Fitzgerald Investigation of Leak of Identity of CIA Agent

Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 05:55 am
Calendars show Armitage met reporter

WASHINGTON - The No. 2 State Department official met with Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward in mid-June 2003, the same time the reporter has testified that an administration official talked to him about CIA employee Valerie Plame.

Official State Department calendars, provided to The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act, show then-Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage held a one-hour meeting marked "private appointment" with Woodward on June 13, 2003.
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Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 10:20 am
The Fitzgerald investigation goes on, and there may be more indictments. In fact, there is a sealed indictment, which probably means that the person is cooperating and/or has accepted a plea agreement. If cooperating, what other indictments may be down the road? Cheney is of keen interest of those legal experts observing the activities of investigation.

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Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 04:22 pm
Advocate wrote:
The Fitzgerald investigation goes on, and there may be more indictments. In fact, there is a sealed indictment, which probably means that the person is cooperating and/or has accepted a plea agreement. If cooperating, what other indictments may be down the road? Cheney is of keen interest of those legal experts observing the activities of investigation.


After being so wrong about the Rove indictment,how can any of you on the left claim with a straight face that anyone is going to be indicted.

Didnt the left claim that the Rove indictment was a "sealed indictment" first?
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Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 06:24 pm
Mysteryman- The left is confused. There is NO INDICTMENT AGAINST KARL ROVE.

Good news for Karl Rove and the Bush administration as special counsel Fitzgerald finally realizes (I assume after numerous failed attempts with the grand jury) that he has nothing on Karl Rove that would not apply to his 'star witnesses'. That of course is the reality of memory and its inaccuracies.

Top White House aide Karl Rove will not be charged in an investigation into the leak of a CIA operative's identity, his lawyer said Tuesday.

"On June 12, 2006, special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald formally advised us that he does not anticipate seeking charges against Karl Rove," said Robert Luskin in a statement.

Luskin said Fitzgerald's decision should "put an end to the baseless speculation about Mr. Rove's conduct."

Fitzgerald's case against Scooter Libby has been falling apart for months as we learned Joe Wilson, Marc Grossman (life long bud of Wilson's) and Time's Matt Cooper all now have some form of credibility issues. I would like to see the case go to court, but I get the felling that every witness outside of Plame, Wilson and Grossman will be hostile to Fitzgerald's intentions and he may fold on that case as well. We know Armitage is the original leaker of the information Fitzgerald was assigned to investigate. It will be devastating when he gets on the stand and everyone is reminded that it was his act Fitzgerald was charged to resolve - not Libby's.

And of course this is going to crush the liberal's dreams. For some fun at their expense drop by the DU and KoS to see all the angst. And I bet they tear into Jason Leapold for his fake but accurate news on the pending Rove indictment. Some thoughts at Stop The ACLU on the news.

Addendum: This news is actually good for Llibby, who now has access to a lot of evidence Fitzgerald was holding because of the parallel investigation - unless Karl was not the target of that parallel investigation. If Fitz still claims the evidence must be withheld, then there is someone else in the cross hairs. If there is it must be Armitage.

Addendum: Seems maybe there is something to the idea Fitzgerald may be after Armitage after all:

With Rove's fate now decided, other unfinished business in Fitzgerald's probe focuses on the source who provided Washington Post reporter Bob Woodwind [sic] information about Plame.

Woodwind [sic] says his source, who he has not publicly identified, provided the information about Wilson's wife, several weeks before Novak learned of Plame's identity. The Post reporter, who never wrote a story, was interviewed by Fitzgerald late last year.

Ok, it is hard to put much stock in a news article that misspells Bob Woodward's name, but if this is a sourced statement of the future for Fitzgerald then Armitage must be getting nervous (and a bit angry at one Marc Grossman). I actually speculated back on May 19th that Armitage might be indicted and the real target of Fitzgerald.

end of quote
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Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 08:16 pm
Seems there's a bit more to the original Washington Post article than was included in the Yahoo! piece cited and excerpted by revel:
... Fitzgerald has signaled there are no plans - beyond the Libby indictment - to prosecute any other officials for releasing Plame's identity.

Armitage's calendar also shows that a week before Woodward's meeting with Armitage, the deputy secretary of state met for 15 minutes with Libby ...

