Fri 28 Mar, 2003 02:43 pm
You know what the worst part about having a blind date?
When their seeing eye dog pisses on your leg.
I kill me.
It's even worse when the seeing eye dog takes a dump in your shoe...
Admit it Slappy, that's the only date you can get - so you speak from great knowledge.
Slappy, Just feel lucky that the dog doesn't try to have sex with your leg.
The only french kissing you'll get is with the dog.
This is even worse than I expected from the title.
... said the blind date after she realized that when Slappy had said during his phone call to set up the date, that he had dated some dogs in his life, apparently he really had ...
As Seinfeld said the thing about blind dates is that if they are really beautifull they can't see that they are too good for you. You also don't don't need to worry about the way you dress etc.
Second requirement - no braille allowed!
Phoenix, I hope my "great personality" isn't the one thing girls stress while setting me up. We all know when the first thing is "they're very nice," you should run. Far. Fast.
The other fun part about blind dating is getting too drunk to drive and handing the keys to her.
Well, you know, blind people are very tactile... might not be such a bad thing.
As long as you have those little wire things on your bumper and seeing eye pidgeons that are trained to the leash - no problem!
S'okay Bill. S'not really his car.
You know what they say, "drive it like it's stolen." Wish I had something on my bumper, I just realized today some a-hole backed into my car and left a gash on the bumper.
Stolen, Duh!
What was her name Slappy?
Blind Date
January 1st was a blind date for me.
I don't remember seeing anything.
Must have been celebrating a little too much.