genoves wrote:5. He has had the experience of having some fine mentors--The most prominent of which was a person who had been a card carrying Communist.
Your list is pretty good. I noticed the above one, and have you heard some of the things Wright is quoted lately. He is on the Jew thing again, accusing the Jews of not letting Obama speak out. Another quote I noticed a while back, he said something to Obama about not letting the presidency change his true convictions, which seems to pretty clearly indicate Obama probably agrees with Wright about hating Jews, capitalism, rich white people, and all the rest of his hate mongering, black liberation theology, marxism, etc., but Obama cannot say so right now. He has to be president, but Wright hopes that doing that will not change his true convictions, probably much like Wright's convictions, otherwise why would Wright hope he wouldn't change them?
Oh for a little honesty out of Obama, wouldn't that be nice, and all of this could have been cleared up before the election, but now we have to live with this fraud.