Fitzgerald Investigation of Leak of Identity of CIA Agent

Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 11:46 am
okie wrote:
Advocate wrote:
okie wrote:
It would take a few books to document all of them, Advocate, but the claims about the economy when he ran against Bush I are well known, and his recent claims about him always being against the war are well known, as well as the documentation to the contrary. Just do a search and you will come up with lots of information. You should know the economy claim and the war claim if you follow the news at all, and if you were following the first Clinton presidential campaign.

I would love to see Bill's actual statement about Bush I's economics. Could we see it?

There were many, Advocate, as the "worst economy since the Great Depression" was the mantra and one of the central themes of his campaign, and although it was garbage, it worked. I pulled just one speech:


"This policy hasn't worked. The current administration has compiled the worst economic record in 50 years. George Bush's Presidency has produced slower economic growth, slower job growth, and slower income growth than any administration since the Great Depression -- and the biggest deficits and highest middle-class tax burden of any administration in history."

Statistically, was that a lie? Just wondering.

Statistically, the current Bush admin's record of job growth is currently the worst since the great depression, and so is the income growth.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 11:48 am
Take them one at a time, the very first one, cylcops, economic growth, I don't think it was correct at all.

This graph certainly doesn't show it.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 11:55 am
"This policy hasn't worked. The current administration has compiled the worst economic record in 50 years. George Bush's Presidency has produced slower economic growth, ** The US lost over two million factory jobs during Bush's tenure.

slower job growth, ** The US graduates from our high schools and colleges over two million students every month. If Bush is producing under 150,000 jobs every month, it's not meeting demand for new jobs.

and slower income growth than any administration since the Great Depression -- ** It hasn't been any real income growth when inflatiion is included. Most middle-class families have lost buying power; their debt increased; and their savings have been in the negative for the first time in US history.

and the biggest deficits and highest middle-class tax burden of any administration in history." ** This has also taken away from our country's upkeep of our infrastructure of our schools-educaitonal systems, roads, bridges, and communication - all necessary ingredients to compete in the world marketplace. This has also mortgaged our children's future and potential for economic growth.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 12:00 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
okie wrote:
Advocate wrote:
okie wrote:
It would take a few books to document all of them, Advocate, but the claims about the economy when he ran against Bush I are well known, and his recent claims about him always being against the war are well known, as well as the documentation to the contrary. Just do a search and you will come up with lots of information. You should know the economy claim and the war claim if you follow the news at all, and if you were following the first Clinton presidential campaign.

I would love to see Bill's actual statement about Bush I's economics. Could we see it?

There were many, Advocate, as the "worst economy since the Great Depression" was the mantra and one of the central themes of his campaign, and although it was garbage, it worked. I pulled just one speech:


"This policy hasn't worked. The current administration has compiled the worst economic record in 50 years. George Bush's Presidency has produced slower economic growth, slower job growth, and slower income growth than any administration since the Great Depression -- and the biggest deficits and highest middle-class tax burden of any administration in history."

Statistically, was that a lie? Just wondering.

Statistically, the current Bush admin's record of job growth is currently the worst since the great depression, and so is the income growth.


This probably belongs on the economy thread, but I think it is well established that it cannot be demonstrated that Bush I had the worst economic growth, job growth, income growth, etc. since the Great Depression.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 12:01 pm
okie wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
okie wrote:
Advocate wrote:
okie wrote:
It would take a few books to document all of them, Advocate, but the claims about the economy when he ran against Bush I are well known, and his recent claims about him always being against the war are well known, as well as the documentation to the contrary. Just do a search and you will come up with lots of information. You should know the economy claim and the war claim if you follow the news at all, and if you were following the first Clinton presidential campaign.

I would love to see Bill's actual statement about Bush I's economics. Could we see it?

There were many, Advocate, as the "worst economy since the Great Depression" was the mantra and one of the central themes of his campaign, and although it was garbage, it worked. I pulled just one speech:


"This policy hasn't worked. The current administration has compiled the worst economic record in 50 years. George Bush's Presidency has produced slower economic growth, slower job growth, and slower income growth than any administration since the Great Depression -- and the biggest deficits and highest middle-class tax burden of any administration in history."

