Churches have been LYING about Christ for 2K years!

Thu 10 Feb, 2022 10:09 am
Leadfoot wrote:

Either way, God's ultimate purpose is to develop the character of Christ in the believer.

On that we agree.

My argument is with those who think it happens by God remaking us without our complete participation and eventual understanding. God does not make robots of us

We are not robots. We have free choice.
Jesus does tell us about the need to "abide in Him".

The Anointed
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 03:42 pm
God is sovereign. He can either use natural events to achieve His purposes or do it Himself.

When God does something himself, He inevitably uses natural events to achieve His purposes.

The fourteenth day of the first month of the Jewish year, which was the first Passover ever, was the day in which all the firstborn sons of Egypt were killed. Around that time the volcanic Island of Santorini or Thira as it is also known, which was situated in the Aegean-sea, on the Anatolian plate, which is subject to the forces of the over-riding African Plate that grinds against the Arabian plate in its Northern migration, exploded with many times the force of Krakatoa, which was a volcanic island that exploded in 1883, and that explosion was heard 5,000 kilometres away, and caused a tsunami that killed at least 36,000 people. It has been estimated that when the island of Santorini exploded, 35,000 kilometres of material was lifted into the stratosphere, and that the explosive force would have created tidal waves of anything up to 130 ft high which would have traveled at speeds of around 150 miles per hour.

A cloud, that turned day into night around 1,500 BC, has been recorded in Chinese history, and would have covered all of north Africa. The African and Arabian plates intersect in a line that runs through the Red Sea and up the Jordan valley through the Dead Sea.

Look at the strange phenomenon that was occurring at the time of the Exodus. The cloud that blanketed north Africa and most of Europe, and turned day into a night so dark that a man was not able to recognise his own brother who was standing at arms-length from him. The rain of sulfuric acid that caused so much crop failure and the death of the livestock which were forced to feed on the polluted pastures, the following series of shock waves along the great rift valley and the fractures in the Sini peninsular which is situated on the Arabian plate, the bulging of the earth’s crust beneath the Red Sea which caused a highway to rise from the waters, with its following tremor when it collapsed and tidal waves that rolled in like two walls of water on either side of where the highway had been.

Wisdom of Solomon 19: 7-8, ‘Then was beheld the cloud that shadowed the camp, and dry land rising up out of what was before water, out of the Red sea, an unhindered highway, and a grassy plain rising out of the violent surge.”

Look even where the Israelites camped on the shore of the Red sea, which was smack bang in the middle of a major coal field in Egypt.

The bulging earth rising from the surging sea before them, pressurized gas screaming from the opening fissures creating towering pillars of fire to burn behind them, a strong east wind blew all that night causing the thick smoke to blind the pursuing Egyptians while lighting up the camp of the Israelites on the eastern side of those wild fires.

All these events were caused from pressures that had been built up over tens of thousands of years and would have occurred in their proper time, irrelevant as too the Israeli situation. Where the miracle lay, was in the fact that an unseen deity of the future, was able, through his prophet Moses, to organise the events leading up to and including the exodus itself at the precise time in history that this cataclysmic event occurred.

In the book “The Wisdom of Solomon, 16” Solomon has much to say about the days of Moses; he speaks of the strange hails that fell from heaven.

Burning balls of frozen gases, some with the ability to burn even in water, some which burned with a heat so intense that they incinerated anything they came in contact with, while other hail, burned with a cold fire through which animals could walk unharmed.

Solomon also speaks of the cloud that covered the Israelites in the desert and of the Manna that fell from heaven during the night. According to Solomon, the heavenly covering was a cloud by day and a host of stars by night, (a night sky ablaze with falling balls of burning hail stones). Then concerning the heavenly Manna, he says, “And that which was not injured by fire, [Burning hailstones] simply warmed by a faint sun beam melted away.

Each morning the desert floor was covered with the residue of the melted hailstones, mounds of a flaky cellulose substance, which looked like coriander seed, and would melt and breed worms and stink if left out in the sun, and yet could be preserved when cooked, and tasted like biscuits mixed with the purest of olive oils.

Carbohydrates are any of a group of chemical compounds, including sugars, starches, and cellulose, containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ‘ONLY’, [of which there was an ample supply in the cloud from the volcanic explosion] with the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen atoms usually 2 : 1.

Perhaps, if our scientists could simulate the same conditions that occurred in the stratosphere when the island of Thira exploded, they may come up with an inexpensive and environmentally friendly source of food production to feed the starving millions on the earth.

