Churches have been LYING about Christ for 2K years!

Fri 4 Feb, 2022 12:01 pm
theMadOne wrote:

Wow, I was getting you said that RIGHT, and then read you conclusion!

To each his Fantasy!

The early Church dealt with beliefs similar to yours and Anointed. The apostle Paul was quite clear that people are not to accept heresies. Jesus also warned about heretics.
Perhaps your topic should have used the word "mistaken" instead of "lied". Indeed, you are accusing me of mistaken belief(s).
Fri 4 Feb, 2022 01:01 pm
He is a Person. Jesus sent Him to us as a replacement for Jesus.

I don’t believe he can be replaced. Not for me anyway.
But yeah, a phone call or email is very comforting while waiting for him.
Once, we even Zoomed.
Fri 4 Feb, 2022 02:42 pm
Leadfoot wrote:

He is a Person. Jesus sent Him to us as a replacement for Jesus.

I don’t believe he can be replaced. Not for me anyway.
But yeah, a phone call or email is very comforting while waiting for him.
Once, we even Zoomed.

Come quickly Lord Jesus.
The Anointed
Fri 4 Feb, 2022 03:42 pm
The apostle Paul was quite clear that people are not to accept heresies. Jesus also warned about heretics.

What a pity that some 300 years later, the Roman church of Emperor Constantine embraced the filthy heresies with which they have filled the minds of the gullible such as you.

Helena was the mother of Emperor Constantine, who established his Universal church in 325 AD, some 300 years after Jesus had established his apostolic church in Jerusalem.

Constantine appointed his mother Helena as Augusta and gave her unlimited access to the imperial treasury in order to locate the relics of early Judeo-Christian times. And the church of the Nativity in Bethlehem of Judaea, was originally financed and built by Helena the mother of Emperor Constantine, who have both been deified as saints by the Universal church that was established in 325 AD.

According to the traditions of the Church of Constantine, Mary and her child [supposedly] rested in a cave, called the Milk Grotto (la Gruta de la Leche), near the place where today stands the Church of the Nativity (la Iglesia de la Natividad). There, (Or so it is said) their supposed Virgin Mary breastfed the child Jesus to keep it quiet, while the soldiers of Herod were slaughtering the innocent children in Bethlehem of Judaea. A drop of milk [supposedly] fell on a stone of the cave, and the stone was supposed to have magically turned white. During the early centuries, this white rock, diluted in water, took the appearance of milk and was used as a religious relic.

Both Christians and Muslims believe scrapings from the stones in the grotto boost the quantity of a mother’s milk and enhance fertility. Mothers usually mix it in their drinking water; would-be mothers place the MAGICAL rock under their mattress.

There is also an old tradition which originated from the universal church of Constantine that identifies this as the burial site of the young victims of Herod’s Slaughter of the Innocents. There is a chapel dedicated to them in the caves beneath the Church of St. Catherine. None of this can be historically or biblically supported.

According to the traditions handed down by their saint Helena, it was in 6 BC, in the first few days after the birth of the child that the wise men paid homage to the baby Jesus in the manger in Bethlehem of Judaea, and immediately after the wise men were supposed to have left, Herod’s men began killing all the male children in that district who were two-years and below, while Mary supposedly hid in the milk Grotto, after which, Joseph and Mary with the baby Jesus, are said by Helena to have fled from Bethlehem of Judaea into the land of Egypt, where, according to Helena, they must have remained for two years, until Herod died in 4 BC.

If any of the above is true, then that would mean that Mary could not have presented Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem and performed the ceremony of purification according to the time prescribed by the law of Moses, until Jesus was over two-years old and after the death of Herod the great in 4 B.C. when they were supposed to have returned from Egypt.

To be continued.
Fri 4 Feb, 2022 04:41 pm
Come quickly Lord Jesus.

On that I think we can all agree.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Fri 4 Feb, 2022 05:28 pm
@The Anointed,
If any of the above is true, then that would mean that Mary could not have presented Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem and performed the ceremony of purification according to the time prescribed by the law of Moses, until Jesus was over two-years old and after the death of Herod the great in 4 B.C. when they were supposed to have returned from Egypt.

Luke tells us that Mary gave birth to her firstborn son in the town of Bethlehem of Judea, as opposed to the Bethlehem, which was about two miles from Nazareth in Galilee, and that eight days after the child was born, it was circumcised and named Jesus. Then thirty-three days later, and before the wise men from the east had come and lavished their gifts of Gold, Frank-incense and mire, on the baby Jesus, he was taken OPENLY to the temple in Jerusalem by his not so financial parents, where his mother performed the purification ceremony, in accordance ‘TO THE TIME’ demanded by the law handed down through Moses.

And after they had completed everything in ACCORDANCE TO THE LAW, they returned to their home in Nazareth. Luke makes no mention of any wise men traveling to Bethlehem of Judaea, or of any slaughter of the innocents.