Statistically, was that a lie? Just wondering.

Statistically, the current Bush admin's record of job growth is currently the worst since the great depression, and so is the income growth.


This probably belongs on the economy thread, but I think it is well established that it cannot be demonstrated that Bush I had the worst economic growth, job growth, income growth, etc. since the Great Depression.

Not any longer; Bush 2 definitely holds that crown now.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 12:09 pm
You should remember that it was the Reagan/Bush and the Bush/Quayle administrations that put this country into insolvency. There was massive spending on a giant credit card; thus, they ran up the national debt with which our heirs will have to deal. Moreover, Bush, et al., taught Americans that taxes is a dirty word, and that they can have it all for nothing. And that is no lie.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 12:17 pm
And how many decades of a Democrat Congress that created the budgets have there been to create this mess, Advocate?

Don't forget Gingrich's led Republican Congress that was highly responsible for an improvement.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 12:26 pm
Advocate wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
How many lies can a president tell the citizens before they wake up from their stupor?

Good question.
After all,Bill Clinton was elected twice also.

Besides his lie about a bj, what lies did Bill tell?

July 1991: Question: "Have you ever used Marijuana or any illegal drugs?" Answer: "I've never broken any drug law." - Arkansas Gazette, July 24th, 1991, p. 8B
Asked this 3 times, on 3 separate occasions, by 3 different interviewers, Bill Clinton repeated this claim. Until faced with irrefutable proof, that is.

Then he said:

March 29th, 1992: "I've never broken a state law. But when I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two..."

Later, in that same interview, "No one has ever asked me that question point-blank."

- The New York Times, March 30th, 1992, p.A15.

On Sept. 8,1992, Bill Clinton said, "The only people who will pay more income taxes are the wealthiest 2 percent, those living in households making over $200,000 a year."

In response to a Bush-Quayle ad that people with incomes of as little as $36,000 would pay more taxes under the Clinton plan, Bill Clinton said on Oct. 1, 1992, "It's a disgrace to the American people that the president (Bush) of the United States would make a claim that is so baseless, that is so without foundation, so shameless in its attempt to get votes under false pretenses."

Yet the NY TIMES in the analysis of Clinton's budget wrote, "There are tax increases for every family making more than $20,000 a year!"

"While Clinton continued to defend his middle-class tax cut publicly, he privately expressed the view to his advisers that it was intellectually dishonest." (The Agenda, by Bob Woodward, p. 31)

THose are just a few, to start.
Want a few more?
Lets look at these...
What about him remembering black churches burning when he was a child?

That wasnt true either...

SACRAMENTO DESK - President, William Jefferson Clinton, during his Saturday radio address to the nation, said: "In our country during the '50s and '60s, black churches were burned to intimidate civil rights workers. I have vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child."

Clinton's radio broadcast has deeply insulted his own home-state Democrats. They are saying Clinton has falsely accused Arkansans of torching black churches. After several Arkansans, including the state historian and leaders of several black organizations, disputed Clinton's "vivid and painful memories" of church burnings in Arkansas, Clinton decided to change his story.

Thats enough to start with.
Do you want more of his known lies posted?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 12:26 pm
okie wrote:
And how many decades of a Democrat Congress that created the budgets have there been to create this mess, Advocate?

Don't forget Gingrich's led Republican Congress that was highly responsible for an improvement.

Wrong!!! When Reagan/Bush took over, there was a big-deal $800 B debt. The debt soared under them. Clinton, despite Gingrich, led the way to surpluses. Gingrich tried to get certain tax cuts, but Clinton insisted on pay as you go.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 12:29 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Advocate wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
How many lies can a president tell the citizens before they wake up from their stupor?

Good question.
After all,Bill Clinton was elected twice also.

Besides his lie about a bj, what lies did Bill tell?

July 1991: Question: "Have you ever used Marijuana or any illegal drugs?" Answer: "I've never broken any drug law." - Arkansas Gazette, July 24th, 1991, p. 8B
Asked this 3 times, on 3 separate occasions, by 3 different interviewers, Bill Clinton repeated this claim. Until faced with irrefutable proof, that is.

Then he said:

March 29th, 1992: "I've never broken a state law. But when I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two..."