... Two people familiar with the meeting, however, said the Libby-Armitage meeting dealt with issues involving Pakistan and said the subject of the CIA leak case wasn't raised. Both spoke only on condition of anonymity because some information about the meeting remains classified.
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Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 11:10 pm
How could revel have missed that?


Imagine that!!!! Another attempt of the left wing to throw mud has failed!!!
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Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 06:48 am
I didn't miss it, to me it is not important as I have come to expect nothing more and I am surprised when in this crooked administration someone actually does get indicted or slammed with negative court rulings. The Armitage story of Armitage meeting reporter Woodward is another piece of the puzzle regardless of indictments.
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Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2006 08:16 am
Due to the recent revelations, Plame is now considering a suit against Armitage.

Rove barely missed being indicted; so what is the big fuss about his escape. This is hardly something on which to criticize the left. Fitz did not say there would be no further indictments of administration officials. He did say, at the time, none were planned.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 03:07 am
Revel wrote:

I didn't miss it, to me it is not important as I have come to expect nothing more and I am surprised when in this crooked administration someone actually does get indicted or slammed with negative court rulings. The Armitage story of Armitage meeting reporter Woodward is another piece of the puzzle regardless of indictments.
Are you saying,Revel, that the prosecutor, Fitzgerald, is "CROOKED"? If you are, you are in a small minority. Everyone, on the left and on the right says that Fitzgerald is a straight shooter!!
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 06:35 am
BernardR wrote:
Revel wrote:

I didn't miss it, to me it is not important as I have come to expect nothing more and I am surprised when in this crooked administration someone actually does get indicted or slammed with negative court rulings. The Armitage story of Armitage meeting reporter Woodward is another piece of the puzzle regardless of indictments.
Are you saying,Revel, that the prosecutor, Fitzgerald, is "CROOKED"? If you are, you are in a small minority. Everyone, on the left and on the right says that Fitzgerald is a straight shooter!!

No I said, "crooked adminstration." They just seem be incredibly lucky/skilled at covering their tracks with a lot of help from like minded folks.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 10:09 am
revel wrote:
BernardR wrote:
Revel wrote:

I didn't miss it, to me it is not important as I have come to expect nothing more and I am surprised when in this crooked administration someone actually does get indicted or slammed with negative court rulings. The Armitage story of Armitage meeting reporter Woodward is another piece of the puzzle regardless of indictments.
Are you saying,Revel, that the prosecutor, Fitzgerald, is "CROOKED"? If you are, you are in a small minority. Everyone, on the left and on the right says that Fitzgerald is a straight shooter!!

No I said, "crooked adminstration." They just seem be incredibly lucky/skilled at covering their tracks with a lot of help from like minded folks.

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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 11:30 am
timberlandko wrote:
revel wrote:
BernardR wrote:
Revel wrote:

I didn't miss it, to me it is not important as I have come to expect nothing more and I am surprised when in this crooked administration someone actually does get indicted or slammed with negative court rulings. The Armitage story of Armitage meeting reporter Woodward is another piece of the puzzle regardless of indictments.
Are you saying,Revel, that the prosecutor, Fitzgerald, is "CROOKED"? If you are, you are in a small minority. Everyone, on the left and on the right says that Fitzgerald is a straight shooter!!

No I said, "crooked adminstration." They just seem be incredibly lucky/skilled at covering their tracks with a lot of help from like minded folks.


The Criminal Investigation

Nov. 14: Post editor Bob Woodward testified that, contrary to Fitzgerald's public statements, a senior government official -- not Libby -- was the first Bush administration official to tell a reporter about Plame and her role at the CIA.

March 14: Vanity Fair reports that former Washington Post executive editor Ben Bradlee says it is reasonable to assume former State Department official Richard L. Armitage is the likely source who revealed CIA operative Valerie Plame's name to Bob Woodward.

State Official Met With Reporter During Crucial Time Of CIA Leak Case

A person familiar with the information prosecutors have gathered, who spoke only on condition of anonymity because the material remains sealed, said Woodward's meeting with the confidential source was June 13, 2003.

The calendar released to the AP is the first confirmation that Woodward and Armitage met during the key time in the CIA leak case that was the focus of Fitzgerald's probe.

