panzade wrote:It's probable that some of that Alaskan crude would have to be sold overseas, the refineries in Washington couldn't handle that much.
We're using 30 million bbls a day so a 10 year supply unearthed doesn't buy us much time.
It's just so short sighted JW. We need to get off fossil fuels not hector conservationists.
It'd be better if we don't open the fields and the price of gas jumps to the point where inventors and scientists are prodded to make more breakthroughs in propulsion design.
We just can't see the trees for the forest.
That is a good idea,but you arent thinking it thru.
While it is a good idea to find alternative fuels,and it is a good idea to reduce our dependence on foreign oil,there MUST be more domestic exploration and production,and here's why...
The higher fuel prices go,the higher diesel prices go.When they get to high,the trucking industry will start parking trucks.
When that happens,the prices of EVERYTHING,from food to clothes to construction materials to medicine to bottled water will go up,some as much as triple.
That will put even more of a burden on the economy.
Are you sure you want that?