Later, in that same interview, "No one has ever asked me that question point-blank."

- The New York Times, March 30th, 1992, p.A15.

On Sept. 8,1992, Bill Clinton said, "The only people who will pay more income taxes are the wealthiest 2 percent, those living in households making over $200,000 a year."

In response to a Bush-Quayle ad that people with incomes of as little as $36,000 would pay more taxes under the Clinton plan, Bill Clinton said on Oct. 1, 1992, "It's a disgrace to the American people that the president (Bush) of the United States would make a claim that is so baseless, that is so without foundation, so shameless in its attempt to get votes under false pretenses."

Yet the NY TIMES in the analysis of Clinton's budget wrote, "There are tax increases for every family making more than $20,000 a year!"

"While Clinton continued to defend his middle-class tax cut publicly, he privately expressed the view to his advisers that it was intellectually dishonest." (The Agenda, by Bob Woodward, p. 31)

THose are just a few, to start.
Want a few more?
Lets look at these...
What about him remembering black churches burning when he was a child?

That wasnt true either...

SACRAMENTO DESK - President, William Jefferson Clinton, during his Saturday radio address to the nation, said: "In our country during the '50s and '60s, black churches were burned to intimidate civil rights workers. I have vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child."

Clinton's radio broadcast has deeply insulted his own home-state Democrats. They are saying Clinton has falsely accused Arkansans of torching black churches. After several Arkansans, including the state historian and leaders of several black organizations, disputed Clinton's "vivid and painful memories" of church burnings in Arkansas, Clinton decided to change his story.

I don't see the lies. He erred on ocassion, but didn't lie.

Thats enough to start with.
Do you want more of his known lies posted?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:09 pm
Bush's Top Ten Lies

0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:17 pm
Advocate, If you dont consider those lies, then there is no way you can say that Bush lied about anything either.

To use your own words..."He erred on ocassion, but didn't lie."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:19 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Advocate, If you dont consider those lies, then there is no way you can say that Bush lied about anything either.

To use your own words..."He erred on ocassion, but didn't lie."

What about those of us who take the other position - that both of them were serial liars?

Are you willing to agree with this position?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:30 pm
Example: Clinton smoking pot in the UK broke no US law.

There is no way that Clinton was a serial liar. Bush, however, was and is.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:32 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Advocate, If you dont consider those lies, then there is no way you can say that Bush lied about anything either.

To use your own words..."He erred on ocassion, but didn't lie."

What about those of us who take the other position - that both of them were serial liars?

Are you willing to agree with this position?


As soon as you show me anyone that has ever taken that position, we will talk about it.
But, your side has claimed that Clinton didnt lie, he just made errors.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:33 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Advocate, If you dont consider those lies, then there is no way you can say that Bush lied about anything either.

To use your own words..."He erred on ocassion, but didn't lie."

What about those of us who take the other position - that both of them were serial liars?

Are you willing to agree with this position?


As soon as you show me anyone that has ever taken that position, we will talk about it.
But, your side has claimed that Clinton didnt lie, he just made errors.

I think that Clinton was a serial liar. Don't lump us all together.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:43 pm
Advocate wrote:
There is no way that Clinton was a serial liar. Bush, however, was and is.

Clinton is an admitted liar, who lied under oath; Bush is not.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:45 pm
Advocate wrote:
Example: Clinton smoking pot in the UK broke no US law.

There is no way that Clinton was a serial liar. Bush, however, was and is.

Tico is correct; Clinton lied about several things and later admitted to lying about them.

Bush has not admitted that he is a liar, but there exists ample proof that he is in fact a liar.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:47 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Advocate wrote:
There is no way that Clinton was a serial liar. Bush, however, was and is.

Clinton is an admitted liar, who lied under oath; Bush is not.

Bush lied about upholding the Constitution of the US; that's about as big a lie from any president. He broke wiretap laws, revealed the name of a CIA agent, lied us into war, and tortured prisoners. Lied about social security going broke, and lied about supporting our troops by cutting their benefits and services.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:48 pm
Bush also lied about "the biggest reconstruction project the US have ever seen" when he spoke from Jackson Square in New Orleans.
0 Replies

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