Bush: Intelligent Design Should Be Taught

Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 09:47 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
didn't spend so much time seeking them.

well, put up or shut up. Laughing[/quote]

Here are some I found. At least one of us is an honorable debater. I suspect that if I asked you for a citation, all I would get is a wisecrack.

<Brandon puts on his sensible black dress and support hose and does the superior dance>

Honestly Brandon, how did you shore up your fragile self esteem before there were internet chat rooms? Laughing

May I remind that it was you who said you knew of several instances where Kerry sounded as stupid as bush and then offered no post. Pretty sloppy for a master debater and an honorable seeker of the exchange of knowledge I'd say. Rolling Eyes

For the second time today I notice someone on your side of the political fence uses the old "It's okay if bush is a dumb ass constantly because Kerry is a dumb ass occasionally" argument. Very soothing, like an old confortable sweater. I understand. I usually like triple fudge chocolate ice cream to comfort myself. :wink:[/quote]
1. While posting citations is good, in the case of casual comments, I only need to be willing to post citations on request, which, as you see, I am.
2. The fact that a few minutes of historical research only located these, posts by me doesn't mean that there were no others.
3. We'll wait for the next time I ask you for a citation to judge whether you adhere to the rules of fair debate too, but I have had experiences with liberals who regard it as an affront to be asked to furnish them.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 09:52 am
candidone1 wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:

Half of these are probably false.

What a pathetic response that is. And even if "half" were "probably false"...that would leave half showing this pathetic moron speaking lots of odd things...which was my point.

As for the other half, if you gave speeches several times a day, I could do the same thing to you.

No you couldn't.

And chances are...you couldn't do it with any of the thousands of people other than our moron in chief...who give speeches several times a day.

But since you've decided to be such a hard ass on this...why not pick out two or three people who do give speeches often....and show that they make as many silly, moronic gaffes as Dumbya. (No fair picking anyone under 8 years of age. I will concede they might make almost as many stupid mistakes as Bush.)

I have some thread from about a year ago where I did that quite successfully to Kerry. He had the same level of gaffes, the press just didn't spend so much time seeking them.

Funny, I was under the impression we were talking about G.W. Bush, the currrent President of the United States of America, not John Kerry, Biilll Clinton, or Bert & Ernie for that matter.
You asked for evidence, but when provided with said request, you simply dismiss what you are given and then try to sidetrack the discussion with an irrelevant comparison to John Kerry and attempt to defend Bush (again).
Not surprising you employ this tactic, your divinie leader embraces it as well. You are well taught Brandon.
<clap, clap>

Everything you've just said is demonstrably incorrect:

1. I was asked by Frank to demonstrate that finding a list of speech gaffes could be done for someone else.
2. I stated, truthfully, that I had indeed made such posts about John Kerry about a year ago.
3. BVT then asked me to for a reference.
4. I furnished him with one.

So, all you have is two cases in which I did precisely what I was asked to. Do you even read these posts before you opine about them?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 09:56 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
candidone1 wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:

Half of these are probably false.

What a pathetic response that is. And even if "half" were "probably false"...that would leave half showing this pathetic moron speaking lots of odd things...which was my point.

As for the other half, if you gave speeches several times a day, I could do the same thing to you.

No you couldn't.

And chances are...you couldn't do it with any of the thousands of people other than our moron in chief...who give speeches several times a day.

But since you've decided to be such a hard ass on this...why not pick out two or three people who do give speeches often....and show that they make as many silly, moronic gaffes as Dumbya. (No fair picking anyone under 8 years of age. I will concede they might make almost as many stupid mistakes as Bush.)

I have some thread from about a year ago where I did that quite successfully to Kerry. He had the same level of gaffes, the press just didn't spend so much time seeking them.

Funny, I was under the impression we were talking about G.W. Bush, the currrent President of the United States of America, not John Kerry, Biilll Clinton, or Bert & Ernie for that matter.
You asked for evidence, but when provided with said request, you simply dismiss what you are given and then try to sidetrack the discussion with an irrelevant comparison to John Kerry and attempt to defend Bush (again).
Not surprising you employ this tactic, your divinie leader embraces it as well. You are well taught Brandon.
<clap, clap>

Everything you've just said is demonstrably incorrect:

1. I was asked by Frank to demonstrate that finding a list of speech gaffes could be done for someone else.
2. I stated, truthfully, that I had indeed made such posts about John Kerry about a year ago.
3. BVT then asked me to for a reference.
4. I furnished him with one.

So, all you have is two cases in which I did precisely what I was asked to. Do you even read these posts before you opine about them?

Keep telling the lie. Stay the course. Keep telling the lie.

You are right, Candidone1. He really has been well taught.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 10:07 am
kickycan wrote:

Keep telling the lie. Stay the course. Keep telling the lie.

You are right, Candidone1. He really has been well taught.

