Should we handle victory the way the Christian god decrees?

Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 06:08 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
I quote the Bible exactly. I never create strawman arguments.

You are a pretender...not truly up to the arguments being made here.
Satan quoted the bible exactly when he tempted Jesus. So what?

You misrepresent the meaning of what you quote.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 06:25 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Take the passage I offered at the beginning of this thread...and tell me how to take it "figuratively." You mentioned that it should not be taken literally. I want to know how to take it figuratively.

I may learn something.

Frank, offering his passage wrote:
I will start by looking at the god's recommendation for how to handle victory in battle:

At Deuteronomy 20:10 the god decrees:

"When you march up to attack a city, first offer terms of peace.
If it agrees to your terms of peace and opens its gates to you,
all the people to be found in it shall serve you in forced labor.
But if it refuses to make peace with you and instead offers you
battle, lay siege to it, and when the Lord, your God, delivers it
into your hand, put every male in it to the sword, but the women
and children and livestock and all else in it that is worth
plunder you may take as your booty and you may use this plunder
of your enemies which the Lord, your God, has given you."

Would any of these things have been written; would any of these things have occurred if not for the Edenic rebellion? These events are a consequence of sin; and they demonstrate God's understanding of sin.

Do you mourn for those who died as a result of these judgements? Would you think it fair that they be given another chance? That's what Jesus' sacrifice is for.

You create the straw man when you assign the guilt for human misery to God and not to his resister, Satan.

We all want to attack the perpetrator of evil. Just make sure you get the name straight.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 06:34 am
Intrepid wrote
I really don't understand why "you folks" have to criticize, criticize, criticize. You speak of "their handicap...half-ass etc. etc. If you are so against Christianity why do you bother to write about it? That is one thing that Christians, regardless of whether they can quote effectively from the bible, do not do. Belittle, harass and call names to the people that do not agree with us. That alone is a reason to be a Christian... to love our fellow man regardless of what failings they have or what they appear to have. That is not an admission to any failings on the part of any Christian, it is an example of the way things should be. Funny that the same people who hate god and Christians are the same people who usually advocate abortion and war. Is there a correlation? You decide.

Sounds good. The problem however is one can not erase the historical record that proves that a lie.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 06:40 am
The evil is the persistent belief that a figment of your imagination is real.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 06:40 am
Joe Nation wrote:
Are they good Christians?

The problem is they see themselves as doing God's work when they promote and pass laws that restrict rights rather than expand them, when they restrict science in experimentation, when they propose to equalize the science behind the Theory of Evolution with Creation Science or Intelligent Design or whatever the believers have decided to call it this week. It's the "good" Christians like George Bush who are foisting what they think is Christ's mission onto the world. When are the true Christians going to say "Hey, what are you doing?"

And to those who have said, well Frank keeps bringing up verses that ought not be taken literally in this day and age, the Christian Right seems to be able to pick and chose which verses shall be taken literally, mostly those involving homosexuals, and those that ought not to be, ie. divesting oneself of riches in order to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven. Talk about your "you decide". It's more like the Verse of the Month Club.

Joe(heard it so many times before)Nation
The rantings of priests cast more doubt on the true faith than do the questions of unbelievers.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 06:42 am
au1929 wrote:
Intrepid wrote
I really don't understand why "you folks" have to criticize, criticize, criticize. You speak of "their handicap...half-ass etc. etc. If you are so against Christianity why do you bother to write about it? That is one thing that Christians, regardless of whether they can quote effectively from the bible, do not do. Belittle, harass and call names to the people that do not agree with us. That alone is a reason to be a Christian... to love our fellow man regardless of what failings they have or what they appear to have. That is not an admission to any failings on the part of any Christian, it is an example of the way things should be. Funny that the same people who hate god and Christians are the same people who usually advocate abortion and war. Is there a correlation? You decide.

Sounds good. The problem however is one can not erase the historical record that proves that a lie.
Yeah, Intrepid. Ya got yer foot into it that time.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 11:10 am
diagknowz wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
I must have missed the passage where your god sets an expiration date on this advice! Why don't you offer a citation of the passage for consideration.

JOHN 18:36 "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. "

Recall that the advice you're quoting was given to a theocracy; theocracy is passe (you can read all about it in HEBREWS in the N.T.). The new Christian "nation" is purely spiritual, encompassing all the believers of all times and nations. Our concrete "nation" (what Augustine dubbed the "City of God") will be installed sometime in the future, outside of time.