How do we know, even though it is not mentioned in Luke, that it was thirty-three days after the circumcision that the ceremony of purification was performed? Because Luke says, "And when the days of her purification ACCORDING TO THE LAW OF MOSES were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord.

According to scripture, the child was taken to the temple in Jerusalem for the ceremony of purification at the correct time demanded by the law of Moses, which was 41 days after the birth, immediately after which, the family returned to their home in Nazareth.

To find out when the days of her purification according to the Law of Moses were accomplished, we simply turn to Leviticus 12: 3-4; and let the Bible reveal itself to us: (3) On the eighth day the child shall be circumcised. (4) Then it shall be 33 more days until she is ritually clean from her loss of blood; etc.

How do we know that the parents of Jesus were not flushed financially?
Again, we must let the Bible reveal that to us, Leviticus 12: 8, "If the woman cannot afford a lamb, she shall bring two doves or pigeons etc," the fact that the birds were offered, shows that they were unable to afford a lamb, and had not yet received the gifts of Gold, etc.

How long was it before the wise men, after seeing the comet early in the spring of 5 BC, which is believed to have been the inspiration for them to travel to Jerusalem, decided that they should go to pay homage to the heir of that throne, whose heavenly sign they had seen in 6 B.C., and to organize that trip? And how long did it take them to travel from Mesopotamia to Jerusalem?

The only help that we receive from the Bible is found in Ezra 7: 8-9; "They (Ezra and his group) left Babylonia on the first day of the first month, and with God’s help they arrived in Jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month."

Four months, it took them to travel to Jerusalem. Even if we halve that time and take into account that the comet which inspired them to travel to Jerusalem had not appeared until sometime after the triple conjunction of 6 BC, which had heralded the birth of Jesus, there is no possible way that the wise men could have seen the baby Jesus in the manger in Bethlehem of Judaea, as the family (According to Luke) had returned to Nazareth 2 months after the birth of the child in Bethlehem.

On bright moonlit or cloudy nights or dust storms, the comet would be hidden from view, and apparently this was what had happened before they reached Jerusalem and went to the Palace of Herod the Great, expecting to find there, the heir to the throne of the Jews, and asked; Matthew 2: 2- “Where is the baby born to be the king of the Jews? We saw his star when it came up in the east, and we have come to worship him.”

They believed that the child had already been born.

Matthew 2: 7; So Herod called the visitors from the east to a secret meeting and found out from them the exact time that the star had appeared, etc.

After revealing to Herod in 4 B.C., the exact time that they had seen the heavenly sign that had heralded the birth of the promised Messiah, we read in Matthew 2: 16; it was in accordance to this information that Herod determined the age of the children who were to be slaughtered, all those who were two years and below and had been born in 6 B.C., or after. This reveals that the wise men had seen the heavenly sign that had heralded the birth of Jesus, almost two years previously.

Having been told that the child was prophesied to be born in Bethlehem of Judaea, (Although we know from Luke that the family had left Bethlehem 41 days after the child had been born and had returned to their home in Nazareth) the wise men Left the palace of Herod, and behold, there in the north west of Jerusalem, the star that they had seen in the east, was visible once again, and “Oh what joy was theirs.”

Traveling north in the direction of the hairy star, we can almost picture the scene, the wise men with their entourage travelling along the dusty roads of northern Israel, it’s late in the day and as they come to a rise, and there, just above the distant horizon, in the deepening darkness of the evening sky, is the star with its tail streaming up into the heavens and appearing to ‘STAND OVER’ the small and insignificant hamlet, or Zealot Commune, called "Nazareth," as it slowly followed the setting sun.

After entering, ‘NOT’ the manger in Bethlehem of Judah, but the ‘HOUSE’ of Joseph and Mary in Nazareth, the wise men paid homage to the child Jesus. That very same night, the wise men, who would presumably have travelled to Jerusalem across the Kings Highway, were warned in a dream not to reveal to Herod, the child’s whereabouts, and they returned home by a different route from which they had come, which would, more than likely, have been up through the northern route of Damascus, and Joseph was also warned to get out of bed immediately and take the child and his mother and flee into Egypt.

Herod’s secret police had eyes and ears throughout the entire land, and when he realised that he had been tricked and the wise men were not going to return and reveal the child’s location as promised, he was furious and gave the order to kill all the male children in the district that Herod's spies had confirmed that the wise men with their entourage had travelled to, which was around Bethlehem of Galilee, who were two years and below according to the time that he learned from the wise men about when they had first sighted the star that had heralded the birth of the promised king and savour.

According to Josephus the historian, Sepphoris, which was only about 4 miles from Bethlehem of Galilee, and a few kilometres from Nazareth, had a population of around thirty thousand and he called it, "The Ornament of Galilee."