The identity of Woodward's source remains one of the big mysteries in the case because the Post reporter is the first member of the news media known to have discussed Plame's CIA employment with an administration official.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 12:05 pm
revel, despite years of intensive effort and untold millions spent on the excersize, no finding of criminality has attached to the key, central issue ... the sole indictment proceeding from the investigation, an indictment which by all indication will be the only product of the investigation, has nothing to do with revealing Plame's identity or status. The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn is that there was no "Issue" to begin with, a circumstance which, BTW, very well may prove terminaly inconvenient to Fitzgerald's case against Libby.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 12:09 pm
If it is not immediately knocked out of the box, the civil suit by the Wilsons may be very edifying.

Timber, do you really believe that there was no administration misconduct? Do you think that the CIA was upset over nothing? I have a great bridge to see to you.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 12:14 pm
Advocate wrote:
If it is not immediately knocked out of the box, the civil suit by the Wilsons may be very edifying.

Indeed. But it will only get "knocked out of the box" after it's delayed for the pendency of Fitzgerald's investigation. Personally, I'd really like read Joe Wilson's deposition in the matter.

Do you think that the CIA was upset over nothing?

The CIA wasn't so much upset as they were just doing their job.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 01:01 pm
Advocate wrote:
Timber, do you really believe that there was no administration misconduct?

Irrespective of anyone's belief, no finding of such has been rendered. However, just to satisfy you, in answer to your querry, not only do I believe there was no misconduct, I believe the evidence to this point available to us confirms that belief; no finding of criminality has attached to the proximate issue.

Do you think that the CIA was upset over nothing?
As Tico mentioned, the CIA was merely doing its job, following established proceedure. Not only it is routine for the CIA to report anything which may relate to disclosure, willfull or inadvertant, of potentially sensitive information pertaining in any way to CIA facillities, assets, personnel, or operations, it is by regulation incumbent upon the CIA to do so. Literally hundreds of such reports are filed yearly by the CIA, most of which come to nothing, not even further investigation. By objective appraisal of all publically available evidence and indications, the Plame Game is a prime example of partisan politics, without foundation or substance apart from vindictive agenda.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 02:40 pm
Timber, do you have any support that the CIA routinely refers mundane things to Justice for investigation?

I think there are technical reasons why Fitz has not obtained indictments under intelligence law. Mainly, I think, he had to consider the fact that Bush effectively declassified Plame's ID when he authorized disclosure of it.

This is all amusing considering that the Republicans persecuted Clinton over nothing for 5 years, at a cost of about $100 M, coming up with nothing. Clinton remains unconvicted. But when Bush operatives out a covert CIA agent, they contend the matter warrants no attention.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 05:33 pm
Advocate wrote:
Timber, do you have any support that the CIA routinely refers mundane things to Justice for investigation?

Old, Old News, Advocate. The CIA does not decide what is mundane in such regard, the CIA reports. Decision what, if anything, to investigate pursuant to these routine reports, and by which agency any such investigation might be conducted, is not the CIA's to make, it merely reports.

[url=http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=390452#390452]A long time ago[/url], timber wrote:
Just hypothesizing here ... playing a little "what if", more or less, as The Plame Game plays out. Bear with me here as I lay out a conspiracy theory.

The trigger incident occurred months ago ... with very little mainstream press attention, though generating determined interest on the internet. George Tenet, CIA Director and Democrat, who recently suffered the ignominy of having discovered it necessary to offer his own neck to the headsman, is unfond of Republicans as a matter of ideologic perspective, but its no secret Dick Cheney enjoys a very long-established special place in Tenet's worldview. Now, if one devastating leak, carefully crafted to create maximum negative impact on one's opponent, didn't have the desired effect, would it not be both prudent and logical to press one's attack? Say, for instance, to give the issue some legs, to see to it that media attention is called to a routine, more-or-less weekly, relatively obscure, otherwise-certain-to-be-overlooked legal filing which was of interest solely for its relationship to the earlier matter? Now, what if it turns out that the ultimate source for the entire current flap is someone in a position first to structure the somewhat improbable assignment of Administration-critic, non-technocrat Wilson to a technical verification mission in Niger on behaf of the Current Administration, then apprise a "trustworthy" "Senior Administration Figure" of highly priviliged information involving a putatively secret, and essentially irrelevant, relationship existing among Wislon, Ms Plame, and the CIA, with intent to counter and deflect ongoing criticism of the CIA's value in the Iraq Matter? Can you think of anyone better positioned to pull all that off, or to gain the most personal satisfaction and job security, than George Tenet? I'm sure he's read both Machiavelli and Sun Tzu.