That is one of the most absurd, self-serving pieces of baloney I've ever read.

Jesus went out of his way to assure everyone that he was not here to change the law...not one word, not one letter, not one stroke of one letter.

Gimme a break, will ya. If you are going to fabricate nonsense...at least make it nonsense that can pass a laugh test.


Frank Apisa wrote:
Even if he "fulfilled the law"...Heaven and Earth have not passed away....And even if he fulfilled the law...does that mean that the law no longer applies?

What He means by "heaven and earth will not pass away" is that the principles summed up in the Decalogue constitute the DNA of the (moral) universe. He's saying that the truth of the Decalogue is, as it were, imprinted into every molecule of the (moral) universe; that it's not merely situational or relative but valid for all time.

And what makes you suppose Jesus was confining himself to the Decalogue?

There is a shyt load more of "the law" than the Decalogue.


Diagknowz: "Yes, so why would a "good man" like Jesus worship a god who (according to you) is HORRRRRIBLE?"

Frank: "So answer your own question, if you can."

What I was getting at is the statement by many Liberals that Jesus is a "good man." If He is, then He wouldn't worship the kind of god you think is portrayed in the O.T. So, either He is really off-base, and not a good man after all, or you are off-base.

And why not. Many very good and fine people worship that piece of dung right now. Worshipping this god is more a function of habit...than of thinking.

I will offer the same challenge to you that I have to the others. I claim I can offer dozens upon dozens of passages from the Bible describing your god doing and saying things that are barbaric. I am challenging any of you to offer a few passages that show the god doing or saying things that are primarily compassionate or loving of humanity....where the god is not threatening anyone...or killing anyone...or asking others to kill anyone.

The god is pathetic! The god is all of the things I charge it with being...and none of the things you are pretending it is.

I hope that answers your question.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 11:15 am
neologist wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
I quote the Bible exactly. I never create strawman arguments.

You are a pretender...not truly up to the arguments being made here.
Satan quoted the bible exactly when he tempted Jesus. So what?

You misrepresent the meaning of what you quote.

No I don't. And you are perfectly welcome to "explain" what your god means when he says the things he says.

Take the quote that is the subject of this thread...and 'splain what the idiot god meant with that stuff.

You, Neo, are the one distorting wording and torturing logic in order to try to make it seem that this pathetic god is more like your description of it than mine.

Take my challenge whenever you develop the guts to do so.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 11:21 am
neologist wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Take the passage I offered at the beginning of this thread...and tell me how to take it "figuratively." You mentioned that it should not be taken literally. I want to know how to take it figuratively.

I may learn something.

Frank, offering his passage wrote:
I will start by looking at the god's recommendation for how to handle victory in battle:

At Deuteronomy 20:10 the god decrees:

"When you march up to attack a city, first offer terms of peace.
If it agrees to your terms of peace and opens its gates to you,
all the people to be found in it shall serve you in forced labor.
But if it refuses to make peace with you and instead offers you
battle, lay siege to it, and when the Lord, your God, delivers it
into your hand, put every male in it to the sword, but the women
and children and livestock and all else in it that is worth
plunder you may take as your booty and you may use this plunder
of your enemies which the Lord, your God, has given you."

Would any of these things have been written; would any of these things have occurred if not for the Edenic rebellion?

Why do keep coming back to this?

War happens. Whether it happens because Adam and Eve succumbed to your idiot god's sting or not is not that important.

The fact is that you idiot god gave some advice for how to handle victory.

I say the advice is horseshyt...the work of a murderous, barbarian. I say that any country that ever follows this advice should be erased from the planet...because it is a country of barbarians.

Your god is a barbarian.

These events are a consequence of sin; and they demonstrate God's understanding of sin.

Gimme a break. Even you...in the deepest denial I've ever seen anyone...must see that this is desparation on your part.

The god gives advice for how to handle victory.

If you think it shouldn't be taken literally...tell us how to take it figuratively.

Otherwise, stop the bullshyt, because it is causing me to get side pains from laughter.


Do you mourn for those who died as a result of these judgements? Would you think it fair that they be given another chance? That's what Jesus' sacrifice is for.

How should the advice be taken figuratively?


You create the straw man when you assign the guilt for human misery to God and not to his resister, Satan.

Christ almighty, Neo...this entire post of yours is nothing but a pitiful strawman. No part of my post is strawman. It is a quotation from your Bible...and I am asking for your opinion on whether or not it is good advice...the kind of advice we Americans should heed?


