Thanks for your response.
My concern, is the relationship between means and ends.
Daylight is an acknowledgement of means and ends, inasmuch that it is about reaching a climax, only the means is then able to surpass the climax. By this, what I mean is that people's actions on day 1 are forced to be the definition of day 2.
Day 2 should be a polar opposite definition, to day 1.
In regards to the Ukraine, all nations are fictional entities, and are made of atoms, making all locations identical.
To go back to day 1 and day 2 hypothesis:
Day 1 - action to climax.
Day 2 - action to climax.
The sequences, of day 1 and day 2 would be safe, were it not for the rebooting angle. By rebooting angle, what's meant is that the universe overall forces life to consume identically across time.