@tgordon92: I sent you a message via this site. Please let me know whether or not you received it.
If you go with what we've been using lately, here are the costs for the NOCs. Budget is $833.50. Any NOC not listed costs $0.50.
I have not been following the situation with (Bela)Russian athletes, but they don't seem to appear in the medal predictions provided in the previously posted link by fbaezer, so maybe they should be excluded from this competition. If not, I (or you) will need to know what NOCs have been assigned to them.
When submitting your picks, it will make data entry easier if you list your NOCs, not the country names. Using both would be fine.
For reference:
Code:NOC Cost
USA 339.00
CHN 289.00
FRA 206.00
GBR 168.00
AUS 144.00
ITA 130.00
JPN 120.00
NED 118.00
GER 101.00
KOR 71.00
HUN 63.00
CAN 62.00
BRA 56.00
ESP 48.00
POL 45.00
DEN 42.00
NZL 42.00
TUR 40.00
SWE 38.00
ETH 35.00
UKR 35.00
BEL 33.00
GEO 32.00
SRB 31.00
IRI 29.00
KEN 28.00
NOR 28.00
UZB 27.00
ROU 27.00
JAM 25.00
ISR 23.00
CRO 23.00
KAZ 22.00
IND 21.00
IRL 21.00
SUI 21.00
TPE 21.00
KGZ 20.00
CUB 20.00
AZE 19.00
SLO 19.00
CZE 18.00
POR 17.00
ARG 16.00
AUT 15.00
HKG 15.00
ARM 13.00
LTU 12.00
THA 12.00
MEX 12.00
BRN 11.00
GRE 11.00
PER 10.00
MGL 10.00
EGY 9.00
BUL 9.00
INA 8.00
PUR 8.00
QAT 8.00
SVK 8.00
UGA 7.00
TUN 7.00
COL 7.00
ALG 6.00
DOM 6.00
MAR 6.00
MDA 6.00
BAH 5.00
BER 5.00
BUR 5.00
CIV 5.00
SGP 5.00
VEN 5.00
ECU 4.00
GRN 4.00
JOR 4.00
PHI 4.00
RSA 3.00
PRK 3.00
LAT 3.00
ALB 1.00
BIH 1.00
BOT 1.00
DMA 1.00
FIJ 1.00
KOS 1.00
NGR 1.00
SMR 1.00
TJK 1.00
TTO 1.00
VIE 1.00