The early Egyptian magicians or scientists, were able to duplicate (On a small scale) some of the miracles of God as performed by Moses. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our magician/scientists of today were able to perform the more mysterious of God’s miracles as seen in the days of Moses, and provide an abundant and cheap source of food to feed the ever-growing population on this earth.

As I have already said, all those things that happened in Egypt at that time, were caused from pressures that had built up over many, many, thousands of years. Where the miracle is found, is in the fact that some invisible entity from some other time dimension, was able to instigate the Exodus, at the precise time that the destructive forces beneath the island of Santorini, were beginning to awake.

Although radiocarbon dating of an olive tree im-bedded in lava would appear to indicate a 1600 BCE eruption of Santorini/Thera, that is, if the lava that it was im-bedded in was from the actual eruption that devastated the island and its surrounding districts and not from an earlier minor lava flow. There are many archaeologists who still believe that the date is contradicted by findings in Egyptian and Theran excavations.

Buried Egyptian and Cypriot pottery found on Thera were dated to a later period than the radiometric dates for the eruption, and, since the conventional Egyptian chronology has been established by numerous archaeological studies, the exact date of the eruption remains controversial.

Because of all the contradicting evidence, the exact date of the eruption has been difficult to determine. For most of the twentieth century, archaeologists placed it at approximately 1500 BCE, but this date appeared to be too young as radiocarbon dating analysis of that olive tree which was buried beneath “A” lava flow from the volcano on Santorini, indicate that the particular lava flow in which the olive tree was im-bedded, occurred between 1627 BCE and 1600 BCE.

But at Tell el Dab'a in Egypt, pumice found at this location has been dated to 1540 BCE, closer to the traditionally accepted date of Thera's eruption. This matches the composition of the Thera eruption.

The biblical evidence also supports 1540 B. C., as the correct date for the Exodus.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 06:03 pm
Continued from previous post.

After all some/many Christians don't know that Jesus was probably born a few years B.C. Some even believe that the Wise Men were present at the Nativity send and that Jesus was born Dec. 25. However, this is merely ignorance.

But all who seriously study the scriptures, know that Jesus, the son of the 14 years old Mary and her older half brother Joseph, who were both sired by Alexander Helios III = Heli, through different mothers, was born in 6 B.C., two years before the death of Herod the Great in 4 B. C., in the same year that the wise men went to the 'HOUSE' of Mary in Nazareth, to pay homage to the child who was born to be King of the Jews.
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 07:33 pm
@The Anointed,
I do have difficulty in finding proof that Alexander Helios is the same person as Heli as mentioned in the Bible.
From SECULAR sources Alexander simply vanished from the scene. Biblical sources say that Joseph and Mary were distant cousins.

Your explanation of the final plague does not explain how the first born son of the Jews escaped the tragedy. God had to be involved.
The Anointed
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 07:48 pm
However, what do you say about John 1:1? If you read it in Greek, it is obviously saying that Jesus is God.

I would say that in the beginning of this generation of the universe, there was the 'LOGOS' and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God, all things were made by 'HIM' (THE LOGOS), and without 'HIM' (The Logos) not one thing was made that was made.

In 'HIM' (THE LOGOS) there was life (A Supreme personality of Godhead) and that Life was 'The Light of Man'.

No mention of the man Jesus whatsoever.

Churches have been LYING about Christ for 2K years!

The Anointed
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 08:15 pm
I do have difficulty in finding proof that Alexander Helios is the same person as Heli as mentioned in the Bible. From SECULAR sources Alexander simply vanished from the scene. Biblical sources say that Joseph and Mary were distant cousins.

From “The Ancestors of Jesus in First and Second Century Judea BCE”
By Robert Mock M.D.
December 2007.
Book One
Chapter Two we learn that this young maiden, Miriam, was a child of sorrow. Her father, Heli, a Davidic and Hasmonean prince, called Alexander Helios III, was apparently executed, in the world where many Davidian aspirants, as the “young lions of Judah”, were eliminated by the cruel and tyrannical King Herod the Great., Etc.