Around the time of Herod’s death in the spring of 4BC, just after he had ordered the slaughter of the innocents around the district of Bethlehem of Galilee, who were two years and below, according to the time that the wise men had seen the heavenly sign that had heralded the birth of Jesus in 6 B.C. there were riots among the peasants of the area in Galilee of which Sepphoris was the centre.

Judas, the son of Hezekias attacked the arsenal of Herod in the city of Sepphoris in order to arm the peasants.

The Romans under Quintillius Varus of Syria, attacked and burnt the city, putting down the uprising in which many families died and others were taken prisoner and transported to Rome, where they were sold as slaves. But Joseph, with his wife and her child had escaped the slaughter by fleeing into Egypt.

After a failed suicide attempt, which I believe may have been an option given to him by Caesar Augustus, in the spring of 4 BC, Herod the Great died, then in the spring of 3 B.C., after the death of Herod his father, when Antipas returned from Rome where his father’s will had been ratified by Augustus, he chose and rebuilt the magnificent city of Sepphoris as his capital city for ruling over Galilee.

0 Replies
The Anointed
Fri 4 Feb, 2022 05:32 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous post.

Jesus, who was born in 6 B.C., was two years old when Herod the Great died in 4 B.C.

As it was prophesied, that a heavenly event would herald the birth of the promised Messiah, we must now ask if there was any significant heavenly event in 6 BC.

"Astronomy, Astrology, and the Star of Bethlehem." BY John Clevenger of the Lake Country Astronomical Society," which says as follows, "Did any unusual astronomical phenomenon occur between 8 and 2 BC? As it happens there were several notable celestial events during that period. The Chinese astronomical records, which have proved very reliable, reported two comets during that time. The comet of 5 BC which was visible for 70 days, was reported to have a tail.

The comet of 4 BC had no tail and whether it was a comet or a nova is unknown. If it was a nova in 4 BC, which is the death of a star, it would have coincided with the death of Herod the Great in that same year.

I could use any of a number of authorities to supply evidence of the 6 BC triple conjunction of the "King Planet" Jupiter, with Mars, the “God of War” and Saturn the “God of Time,” who brings the golden age of peace to the earth, which I believe was read by the wise men as the sign that was prophesied to herald the birth of the promised King, (Jupiter the king planet) who was to succeed to the throne of David the warrior king, (Mars the god of war) as the prophesied Messianic King of Israel, who is to come and subdue the surrounding Nations and bring in the golden Age of one thousand years of peace, (Saturn.)

All short period comets which re-appear every two hundred years or less, have their aphelia in the orbit of Jupiter and even up until relatively recent times, those short period comets were thought to have been created from material ejected from the King Planet Jupiter and were called the family of Jupiter.

The comet of early 5 B.C., would have been captured by the gravitation pull of Jupiter the King Planet, and In My Opinion, would have been seen as the child born of the glorious expanded body of Jupiter the King Planet, and it was this that is thought to have set the wise men on their three to four month Journey to Israel.
The Anointed
Fri 4 Feb, 2022 09:53 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous posts.


The links supplied, are some extracts from my ever-evolving book, which I posted in a Christian forum over ten years ago, under the name S-word (The Sharp two edged tongue of God).

Why anyone has bothered to put them on the web in the form that they have, I’ll never know, but they have done me a great disservice as my book has evolved much more over the past 10 years, and will never be published before the death of this old body, as new data is received each and every day.

You will never find my book today, where I left it yesterday.

0 Replies
Sat 5 Feb, 2022 01:36 pm
But YOU commit heresy...
The Anointed
Sat 5 Feb, 2022 05:37 pm
But YOU commit heresy...

So says "TheMadOne". Look out mate, them men in white coats are coming.
Sat 5 Feb, 2022 06:04 pm
@The Anointed,
You present:
(1) truth
(2) information that is quite specific that is new to me.

It is quite impressive. I would love to read your book if it is available.

I was born Jewish and as a Christian believe in Reform theology. Therefore I am not a believer in much of what Catholicism has to say. However, I believe that their belief in the Trinity is correct. For example, I believe that Jesus was at the same time 100 percent man and 100 percent God.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Feb, 2022 06:08 pm
theMadOne wrote:

But YOU commit heresy...

If Jesus is not God, you are correct. I would have broken the 1st commanent.
The Anointed
Sat 5 Feb, 2022 06:36 pm
If Jesus is not God, you are correct. I would have broken the 1st commanent.

Then you have broken the first commandment, and I must agree with 'TheMadOne', You have committed heresy.

Jesus was 100% human being, born of the seed of Adam, and a descendant of King David, who has been appointed by our God, as our King and High Priest in the priestly order of Melchezidek.