Admittedly ... that's far-fetched. The issue is sure to generate more energy in the near term, and it is in the best interest of The Current Administration to resolve the matter as expeditiously and economically as can be achieved. To manage that without incurring significant cost could be difficult. To turn it to advantage would be extraordinarily slick.
I don't really figure this was all set up by Tenet. Still, I expect this will be of far less service to The Democrats than they would wish, and result in far less inconvenience to The Republicans than they would prefer. If nothing else can be said of The Current Administration, it is widely opinined that them boys is slick. It is neither impossible nor unprecedented that The Current Administration might come out of this very well indeed.

And whether or not CIA recruiting is affected one way or the other, I'm reasonably confident that the CIA will shortly have a senior-management position to fill.

I think there are technical reasons why Fitz has not obtained indictments under intelligence law. Mainly, I think, he had to consider the fact that Bush effectively declassified Plame's ID when he authorized disclosure of it.

This is all amusing considering that the Republicans persecuted Clinton over nothing for 5 years, at a cost of about $100 M, coming up with nothing. Clinton remains unconvicted. But when Bush operatives out a covert CIA agent, they contend the matter warrants no attention.

Nonsense - the Clinton witch hunt produced at least 15 convictions(*), Clinton's impeachment by Congress, the Senate's acquital by an essentially party-line vote of 55-45 on one of the articles of impeachment, Perjury, and a 50-50 split vote on the other, Obstruction of Justice (a 60/40 vote being required to convict), revocation of his license to practice law, and he was assessed a fine and costs.

The witch hunt pursuant to the Plame Game so far has produced a single indictment, an indictment the strength of which stands at question.

* Robert Palmer, Web Hubbell, Christopher Wade, Neal Ainley, Stephen Smith, Larry Kuca, Jim Guy Tucker, James McDougal, Susan McDougal, William Marks Sr, John Haley, David Hale, Eugene Fitzhugh, Charles Matthews, and John Latham. Of note is that prior to the expiration of his presidency, on Jan 21, '01, Clinton granted last-minute Presidential Pardons to Susan McDougal, Robert Palmer, Stephen Smith and Christopher Wade.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 05:53 pm
Timberlandko wrote:

Nonsense - the Clinton witch hunt produced at least 15 convictions(*), Clinton's impeachment by Congress, the Senate's acquital by an essentially party-line vote of 55-45 on one of the articles of impeachment, Perjury, and a 50-50 split vote on the other, Obstruction of Justice (a 60/40 vote being required to convict), revocation of his license to practice law, and he was assessed a fine and costs.

The witch hunt pursuant to the Plame Game so far has produced a single indictment, an indictment the strength of which stands at question.


If necessary, Timberlandko( if Advocate still doesn't believe it) I can produce a great deal of evidence and documentation of your post above.

You have noted, of course, that Advocate NEVER produces anything but his? her? own opinion. I am very much afraid that his? her? opinion is usually ignorant of the facts!

I am afraid that we will just have to wait for the adjudication of the Fitzpatrick Prosecution.

As you indicated, Timberlanko, and as all of the evidence and documentation shows thus far, the SINGLE INDICTMENT may not even hold and that has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY KIND OF 'OUTING" OF ANYONE but merely with the charge of Perjury.

I am sure that people on A2K are aware of the seriousness of Perjury, having heard so much about it during the Clinton years.

If Advocate( and here I am asking for what so far has proven to be an impossibility) has any EVIDENCE that Fitzgerald is in anyway a crooked or tainted prosecutor and not a straight shooter as everyone ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE HAS SAID, I would like to see it.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 08:47 pm
Give me 40 million dollars and 3 years and I will guarantee to convict 30 of Bush's friends and associates. Of course those convictions might have nothing to do with Bush but I can claim it does, just like you have done for Clinton.

Hell, we have Libby, Abramoff, Cunningham, etc, etc if you want to start counting people peripherially related to this administration. And THOSE are indictments and convictions related to crimes concerning politics and being in office. Not some personal fraud that has nothing to do with politics like all those you listed for Clinton.

You seem to have misrepresented the Senate vote Timber, it was 45-55 with 55 voting to acquit vs 60/40 needed to convict. They didn't get over 50% vote on either charge. It wasn't even a simple majority let alone the 60%
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