A son of the famous Boethus family of seven sons, Mary’s great-great-great grandfather, arrived into Jewish history as one of the giants of the priests of the House of Zadok. The High Priest Hananeel (Ananelus) the Egyptian/Jew was privileged to sacrifice one of the nine red heifers before the temple of Herod was destroyed in 70 AD.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The great grandfather of the biblical Jesus was Yehoshua/Jesus III, who was the high priest in Jerusalem from 36 to 23 BC and is believed to have been murdered at the orders of Herod the Great. The sonless Yehoshua, had three daughters, Joanna, Elizabeth and Anna/Hanna, whose mother was from the tribe of Asher.

Knowing that his Zadokian lineage would become extinct unless his daughters were placed with future husbands according to the Torah, he married them off to chosen husbands.

Joanna, was betrothed to Joachim from the non-royal genetic lineage of David. The second daughter of Yehoshua III, was Elizabeth. This was the Elizabeth, who, at a very advanced age was to become the mother of John the Baptist in 7 BC, a year before the birth of Jesus and some 16 years after the death of her father ‘Yehoshua/Jesus III,’ in 23 BC, and she was betrothed to a Levite priest by the name Zacharias of the priestly course of Abijah.

The young Davidian prince Heli, [Alexander Helios III] the son of Mattathias ben Levi, was chosen by Yehoshua/Jesus III the high priest in Jerusalem, as the candidate to marry his daughter Hanna/Anna.

There are two men from around this period, who were named ‘Alexander Helios III’, one was the son of Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, who was adopted out after the sucidial deaths of his parents, with absolutely no historical evidence of what may have happened to him, the other, was the son (Or adopted son) of Mattathias=Mattat and his wife Esther of Jerusalem, or Queen Alexandra II, a close friend of Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt.

Alexandra was to became the mother (Or step-mother) of Heli ben Mattat or Prince Alexander Helios III. who became the father of Mary the mother of Jesus.

Esther of Jerusalem can be identified as the future Maccabee Queen known by her Greek name as Queen Alexandra II, who was the great grandmother of Yeshua (Jesus).

Hanna/Anna, the third daughter, was betrothed to Alexander Helios III (Heli) a young Macedonian Jew, of the tribe of Judah through Nathan the Levite, who was the stepson of King David.

Alexander Helios=Heli, the biological grand-father of Jesus, according to the genealogy of Jesus as recorded in Luke 3: 23; was a descendant of Nathan the Levite who was the biological son of Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite.

Uriah became a member of the tribe of Levi by his marriage to Bathsheba the daughter of Ammiel, the son of Oded-Edom, who was a descendant of Moses from the house of Levi, by his second wife Jepunniah, an Ethiopian woman, [See Numbers 12: 1; KJV] who was the widow of a man from the tribe of Judah, and the mother of Caleb, who, at the age of forty, became the adopted son of Moses, and Jepunniah was the daughter of Hobab the Kennite, one of the two fathers-in-law to Moses, [See Judges 4: 11.]

Orthodox Jews, who believe that matrilineality and matriarchy within Judaism are related to the metaphysical concept of the Jewish soul,[2] maintain that matrilineal descent is an oral law from at least the time of the covenant at Sinai (c. 1310 BCE).

The Talmud states, "Whoever brings up an orphan in his home is regarded...as though the child had been born to him." (Sanhedrin 19b).” In other words, the adopted child is to be treated as a child born to the father of that house, which means, that Heli and his descendants, who were born from the genetic line of Nathan ‘the prophet,’ who was the adopted son of King David, were legitimate heirs to King David, although originally, not to the throne of Israel, as the prophesied Messiah had to come through the genetic line of Solomon.

Heli and his descendants only became heirs to the throne of David, through Nathan the adopted son of King David, when Naria, a descendant of Nathan, married Tamar, a female descendant of King Solomon, who bore to Naria a son by the name “Salathiel.” After the death of Naria, Tamar was taken to wife by King Jehoiachin, whose only biological son with Tamar, was Zedekiah who died prematurely in Childhood.

According to Torah law, Nathan the adopted son of King David, and Nathan’s descendants, were legitimate heirs of King David, but not in the ancestral line of the promised Messiah, who was to be born of the seed of Solomon, until Naria the descendant of Nathan coupled with Tamar the descendant of Solomon, to produce Salathiel the ancestor of Jesus, who has been made High Priest (From the tribe of Levi=Nathan) and King (From the tribe of Judah=Solomon) in the order of Melchizedek.