Would you be so good as to state clearly once for me what my lie is without evasion? Or are you just going to repeat that I'm lying but not permit me to know what I'm supposed to be lying about? I would guess you're in the second category.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 11:16 am
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 11:17 am
Definitely number one on my list.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 11:43 am
Bush may be good but NO-ONE tops Dan the Man

A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.
Dan Quayle
I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican.
Dan Quayle
I have made good judgements in the Past. I have made good judgements in the Future.
Dan Quayle
I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix.
Dan Quayle
If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure.
Dan Quayle
- More quotations on: [Failure]
People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history.
Dan Quayle
Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.
Dan Quayle
The American people would not want to know of any misquotes that Dan Quayle may or may not make.
Dan Quayle
- More quotations on: [Quotations]
The future will be better tomorrow.
Dan Quayle
- More quotations on: [The Future]
We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward.
Dan Quayle
We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a *part* of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a *part* of Europe.
Dan Quayle
We're all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to enlighten you on the mistakes we may or may not have made.
Dan Quayle
- More quotations on: [Mistakes]
Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts.
Dan Quayle
What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.
Dan Quayle
When I have been asked during these last weeks who caused the riots and the killing in L.A., my answer has been direct and simple: Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame.
Dan Quayle
[It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system.
Dan Quayle
Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.
Dan Quayle, 11/30/88
One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'.
Dan Quayle, 12/6/89
Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it.
Dan Quayle, 5/20/92 (reported in Esquire, 8/92)
I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change.
Dan Quayle, 5/22/89
Mars is essentially in the same orbit... Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe.
Dan Quayle, 8/11/89
Murphy Brown is doing better than I am. At least she knows she still has a job next year.
Dan Quayle, 8/18/92
The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century.
Dan Quayle, 9/15/88
Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.
Dan Quayle, 9/18/90
We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world.
Dan Quayle, 9/21/88
We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.
Dan Quayle, 9/22/90
For NASA, space is still a high priority.
Dan Quayle, 9/5/90
Public speaking is very easy.
Dan Quayle, to reporters in 10/88
I stand by all the misstatements that I've made.
Dan Quayle, to Sam Donaldson, 8/17/89
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 11:51 am
Laughing That brings back memories.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 11:55 am

...Dan Quayle was a f*****g genius compared with Dumbya.

Besides...Dan Quayle carried a 3 handicap...so he couldn't be all that bad.

Well...he was bad...and I guess he was dumb...

...but Dumbya gives new meaning to the word.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 12:04 pm
Baldimo wrote:
DrewDad wrote:
Baldimo wrote:
DrewDad wrote:
He's grandstanding all right, but it's blatant pandering to the religious right. I doubt that he gives a hoot if it's taught or not.

Has he introduced a bill on this? Personally, I don't expect to see one. More lip service.

The President doesn't introduce any bills. That is the job of the House and the Senate. Do you need to go back to school?

If you don't have something real to say, then for god's sake don't be pedantic just see your words on the screen.

You stated something that is false and I corrected you. Sorry you didn't know any better, I was just trying to help.

I think you're lying; not that I would expect anything else from you. You made a lame attempt to score points, got called on it, and are now being mealy-mouthed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 12:05 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:

...Dan Quayle was a f*****g genius compared with Dumbya.

Besides...Dan Quayle carried a 3 handicap...so he couldn't be all that bad.

Well...he was bad...and I guess he was dumb...

...but Dumbya gives new meaning to the word.

Don't underestimate Bush by saying he's dumb.

He's not dumb. He's amoral! It's in his genes---runs in the family, particularly on his mother's side.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 12:11 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
Laughing That brings back memories.

sure does ! and an eerie glimpse of things to come.

good grief...

0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 12:47 pm
3 handicap means nothing. How about 10 World Series Rings by the ALL-TIME BEST...

"I never blame myself when I'm not hitting. I just blame the bat and if it keeps up I change bats....
After all, if I know it isn't my fault that I'm not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?"


"Slump? I ain't in no slump. I just ain't hitting."


"You give a hundred percent in the first half of the game, and if that isn't enough,
in the second half you give what's left."


"Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore, it's too crowded."


Carmen Berra: "Yogi, I went to see Dr. Zhivago today."
Yogi: "Now what's wrong with you?"


Larry Berra to his father: "Hey, Dad, the man is here for the venetian blind."
Yogi: Well, go in my pocket and give him a couple of bucks for a donation and get rid of him.


"[When introduced to writer Ernest Hemingway] Yeah, what paper you write for, Ernie?"


"It gets late early out there"


"I really didn't say everything I said"


"Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."


"You can observe a lot by watching."


"In baseball, you don't know nothing."


"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."


"It's deja vu all over again."


"If you come to a fork in the road, take it."


"Think! How the hell are you gonna think and hit at the same time?"


