Awareness is not the point...I don't care if it is self aware or not.
A "philosophical zombie" with super intelligence could potentially be exactly as harmful as an aware bot...
I am not sure my cat is aware or anyone else for that matter...I make an educated guess you are but that is it. I could go further and even question the "possession" of my own awareness...Descartes was wrong when he claimed he thought therefore he was...this "he", the "I" is anything but certain where it is and under what form of control it is, typical example being a figment of imagination in a Boltzmann brain. Not saying it is the case but rather saying you can not prove otherwise.
Now if what you mean with not being "aware" is that it doesn't have goals you are sorely wrong!
For now we don't have AGI and as far as I can see even with narrow AI applied on so many domains we are already in deep trouble.
The fixation of people with "awareness" sadly has been enough to give a pass to a technology that is by all accounts already extremely dangerous!
Unlike atomic bombs its danger resides precisely in its "invisibility"!
The problem of "experts" in many domains these days is that they didn't took a major in Philosophy before whatever they went about studying and investigating...most are extremely clumsy when it comes to concept analysis and have an appalling disdain for anything that is not pragmatical down to earth inquiry. They simply are not prepared for deep analysis!