Acts 3: 18-23; GNB Catholic Study Edition; Repent, then, and turn to God, so that he will forgive your sins. If you do, times of spiritual strength will come from the Lord, and he will send Jesus, who is the Messiah he has already chosen for you. He must remain in heaven until the time comes for all things to be made new, as God announced through his holy prophets who lived long ago.

For Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will send you a prophet, just as he sent me, and he will be one of your own people. You are to obey everything that he tells you to do. Anyone who does not obey that prophet shall be separated from God's people and destroyed.’
Sat 5 Feb, 2022 07:03 pm
@The Anointed,
Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit overshadowing the Virgin Mary. There was no sin in Him.
Sat 5 Feb, 2022 07:29 pm
Please read John 20:28. Thomas called Jesus "my Lord and my GOD". Jesus accepted this as truth.
The Anointed
Sat 5 Feb, 2022 07:44 pm
Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit overshadowing the Virgin Mary. There was no sin in Him.

Galatians 4: 29; At that time, the child born according to the flesh [Ishmael] despised and persecuted him, [Isaac] who was born according to God’s promise and the workings of the Holy Spirit.

Isaac, who is the prototype of Jesus, was born of a brother/sister relationship and born of God’s promise according to the power/workings of the Holy Spirit, and Isaac was the biological son of Abraham and his half sister Sarah, who were both sired by Terah: just as Jesus, who was born of God’s promise according to the power of the Holy Spirit, was the biological son of Joseph and his half sister Mary, who were both sired by Alexander Helios.

Isaac, was offered up as a sacrifice by his father on the same mountain that Jesus, who had been chosen as the heir to our Fathers throne, was offered up. But both lived on, as God had prepared a replacement sacrifice for them. The replacement for Isaac, was a sheep, the replacement for Jesus, was the one-year old unblemished lamb of God, [Enoch] who, at the age of 365, the number of days in a calendar year, was taken to the throne of the Most High in the creation and anointed as his successor, to serve God before the body of Adam/mankind into all eternity.

Just as Isaac the promised seed of Abraham was born through the union of Abraham and his half-sister Sarah according to the workings of the Holy Spirit, so too, the man Jesus, the reality of God’s promise to Abraham, was born according to the workings of the Holy Spirit and born of the union of Mary and her half-brother Joseph, who were both sired by Heli=Alexander Helios.

In the genealogy of Joseph ben Jacob, who married the already pregnant Mary, and who did not consummated that union until after she had given birth to her first born son, which genealogy is recorded in Matthew, five righteous women are mentioned: Tamar, who played the prostitute and seduced Judah, her father-in law into having sex with her, by which union she conceived and later bore his twin sons, Perez and Zerah.

Then there is Rahab the madam of a whore house in Jericho, who saved the Israelite spies and who later married Salmon, and bore his son ‘Boaz.’

The third is Ruth, who with sexual cunning deceived Boaz into marrying her, to whom she bore ‘Obed.’

The fourth is Bathsheba, who committed adultery with King David, who had her husband ‘Uriah’ killed, and she was the mother of Solomon, of whom the Lord said; “He shall be my son and I shall be his Father and it is he who shall build my temple for me.” [See 2nd Samuel 7: 14. and 1st Chronicles 17: 13.] Solomon was then blessed with the rulership of the most glorious period of Israel’s history.

And last of all is Mary who united with her half brother Alexander Helios to conceive and bear Jesus, the promised Messiah.

The actions of these women were concealed beneath the shadow of the wings of the Lord of spirits, who has declared these women to have acted in righteousness, according to his will.

Please read John 20: 17; Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to "THE" Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"

Who would be correct, Thomas or Jesus?
The Anointed
Sat 5 Feb, 2022 09:00 pm
Please read John 20:28. Thomas called Jesus "my Lord and my GOD". Jesus accepted this as truth.

And what makes you think that Jesus accepted Thomas's statement as truth?
Sun 6 Feb, 2022 09:04 am
@The Anointed,
That's all they have to go on: mis-interpreted quotes!
Jesus just told all the disciples he was going to his GOD.

But churchoids IGNORE Jesus!
The Anointed
Sun 6 Feb, 2022 03:20 pm
Jesus refers to the heavenly God as 'OUR FATHER'. 'THE FATHER', and "MY FATHER'.

Through his aunty Mary Magdalene, Jesus told his spiritual brothers, that he was ascending to 'THEIR FATHER' who was His Father, to 'THEIR GOD' who was His God also.
The Anointed
Sun 6 Feb, 2022 11:04 pm
@The Anointed,
And last of all is Mary who united with her half brother Alexander Helios to conceive and bear Jesus, the promised Messiah.

Mistake in post #7,199,618, which should have read; "And last of all is Mary who united with her half brother, Joseph the son of Alexander Helios to conceive and bear Jesus, the promised Messiah.
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