Phoenix32890 wrote:Foxfyre wrote:If the man accepts the responsibility to make the final decision and screws it up, it is his fault. If he relinquishes the authority so that the woman makes the decision, and she screws it up, it is still his responsibility. (I'm only partially kidding here.)
don't think that you are kidding at all. What you are saying sounds like how it actually was in the US until a few decades ago. I can remember when a woman could get out of jury duty, just because she was a woman. I remember when a woman of childbearing age could not get a mortgage with her husband based on both their salaries, (only his).
Over the last few decades, the laws have begun to catch up with the social realities. It sounds to me Foxfyre, that you would like to see the US go back to the time when women were barefoot, pregnant, and chained to the stove.
Don't you think that your attitude conflicts with the fact that you have a professional career? How are you able to run an important program, have a lot of authority, and then go home and "submit" to your husband?
You appear to be confusing civil law with what many Christians believe to be God's direction, Phoenix. The two can go hand in hand or be as wide apart as Venus and Pluto.
I have no problem 'submitting' to my husband whatsoever. It is rarely ever necessary, but in those rare circumstances in which we have discussed it, considered all the pros and cons, prayed about it, and consulted whatever appropriate resources are available, and we still cannot agree, all things being equal I am quite happy for him to make the final decision. If the issue is more important to me than it is to him, or I have the greater expertise, he will usually suggests that I should make the final decision. The choice is always mine. I give up no rights or pirvileges whatsoever. But as I have seen the positive results and benefits of doing it God's way, it is a choice I am happy to make.