"I usually take a two hour nap, from one o'clock to four."


"If people don't want to come out to the park, nobody's going to stop them."


"Why buy good luggage? You only see it when you travel."


Hey Yogi, what time is it?
"You mean now?"


On being asked his cap size at the beginning of spring training.
"I don't know, I'm not in shape."


On why the Yankees lost the 1960 series to Pittsburgh:
"We made too many wrong mistakes."


On Rickey Henderson:
"He can run anytime he wants. I'm giving him the red light."


On Ted Williams:
"He is a big clog in their machine."


On being told by the wife of New York Mayor John V. Lindsay that he looked cool despite the heat:
"You don't look so hot, either."


On Yogi Berra appreciation day in St. Louis 1947:
"I want to thank you all for making this day necessary."


On the tight 1973 National League pennant race:
"It ain't over 'til its over."


On being asked why Johnny Bench hit more homeruns than he did:
"Most of his homeruns were hit on artificial turf."


"Eighty percent of putts that fall short don't go in."

Berra, "Yogi" (Lawrence P.)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 12:50 pm
The hair-splitting by some of the righties on this thread is amusing to watch. "Show me where he said we should teach intelligent design."

Speaking of intelligent design, I think we need some coming from the White House...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 12:57 pm
D'artagnan wrote:
The hair-splitting by some of the righties on this thread is amusing to watch. "Show me where he said we should teach intelligent design."

Speaking of intelligent design, I think we need some coming from the White House...

Yes, what you call hair-splitting, most other people call the conventional rules of debate. If you want to maintain that someone said something, yes, you actually have to produce a quotation from the person saying it. Oh, poor you, expected to adhere to the age old rules of honorable debate.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 01:00 pm
Hey Woiyo...be careful.

Yogi is a Jersey boy! He's allowed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 01:04 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
D'artagnan wrote:
The hair-splitting by some of the righties on this thread is amusing to watch. "Show me where he said we should teach intelligent design."

Speaking of intelligent design, I think we need some coming from the White House...

Yes, what you call hair-splitting, most other people call the conventional rules of debate. If you want to maintain that someone said something, yes, you actually have to produce a quotation from the person saying it. Oh, poor you, expected to adhere to the age old rules of honorable debate.

The quotation was cited repeatedly earlier in this thread. And I read the same quotation in the paper this morning. Does it need to be posted here again?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 01:07 pm
If we are going to teach Intelligent Design as an alternate of evolution in an attempt to be even handed, then I suggest the debate about zero be resurrected in the spirit of evenhandedness. A zero after all implies nothing and nothing implies the non existence of god which as all good Christians know is impossible. It is self-evident that mathematicians are teaching atheism.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 01:10 pm
D'artagnan wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
D'artagnan wrote:
The hair-splitting by some of the righties on this thread is amusing to watch. "Show me where he said we should teach intelligent design."

Speaking of intelligent design, I think we need some coming from the White House...

Yes, what you call hair-splitting, most other people call the conventional rules of debate. If you want to maintain that someone said something, yes, you actually have to produce a quotation from the person saying it. Oh, poor you, expected to adhere to the age old rules of honorable debate.

The quotation was cited repeatedly earlier in this thread. And I read the same quotation in the paper this morning. Does it need to be posted here again?

Yes...don't you see???

You must do it over and over and over again...until you get tired of doing it. Then Brandon can claim you are unwilling to do it.

Of course, he probably is going to argue that the mealy mouthed bullshyt that Bush spewed actually doesn't use the exact words he is looking for...but...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2005 01:12 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:

...Dan Quayle was a f*****g genius compared with Dumbya.

Besides...Dan Quayle carried a 3 handicap...so he couldn't be all that bad.

Well...he was bad...and I guess he was dumb...

...but Dumbya gives new meaning to the word.

The following is an excerpt of the full article which is posted to refute Frank's insulting comments about George W' s intelligence:

What is your estimated IQ Frank? Is it as high as that of GW Bush?

If you want more there's evidence that Bush's IQ is higher than your hero John Kerry.......Of course you will deny you ever voted for Kerry.

As a final clue to Bush's cognitive capacity, consider data from Joseph Matarazzo's leading text on intelligence and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: The average IQ is about 105 for high school graduates, 115 for college graduates and 125 for people with advanced professional degrees. With his MBA from Harvard Business School, it's not unreasonable to assume that Bush's IQ surpasses the 115 of the average bachelor's-degree-only college graduate.

George W. Bush has often been underestimated. Almost certainly, he's received a bad rap on the count of cognitive capacity. Indications are that, in the arena of mental ability, Bush is in the same league as John F. Kennedy, who graduated 65th in his high-school class of 110 and, in the words of one biographer, "stumbled through Latin, French, mathematics, and English but made respectable marks in physics and history."
0 Replies

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