote:
DrewDad wrote:
Once I had an ounce of objectivity, but u took it away from me.

Good. You are unable to handle it. You tried it once, and you blew it.

I'd suggest that you try this, but you would be doomed to failure: http://www.queendom.com/tests/minitests/fx/humor.html
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 12:47 pm
woiyo wrote:
If Bush 41 was allowed to take care of business in Iraq in 1990....

You keep spouting this nonsense as though it were a universally recognized truth. In 1998, George Herbert Walker Bush and Brent Scowcroft published A World Transformed. This is what they had to say about the issue of invading Iraq and occupying Baghdad:


You have absolutely no basis for your contention, and only make it because you think he should have invaded Iraq, yet you still admire him, so you seek to make excuses for his failure to live up to your expectations. G H W Bush did not believe that Iraq should be invaded and occupied--get over it.

(Editing Note: Edited to include the complete text of the original paragraph without ellipsis, from page 489, A World Transformed: Bush, George and Brent Scowcroft, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 01:37 pm
Setanta wrote:
woiyo wrote:
If Bush 41 was allowed to take care of business in Iraq in 1990....

You keep spouting this nonsense as though it were a universally recognized truth. In 1998, George Herbert Walker Bush and Brent Scowcroft published A World Transformed. This is what they had to say about the issue of invading Iraq and occupying Baghdad:


You have absolutely no basis for your contention, and only make it because you think he should have invaded Iraq, yet you still admire him, so you seek to make excuses for his failure to live up to your expectations. G H W Bush did not believe that Iraq should be invaded and occupied--get over it.

(Editing Note: Edited to include the complete text of the original paragraph without ellipsis, from page 489, A World Transformed: Bush, George and Brent Scowcroft, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.)

Sure I do., This post is about wishful thinking.

IF opens the door for any statement, silly as they are.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 01:42 pm
Good point--and your oft repeated contention that Bush "was not allowed" to occupy Iraq could not be sillier . . .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 01:48 pm
woiyo wrote:
If Bush 41 was allowed to take care of business in Iraq in 1990....

If Clinton had taken care of OBL .....

If you had an once of objectivity, you would see how nutty your post is.

If you looked around the various message threads here at this forum you would know that this type of thinking does not appeal to the masses here.

If you had done that I'd have been one of the few to counteract the usual half-thinkings of BBB et al.

If you read previous posts you would also know that the masses here believe that Clinton handled bin Laden perfectly.

If I had more sense I would stop typing just about now.
If I had more sense I would not be entering into this latest Bush attack Crying or Very sad
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 01:48 pm
Setanta wrote:
Good point--and your oft repeated contention that Bush "was not allowed" to occupy Iraq could not be sillier . . .

That's correct. Just a silly as the initial post.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 03:45 pm
woiyo wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Good point--and your oft repeated contention that Bush "was not allowed" to occupy Iraq could not be sillier . . .

That's correct. Just a silly as the initial post.

Why don't you ask some of the people who are suffering along the Gulf Coast if they would appreciate having the military there to help them and the government to help restore their cities and towns?

The same questions I asked are now being asked by the Media. People are beginning to realize how Bush's policies have weakened the U.S. at home and abroad.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 08:21 pm
Re: IF! IF! IF!
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
If Bush had not sent our military off to fight the war in Iraq, they could be in the US helping the hurricane victims to safety.

You mean like the 10,000 that are there now and the 11,000 more that the Pentagon has ordered in to help with the rescue and relief operations.

If Bush had not spent the US's treasure on the war in Iraq, we would have the money to relocate the displaced people and to restore their cities and towns.

Are you saying that we dont have the money?
It seems to me that everything that can be done in the 2 days since the hurricane is being done.
Why do you have to have federal money to offer to help?
As for restoring the towns,no amount of money can get it done overnight.
In the case of NO,they first have to stop the water coming in,then they can restore power to pump it out.
You are trying very hard to blame this on Bush.Are you saying that he can order hurricanes or otherwise affect the weather?

If Bush had not done any of these things, we would be in a better position to deal with the hurricane, or a massive earthquake, or other natural disaster.

We would???
What about if Kerry had won?
Would that have stopped the hurricane?
Why didnt the Clinton admin spend the money to strengthen and raise the levees?
This scenario was predicted to happen for years,even when Clinton was President.
This is a disaster,and for you to try and blame Bush shows just how petty and ridiculous you are.
Bush could not have prevented this anymore then he can stop the tide.
How I hate that man! BBB

I really dont think he cares what you think about him.
But if it makes you feel better,I will make sure he doesnt run for re-election,ok.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 08:33 pm
Your right he really doesn't care what we think. I hope he let's real Americans handle the trouble in Louisiana. He f**ks up everything he touches.Thats a fact
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 08:46 pm
Amigo wrote:
Your right he really doesn't care what we think. I hope he let's real Americans handle the trouble in Louisiana. He f**ks up everything he touches.Thats a fact

I will ask again...
How much money did the Clinton admin allocate to strengthen,and raise the height of the NO levees?
This disaster has been predicted for at least 30 years.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 08:54 pm
mysteryman wrote:
I will ask again...
How much money did the Clinton admin allocate to strengthen,and raise the height of the NO levees?
This disaster has been predicted for at least 30 years. (emphasis added)

If this is so, how much money did the administrations of Ronald Ray-gun and Pappy Bush allocate?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 09:14 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Amigo wrote:
Your right he really doesn't care what we think. I hope he let's real Americans handle the trouble in Louisiana. He f**ks up everything he touches.Thats a fact

I will ask again...
How much money did the Clinton admin allocate to strengthen,and raise the height of the NO levees?
This disaster has been predicted for at least 30 years.
If I researched this and it turned out Clinton did actually allocate money for this what would you say then? We'll use your answer to setantas question as an example.
0 Replies

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