David Hughes the noted Genealogist of the Ancient World Lineages, states that King Jeconiah’s only son, with Queen Tamar, ‘Prince Zedekiah,’ died prematurely in childhood, and in 586 BCE King Zedekiah, the last king of Israel, whose original name Mattaniah, was the son of Josiah and the uncle of Jehoiachin. King Zedekiah/Mattaniah, was taken prisoner and his sons were executed in front of him, after which, his eyes were gouged out, and there in Babylon, he remained blinded in exile for the rest of his life and it appeared that the entire royal lineage of King David through God’s chosen son, Solomon, had been exterminated.

With all the known direct lineages of male heirs to the lineage of King Solomon the son of King David and Bathsheba now extinct, Queen Tamar II became the dynastic heiress preserving not only the Lineage of King Solomon, but also became the inter-dynastic link, or the vital crossover heiress merging the non-royal Nathan lineage with the royal lineages of King Solomon. With the addition of Tamar representing the mainline descendants of King David, we now can understand the linkage between the two prime royal and non-royal lineages to the ancestry of the Jewish Messiah Yehoshua ben Yosef (Jesus son of Joseph the son of Alexander Helios a descendant of Nathan).

Jesus carried in his genes the potent fusion of Davidian and Zadokian bloodlines. He carried the potent bloodline of the royal mantle as a Priest-King of Israel and the messianic mantle as the Maschiach Yisra’el (Messiah of Israel) of the House of David.

Hebrew 5: 10; “And God declared him (Jesus) to be high priest according to the priestly order of Melchizedek.” Melchizedek held the titles of both King and high priest. Hebrew 5: 5; “In the same way, Christ did not take upon himself the honor of being high priest. Instead, God said to him, ‘You are my Son; TODAY I have become your Father.’”

Churches have been LYING about Christ for 2K years!
0 Replies
The Anointed
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 08:38 pm
Your explanation of the final plague does not explain how the first born son of the Jews escaped the tragedy. God had to be involved.

Do you mean, "SON of the Jews" or are you referring to the "SONS of the Jews" who were saved from the plague which was spread by the angel of death as it 'PASSED OVER" the land of Egypt, by the sacrificial blood of the unblemished 365 days old 'Pass Over Lamb' of God.
Fri 11 Feb, 2022 07:43 am
Leadfoot said:
'My argument is with those who think it happens by God remaking us without our complete participation and eventual understanding. God does not make robots of us'

Neal replied:

We are not robots. We have free choice.
Jesus does tell us about the need to "abide in Him".

Yes, of course we have free choice, and always will. I never questioned that.

But quoting 'abide in Him' is a meaningless response to what I said. You might as well say ‘whatever…'.
I’m trying to have a proper discussion of something we are both interested in but don’t have a perfect understanding of. The idea is to get closer to the truth, not to 'win an argument'. Let me know if you’re not up for it.

It sounds to me that you (and Jason) insist that we are imperfect and always will be. And as you say, God will not have imperfection before him in his kingdom. (I agree).

So my question is, Does that mean we will never dwell with God?
If so, what is our fate as believers? Is your hope an eternity on earth? (Mormon or JW?)
And if our imperfections are merely forgiven because of Christ, how is it our imperfections will not cause problems in Heaven?

Again, if you just accept these contradictions because of what you understand as absolute truth from your dogma, please just say so and I won’t belabor the point with you.

Fri 11 Feb, 2022 10:32 am
When Jesus died on the cross all of the believer's sins were placed on Him. Jesus made full payment of all sins that the believer will ever commit. In addition Jesus' perfection was accounted to the believer. Because of Jesus, all believers are considered by God to be perfect. This is called JUSTIFICATION. The only way that anybody can enter heaven is if they accept the payment that Jesus has made for us.
This is how the "thief on the cross" was able to have salvation. Because of Jesus' death on the cross, Jesus' perfection was "imputed" to him.
In Ephesians 2:8-9 we are told "For by Grace you have been saved through faith. It is not of your effort. It is the gift of God, not as a result of works that no one can boast.

Now, we come to Ephesians 2:10 which says "for we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, according to the purpose that God has for us.
This, now that the believer is saved and has the Holy Spirit in his spirit, the Holy Spirit can now work in the believer's life to develop Christ's character in the believer's life.
However, the believer has to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to allow the process to continue.
This is called the process of SANCTIFICATION.
The "Christian" who never allows the SANCTIFICATION process to occur is not a believer at all. God knows who the "true believer" is although it is rather hard for other people to know.

