Saff wrote:I'm done with messing around with girls - just going to get married - my mums been doing my head in about it so I might as well.
Whoa there, son! This is really dangerous territory!!! You haven't thought this through at all!
Hasn't it occurred to you that if you get married, that means you will have to be around a woman ALL THE TIME? And you'll have to know how to get along with her, or else your life will be miserable?!
I think you need to learn a bit more about women before you decide to live with one full-time. Here in America, the average age for guys to get married is 26. There's a good reason for that. Not only does it give them time to learn from several dating relationships and be able to pick a good life partner, but it gives them time to develop some insights about how to make women happy. (Same goes for women, of course. The average age for women to get married here is 25.)
I know this may be an American bias, but choosing a spouse should really be YOUR decision...when and if you find the right person. It's not something you should do for your parents. After all, THEY don't have to live with her, YOU do!
Take your time, young man. You have years and years ahead of you. No sense rushing into something as complicated as marriage at your age.
I speak from experience. I got married, the first time, at 19. I thought it would make my life easier. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Bad bad bad judgment. But then, I was too young to know better.