We all want to attack the perpetrator of evil. Just make sure you get the name straight.

How should we take this idiotic advice figuratively????
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 11:32 am
Let's look at the big picture. God created man with "free will." In his teachings, he says "don't have any gods before me." If you do, you will roast in hell forever. Some minds are tender enough to believe this BS, and are in fear of roasting in hell forever, so where's the "free will" for these poor saps?
They take up religion believing that's a road to "salvation" and everlasting life, and their brain goes on cruise-control, while the world around them continues to have wars, discrimination, bigotry, rape, killings, robbery, and all that good stuff - and oftentimes christians are the worst offenders. Has religion helped mankind? NOPE.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 04:01 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Why do keep coming back to this?

War happens. Whether it happens because Adam and Eve succumbed to your idiot god's sting or not is not that important.
It's wasn't a sting; and it is the entire point. Sorry, Frank; but God is not the idiot here.
Frank Apisa wrote:
If you think it shouldn't be taken literally...tell us how to take it figuratively.
Take it literally, Frank. Just keep in mind why it happened.
neologist wrote:
You create the straw man when you assign the guilt for human misery to God and not to his resister, Satan.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Christ almighty, Neo...this entire post of yours is nothing but a pitiful strawman. No part of my post is strawman. It is a quotation from your Bible...and I am asking for your opinion on whether or not it is good advice...the kind of advice we Americans should heed?
The 'advice' was not given to us 'Americans,'.
neologist wrote:
We all want to attack the perpetrator of evil. Just make sure you get the name straight.
Frank Apisa wrote:
How should we take this idiotic advice figuratively????
We should take it for what it is, Frank. Nothing more; nothing less. You've got too much straw in your cigar, Frank. It's affecting your ability to see the obvious.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 04:07 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Let's look at the big picture. God created man with "free will." In his teachings, he says "don't have any gods before me." If you do, you will roast in hell forever. Some minds are tender enough to believe this BS, and are in fear of roasting in hell forever, so where's the "free will" for these poor saps?
They take up religion believing that's a road to "salvation" and everlasting life, and their brain goes on cruise-control, while the world around them continues to have wars, discrimination, bigotry, rape, killings, robbery, and all that good stuff - and oftentimes christians are the worst offenders. Has religion helped mankind? NOPE.
I'll give you one point for your correct observations about religion. http://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/thumbup.gifHowever, I will have to deduct the point because you have absolutely no understanding of what the bible actually contains.http://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/thumbdown.gif

But heck; at least you broke even. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 04:10 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Let's look at the big picture. God created man with "free will." In his teachings, he says "don't have any gods before me." If you do, you will roast in hell forever. Some minds are tender enough to believe this BS, and are in fear of roasting in hell forever, so where's the "free will" for these poor saps?
They take up religion believing that's a road to "salvation" and everlasting life, and their brain goes on cruise-control, while the world around them continues to have wars, discrimination, bigotry, rape, killings, robbery, and all that good stuff - and oftentimes christians are the worst offenders. Has religion helped mankind? NOPE.

Well, you guys should doing that.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 04:15 pm
au1929 wrote:
Intrepid wrote
I really don't understand why "you folks" have to criticize, criticize, criticize. You speak of "their handicap...half-ass etc. etc. If you are so against Christianity why do you bother to write about it? That is one thing that Christians, regardless of whether they can quote effectively from the bible, do not do. Belittle, harass and call names to the people that do not agree with us. That alone is a reason to be a Christian... to love our fellow man regardless of what failings they have or what they appear to have. That is not an admission to any failings on the part of any Christian, it is an example of the way things should be. Funny that the same people who hate god and Christians are the same people who usually advocate abortion and war. Is there a correlation? You decide.

Sounds good. The problem however is one can not erase the historical record that proves that a lie.

Now you are lumping everything in the same pot the same as the others. Do you despise all Germans because of Hitler? Do you desipise all Japanese because of Pearl Harbour? Do you despise all presidents because of George Bush? etc. etc. etc.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 04:32 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Christ almighty, Neo...this entire post of yours is nothing but a pitiful strawman. No part of my post is strawman. It is a quotation from your Bible...and I am asking for your opinion on whether or not it is good advice...the kind of advice we Americans should heed?

Neologist replied:
The 'advice' was not given to us 'Americans,'.

Ah. So we Americans can safely disregard any and all of the other blather which was not directed at us directly. Excellent. So what were the parts that were given to us??? Or are we just left out here without any advice on who to smote and who to enslave and which of the Sodomites deserve stoning and how long a brother should wait before marrying his brother's widow?