Finally, there is GLORIFICATION, which occurs when the believer dies

Fri 11 Feb, 2022 10:42 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Your explanation of the final plague does not explain how the first born son of the Jews escaped the tragedy. God had to be involved.

Do you mean, "SON of the Jews" or are you referring to the "SONS of the Jews" who were saved from the plague which was spread by the angel of death as it 'PASSED OVER" the land of Egypt, by the sacrificial blood of the unblemished 365 days old 'Pass Over Lamb' of God.

I am talking about the first born sons in each Hebrew family.

Note: I will get back to you on your longer posts. Leadfoot had an important question for me.
0 Replies
Fri 11 Feb, 2022 11:51 am
I can't respond right now to you on the "Oneness vs Trinity" post, so I will here:
Considering the 1000 year reign of Christ:
The Church Age has ended (most believers say the Church has been raptured before Revelation chapter 4 begins). The tribulation period begins. It concludes with the battle of Armageddon where Jesus defeats all of the enemies of the Jews and is recognized by the Jews as their Messiah.
There is then 1000 years of rule by Jesus on earth.
After that, Satan is thrown into the lake of fire, non believers are judged, and all is well.
Note: the kingdom of God is important to Jehovah Witnesses too. Their beliefs do differ a bit. For example, Christians believe that the 144,000 Witnesses are 12,000 from each tribe of Israel. JW's believe that they are all Jehovah Witnesses (since there have been more than 144,000 JW,s they have had to change their teaching about that.

Fri 11 Feb, 2022 11:53 am
Thank you.

I now understand why Socrates was so willing to drink hemlock .

Fri 11 Feb, 2022 11:57 am
Leadfoot wrote:

Thank you.

I now understand why Socrates was so willing to drink hemlock .

That deserves a double LOL. :-).
0 Replies
Fri 11 Feb, 2022 02:42 pm
Now for some political observations:
The Biden administration is pitiful, especially in foreign policy. Biden disintegrated in Afghanistan. Russia, China, Iran,and Western Europe know that Biden is a fool.
The future is very uncertain. Even Democrats are beginning to criticize the administration.
This is speculation. However, I wonder:
It will soon be 2000 years since the resurrection of Jesus.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Fri 11 Feb, 2022 04:41 pm
Considering the 1000 year reign of Christ: The Church Age has ended (most believers say the Church has been raptured before Revelation chapter 4 begins).

The rapture does not occur until after the great Sabbath of one thousand years, when heavenly fire incinerates all physical life forms on this planet as told by the Lord through his Prophet Zephaniah 1: 2-3; The LORD said, “I am going to destroy everything on earth, all human beings and animals, birds and fish. I will bring about the downfall of the wicked. I will destroy the whole human race, and no survivors will be left. I, the LORD, have spoken.

Verse 18; On the day when the LORD shows his fury, not even all their silver and gold will save them. The whole earth will be destroyed by the fire of his anger. He will put an end — a sudden end — to everyone who lives on earth.

But we shall not all fall asleep in death, for at the sound of the last trumpet, when the camp of God is surrounded by Satan’s forces, which number as the sands of the sea, immediately before the heavenly fire incinerates all physical life forms on this planet, we shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye from bodies of corruptible matter into glorious bodies of brilliant and blinding incorruptible light.

The tribulation period begins. It concludes with the battle of Armageddon where Jesus defeats all of the enemies of the Jews and is recognized by the Jews as their Messiah.

The tribulation begins and ends with the battle of Armageddon, the war to end all wars as prophesied by all the prophets including the man Jesus, Matthew 24: 15-24; “You will see ‘The Awful Horror’ of which the prophet Daniel spoke. It will be standing in the holy place.” (Note to the reader: be sure to understand what this means!) “Then those who are in Judea must run away to the hills. Someone who is on the roof of his house must not take the time to go down and get his belongings from the house. Someone who is in the field must not go back to get his cloak. How terrible it will be in those days for women who are pregnant and for mothers with little babies! Pray to God that you will not have to run away during the winter or on a Sabbath!
For the trouble at that time will be far more terrible than any there has ever been, from the beginning of the world to this very day. Nor will there ever be anything like it again. But God has already reduced the number of days; had he not done so, nobody would survive. For the sake of his chosen people, however, God will reduce the days.

Unlike the siege of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 C.E., if God does not intervene in this coming, ‘war to end all wars,’ no flesh would survive.

There is then 1000 years of rule by Jesus on earth.

