Fitzgerald Investigation of Leak of Identity of CIA Agent

Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 09:43 am
mysteryman wrote:
While I must agree with you as to being confused, and mildly amused, by Roxxanne's statements regarding her sexuality, it really is none of anyone elses business.
Granted, she has gone from going on her honeymoon to having a new girlfriend to now advertising on a hetero dating site, all in the space of a month, but it is none of anyone elses business, so do all of us a favor and leave it alone, ok.

MM, that is probably pretty good advice, and since it comes from you, I will try to take it after this post. Responding to the sexual bantering here probably only encourages more of it. I was responding in the spirit of perhaps offering some helpful advice, but to close the book on your little program there, Roxxxanne, I have been happily married for a long time and am a grandparent as well. One last tip however, if you have interest, to gain respect, you must respect yourself, not just in word only, but spirit and action. Roxxxanne, in all seriousness, I bear no ill will toward you and hope you gain eventual happiness in your personal life.
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Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 09:53 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
Considering the mundane lives that these Republican/conservative men lead, (and that what excitement they do have usually occurs in men's bathrooms and they are not about to reveal it here) it is no wonder that they find my adventures fascinating. But I wish you guys would stop taking everything I say literally. (like a "honeymoon" can mean something other than actually get married)

Of course, to them, anyone is Fair Game as Valerie Wilson knows all too well. It doesn't matter to them if it's a CIA agent, a kid who almost died in a car accident or a sultry chanteuse posting comical musings on the internet, it is all just smear, smear, smear. The end justifies the means.

You got it right. You are dealing with a bunch of proud literalists who are incapable of dealing with a figurative statement. Usually, only children and retards take everything literally.
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Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 10:18 am
We can do without your fictitious labels, Advocate. I would have hoped you would have learned the folly of that upon being on the receiving end of like accusations on the immigration threads?

The Valerie Plame case is a political issue, not entirely a case of outing an agent. I would have hoped you could have figured that out by now. I am just as interested in protecting classified information and the identity of agents, but I happen to see this case as involving a different angle and different people to blame. Further, intent is a big item here, which has never been demonstrated, nor has her covert status been demonstrated in a court of law.

Further, this case serves to illustrate an inconsistent interest by leftists in the integrity of the CIA and classified information, an interest that is not demonstrated in other cases, such as Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton, etc. etc. In the case of leftists, it is clearly a case driven by the hatred of George Bush, not an interest in the classified information. If it is, it is suddenly a new interest in my opinion.
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Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 10:41 am
okie wrote:
We can do without your fictitious labels, Advocate. I would have hoped you would have learned the folly of that upon being on the receiving end of like accusations on the immigration threads?

The Valerie Plame case is a political issue, not entirely a case of outing an agent. I would have hoped you could have figured that out by now. I am just as interested in protecting classified information and the identity of agents, but I happen to see this case as involving a different angle and different people to blame. Further, intent is a big item here, which has never been demonstrated, nor has her covert status been demonstrated in a court of law.

Further, this case serves to illustrate an inconsistent interest by leftists in the integrity of the CIA and classified information, an interest that is not demonstrated in other cases, such as Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton, etc. etc. In the case of leftists, it is clearly a case driven by the hatred of George Bush, not an interest in the classified information. If it is, it is suddenly a new interest in my opinion.

You seem to infer that a fact doesn't exist unless it is established in court, which is silly. Moreover, how does a court establish a fact? Further, courts are often wrong; e.g., the OJ, Blake, and Jackson cases.

I don't see where the Berger, Clinton, et al., situations are similar to the Plame matter. There is no similarity, but it is just your typical way of of muddying the facts. Moreover, one would have to be knee-jerk, mindless, Bushite to defend or apologize for the administration's actions in Plame.
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Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 04:39 pm
You seem to infer that a fact doesn't exist unless it is established in court, which is silly. Moreover, how does a court establish a fact? Further, courts are often wrong; e.g., the OJ, Blake, and Jackson cases.

How do you figure the courts got any of those cases wrong?
The courts did exactly what they are supposed to do, and a jury decided the case.

Under our legal system thats exactly how its supposed to work.
You may not like the verdicts (and neither do I) but the courts worked exactly the way they are supposed to work.

Roxxanne said...
But I wish you guys would stop taking everything I say literally.

Then you need to tell everyone that wished you well after you returned from your "honeymoon" that you didnt actually go on a honeymoon.

Also,please let everyone know when we are to take you literally.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 06:33 pm
Courts are prone to get things wrong for many reasons, and some include the following:
1. Bad defense and prosecution attorneys.
2. Bad judge.
3. Jury misinterprets information.
4. Police uses false evidence.

The list goes on, but you can continue to stick you head in the sand - as usual.
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Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 11:19 pm
mysteryman wrote:

Then you need to tell everyone...

I don't have any obligation to anyone but myself when it comes to posting about my personal life. Unless you are a real dimbulb, you should have figured out my act by now.
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Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 11:26 pm
Imposter, in regard to Plame, I would rather go with the court than the Bush hating opinions on this forum. When this whole thing started, the liberals or Bush opponents were still seathing over Gore and Kerry losing that they were looking for anything, especially concerning the hated Karl Rove, and they were so convinced that Karl Rove would be in prison a long time ago over this, and Bush would have been impeached, Cheney would again be living in Wyoming, in jail, or dead from a heart attack, and the Democrats would then be hounding someone else instead, all with glee of course, while Sandy Bergler walked free and waiting to serve in the next Democratic administration. And to think this was all about the great Joseph Wilson that thought he knew all about yellowcake in Niger after going down there for a few days to find out nothing that we didn't already know.
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 08:28 am
The court accepted as fact that Plame was covert. Even Tico will admit that these days. Court papers filed by Fitzgerald show that Plame was covert.