And how are you coming along with that 'here's a verse with God shows his loving merciful side showing his love for mankind.'? Let me help:
For God so loved the world.... you know it .... John 3:16 you see it all the big football games. Yup. An example to fathers everywhere, want to show some love, let your son be whipped and killed by a mob.... I know I used to watch my father like a hawk in case he got any ideas like that...

I know. Jesus had to die in order to rise again on the third day, but see, Frank's right about the con job thing. If you were trying to convince people that someone rose from the dead, what would you do? You'd make sure they really believed he was dead, real dead, dead like stuck in the side with water and blood coming out dead, right? You couldn't just have the guy fall down in the middle of the Temple Square. Nobody would buy that. BUT get the guy whipped and cruxified and speared, now you got a dead guy. Now you've got something. Right?

Except what the heck has all that got to do with God loving us? Couldn't he just give us moderate temperatures and good crops and fat children if we worship him the right way? What's with all the terror of hell in order to be good? Did God make humans so stupid we can't figure it out.

God loves you, be good. No, he's got to stick on the 'if you don't love me, I'll kill you.'

What? Is God really Don Corleone?

Joe(just passing through and then, that's it.)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 04:38 pm

Now you are lumping everything in the same pot the same as the others. Do you despise all Germans because of Hitler? Do you desipise all Japanese because of Pearl Harbour? Do you despise all presidents because of George Bush? etc. etc. etc.

No , NO and no.
Do I dispise religion, Dispise may be to strong a word. I think region is a blight upon mankind. The evil that Germany and Japan did has been matched and surpassed in the name of religion time and time again over the centuries. It is an infection for which there seems to be no antidote.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 05:14 pm
neologist wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Why do keep coming back to this?

War happens. Whether it happens because Adam and Eve succumbed to your idiot god's sting or not is not that important.
It's wasn't a sting; and it is the entire point. Sorry, Frank; but God is not the idiot here.

It so obviously was a sting...only someone in deep denial would see it for anything different.

Oh, yes...you are in DEEP DENIAL.

Frank Apisa wrote:
If you think it shouldn't be taken literally...tell us how to take it figuratively.
Take it literally, Frank. Just keep in mind why it happened.

Okay...I'll take it literally.

"When you march up to attack a city, first offer terms of peace.
If it agrees to your terms of peace and opens its gates to you,
all the people to be found in it shall serve you in forced labor.
But if it refuses to make peace with you and instead offers you
battle, lay siege to it, and when the Lord, your God, delivers it
into your hand, put every male in it to the sword, but the women
and children and livestock and all else in it that is worth
plunder you may take as your booty and you may use this plunder
of your enemies which the Lord, your God, has given you." Deuteronomy 20:10

So... loving god tells us that "...when you march up to attack a city..." if they simply give up without a fight...you enslave all the people. If they refuse to simply give up...but instead put up a fight...you defeat them...and then slaughter "every male"...and take the women, children, and livestock as plunder.

And somehow you see that as evidence of a kind, humanity loving god instead of the murderous, disgusting, barbarian I see it as??????

You gotta be kidding, right?

And now, you should 'splain to all us ignorant folk..."why it happened."


neologist wrote:
You create the straw man when you assign the guilt for human misery to God and not to his resister, Satan.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Christ almighty, Neo...this entire post of yours is nothing but a pitiful strawman. No part of my post is strawman. It is a quotation from your Bible...and I am asking for your opinion on whether or not it is good advice...the kind of advice we Americans should heed?
The 'advice' was not given to us 'Americans,'.

Oh...I thought it was given to everyone.

I see...you think that the god that made this entire universe just wants the Hebrews to slaughter enemies.

What are you smoking?


neologist wrote:
We all want to attack the perpetrator of evil. Just make sure you get the name straight.
Frank Apisa wrote:
How should we take this idiotic advice figuratively????
We should take it for what it is, Frank. Nothing more; nothing less.

That is precisely what I am doing, Neo. Why are you trying to make it into something acceptable? Just for brown nosing points?

You've got too much straw in your cigar, Frank. It's affecting your ability to see the obvious.

No straw in my cigar, Neo. And I see the obvious. Too bad you cannot.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 12:55 am
if GOD is infinite knowledge, then you should be the one to say that you poses the infinite knwolege it takes to say there is no infante knowledge.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 01:02 am
What a marvelously incoherent statement.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 06:52 am

0 Replies

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