dyslexia wrote:Intrepid wrote:dyslexia wrote:MA, because it's wrong. Slavery was wrong, women being 2nd class citizens was wrong. but they were both time honored tradtions.
You may want to read a newspaper. They have both been abolished.

Nice try Intrepid but my response was to MA and her stating that it's ok because that's the way we have always done it. Things change because the people (some people) want everyone to be equal, equality is a work in progress so to speak.
Actually dys, I did not say that it was okay because that is the way it has always been done. What I said was can't you understand how I would not want something taken away from me that I have always had?
Now, you said nothing about that link. It's funny, but I have posted that link a few times and asked if it was a possibility or not? I have gotten no response. I find that quite curious. Is it because it may be what our founding fathers meant? I feel it is just as possible that is what they DID mean as it is that is what they DIDN'T mean.
dys, there will always be some form of religion in the world. I don't believe in Islam, Buddhism, Moonies, etc.; therefore, I don't practice them, I don't speak the names of who they call god, I don't engage in it in any way. They have their right to their religion just as I have my right to mine and yours to not have one. As long as there are Christians in politics, Christian values will be there. As long as there are Buddhists in politics, Buddhist values will be there. The only way to be completely free from religion in the public sector is to ban religion and make sure that whatever politicians are voted in, have no religious beliefs whatsoever. I don't think this is possible. So, what's the answer? Make religion illegal? I am not trying to be a smart-butt here, dys. I am honestly wondering these things.
I would like to ask a question of you, if I may. Was there a specific thing that made you want to take religion out of the public sector altogether? Is this something you have always felt? That's more than one question. Sorry.