How anyone can argue she wasn't covert these days is beyond me.
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 09:54 am
mysteryman wrote:
You seem to infer that a fact doesn't exist unless it is established in court, which is silly. Moreover, how does a court establish a fact? Further, courts are often wrong; e.g., the OJ, Blake, and Jackson cases.

How do you figure the courts got any of those cases wrong?
The courts did exactly what they are supposed to do, and a jury decided the case.

Under our legal system thats exactly how its supposed to work.
You may not like the verdicts (and neither do I) but the courts worked exactly the way they are supposed to work.

Roxxanne said...
But I wish you guys would stop taking everything I say literally.

Then you need to tell everyone that wished you well after you returned from your "honeymoon" that you didnt actually go on a honeymoon.

Also,please let everyone know when we are to take you literally.

You may not have noticed, but the juries in question, and the jury system, are part of the court. And, as often happens, they got it wrong.
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 09:58 am
I guess Okie feels that it is okay for the administration to commit treason by outing a CIA secret agent because a Dem, Berger, destroyed some classified documents.
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 10:46 am
Intent is crucial to your case, Advocate, and unlike Berger, I've seen no evidence of it here, and evidently Fitzgerald agrees or he would have charged Armitage, the guy that did the outing. Additionally, outing an agent is not by definition, treason. Go ahead and huff and puff, Advocate, your case is all but forgotten, and there was never going to be anything to it.

P.S. I am not okay with treason or outing an agent, that isn't what happened here, as defined by the law.
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 10:48 am
and unlike Berger, I've seen no evidence of it here

You see only what you want to see.

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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 05:11 pm
okie wrote:
Intent is crucial to your case, Advocate, and unlike Berger, I've seen no evidence of it here, and evidently Fitzgerald agrees or he would have charged Armitage, the guy that did the outing. Additionally, outing an agent is not by definition, treason. Go ahead and huff and puff, Advocate, your case is all but forgotten, and there was never going to be anything to it.

P.S. I am not okay with treason or outing an agent, that isn't what happened here, as defined by the law.

The intent is clear. Further, Rove is equally guilty of outing Plame by confirming her ID. I will never understand why Fitz didn't prosecute them for, at the least, leaking classified info.
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 05:45 pm
Advocate wrote:
okie wrote:
Intent is crucial to your case, Advocate, and unlike Berger, I've seen no evidence of it here, and evidently Fitzgerald agrees or he would have charged Armitage, the guy that did the outing. Additionally, outing an agent is not by definition, treason. Go ahead and huff and puff, Advocate, your case is all but forgotten, and there was never going to be anything to it.

P.S. I am not okay with treason or outing an agent, that isn't what happened here, as defined by the law.

The intent is clear. Further, Rove is equally guilty of outing Plame by confirming her ID. I will never understand why Fitz didn't prosecute them for, at the least, leaking classified info.

I suspect it's because he felt he didn't have a case.
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 05:47 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Advocate wrote:
okie wrote:
Intent is crucial to your case, Advocate, and unlike Berger, I've seen no evidence of it here, and evidently Fitzgerald agrees or he would have charged Armitage, the guy that did the outing. Additionally, outing an agent is not by definition, treason. Go ahead and huff and puff, Advocate, your case is all but forgotten, and there was never going to be anything to it.

P.S. I am not okay with treason or outing an agent, that isn't what happened here, as defined by the law.

The intent is clear. Further, Rove is equally guilty of outing Plame by confirming her ID. I will never understand why Fitz didn't prosecute them for, at the least, leaking classified info.

I suspect it's because he felt he didn't have a case.

That's what happens when you have no legal way to compel known liars to tell the truth.

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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 07:08 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Advocate wrote:
okie wrote:
Intent is crucial to your case, Advocate, and unlike Berger, I've seen no evidence of it here, and evidently Fitzgerald agrees or he would have charged Armitage, the guy that did the outing. Additionally, outing an agent is not by definition, treason. Go ahead and huff and puff, Advocate, your case is all but forgotten, and there was never going to be anything to it.

P.S. I am not okay with treason or outing an agent, that isn't what happened here, as defined by the law.

The intent is clear. Further, Rove is equally guilty of outing Plame by confirming her ID. I will never understand why Fitz didn't prosecute them for, at the least, leaking classified info.

I suspect it's because he felt he didn't have a case.

That's what happens when you have no legal way to compel known liars to tell the truth.


It's also what happens where there is a complete lack of evidence.
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 07:30 pm
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 09:31 pm
Advocate wrote:

[url=http://www.able2know.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=2949954#2949954]But a little over a week ago, Advocate[/url] wrote:

There is zero evidence that Plame was any kind of expert on Iraq's WMD, or lack thereof.

Come now ... which is it?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 09:39 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Advocate wrote:
okie wrote:
Intent is crucial to your case, Advocate, and unlike Berger, I've seen no evidence of it here, and evidently Fitzgerald agrees or he would have charged Armitage, the guy that did the outing. Additionally, outing an agent is not by definition, treason. Go ahead and huff and puff, Advocate, your case is all but forgotten, and there was never going to be anything to it.

P.S. I am not okay with treason or outing an agent, that isn't what happened here, as defined by the law.

The intent is clear. Further, Rove is equally guilty of outing Plame by confirming her ID. I will never understand why Fitz didn't prosecute them for, at the least, leaking classified info.

I suspect it's because he felt he didn't have a case.

That's what happens when you have no legal way to compel known liars to tell the truth.


It's also what happens where there is a complete lack of evidence.

I've never seen you claim before that there was a complete lack of evidence in the case. Do you claim that now, or was that a hypothetical?

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