As foretold in Acts 17: 31; where it is written; "For HE (The Lord) has fixed a day in which He shall judge the whole world with justice by means of a 'MAN" He has 'CHOSEN'. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that 'MAN' from death.

Christians believe that the 144,000 Witnesses are 12,000 from each tribe of Israel.

But the 144,000 chosen ones who are to take the thrones that have been prepared for them and rule with Jesus for the thousand years, are actually chosen from 12 of the thirteen tribes of Israel, none from the tribe of Dan are counted among them.

After that, all physical life forms on this earth are incinerated and the oceans will have evaporated (See Rev 21:1.) Then comes the day of judgement when the righteous Spirits/minds who are to inherit everlasting life are divided from the wicked spirits/minds, which are to suffer the final and never-ending death in the eternal lake of fire, which is the second and final death.

After that, Satan is thrown into the lake of fire, non believers are judged, and all is well.

After that, Satan, the False prophet and the Beast who can never die, are thrown into the lake of fire where they are tormented day and night forever and ever.

Churches have been LYING about Christ for 2K years!
Sun 13 Feb, 2022 07:43 pm
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

However, what do you say about John 1:1? If you read it in Greek, it is obviously saying that Jesus is God.

I would say that in the beginning of this generation of the universe, there was the 'LOGOS' and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God, all things were made by 'HIM' (THE LOGOS), and without 'HIM' (The Logos) not one thing was made that was made.

In 'HIM' (THE LOGOS) there was life (A Supreme personality of Godhead) and that Life was 'The Light of Man'.

No mention of the man Jesus whatsoever.

Churches have been LYING about Christ for 2K years!

It is quite clear in chapter 1 that John is talking about Jesus.
Sun 13 Feb, 2022 07:51 pm
@The Anointed,
Thank you for your answer to my question about Alexander Helios.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Sun 13 Feb, 2022 08:01 pm
It is quite clear in chapter 1 that John is talking about Jesus.

Then please reveal where you believe that Jesus is being mentioned in John 1: 1-4. In the beginning was the Logos and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God. The same (THE LOGOS) was in the beginning with God.

All things were made by Him (THE LOGOS) and without Him (The LOGOS) was not anything made that was made. In Him (The Logos) was life and that life was the "Light of man, " etc.

OK sunshine, go for it and reveal to us who you believe is supposed to be Jesus according to the churches, who have been lying about Christ for 2K years; "THE LOGOS" Or the Life within the LOGOS, which life was the Light of Man?
Mon 14 Feb, 2022 10:54 am
@The Anointed,
Start with John 1:1-18.
The Anointed
Mon 14 Feb, 2022 08:21 pm
Start with John 1:1-18.

John the Baptist was 13 years younger than his cousin Mary, who came to visit his mother when she was six months pregnant with him. When Mary returned from her visit with many friends and family members of Elizabeth, she was found to have fallen pregnant while there, and her fiancée, Joseph the son of Jacob from the tribe of Judah, thought to put her away, but was convinced to continue on with the marriage, which he did by consummating their union after she had given birth to the first of her sons, and they had returned from Bethlehem to Nazareth, after performing the ceremony of purification in the temple in Jerusalem.

Years later, after John had been told by the WORD to baptise the people in preparation for the revealing of the Lord God our saviour, (THE SON OF MAN) he saw Jesus, his cousin’s son coming toward him to be baptised. Knowing that he was being groomed to be the King of Israel and free the people from the yoke of Roman rule, he believed that he was not worthy enough to baptise Jesus, and although he knew that the Lord was going to choose someone to baptise the people with His spirit, he did not know at that time that it was to be his cousin’s son, until Jesus was filled with the spirit of our Lord God and saviour which descended upon him in the form of a dove, as the heavenly voice was heard to say; “You are my Son, ‘THIS DAY’ I have begotten thee.”

Jesus was born “A” Son of God, (See Hebrews 5: 8.) not by blood nor by the will of the flesh nor by the will of man, but by the spirit of the Lord, which descended upon him in the form of a dove and he became the earthly temple of the Lord, who said through his obedient servant, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”

Of course, John was to later doubt if Jesus really were the promised Messiah and future king of Israel, or if they had to wait for another.

Surely if John had believed that his cousin Mary was still a virgin after she had given birth to Jesus, which would have been the greatest of all miracles, he would never have doubted, but obviously, he didn't believe, as do the Churches who have been lying about Christ for 2K years

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