Arella Mae
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 10:37 pm

You do get me to thinking, yes. However, you don't get me to thinking I should change my views.

Can you explain that statement about Real Life would trust a book or a priest to tell him a relative is effectively dead? If I take that at face value, that sounds like you think Christians don't do any thinking at all. We do go to doctors and we do follow their advice. I would hardly expect the Bible to tell me someone was dead and I don't think I'd call a priest to ask him either. Now, am I misunderstanding here? If I am, I apologize.

To me, it is not a fetus. It is a child. Not a fully formed child, no, but a child nonetheless. That is my belief. That is obviously not your belief.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 11:44 pm
Momma, I would not expect you to change your view on abortion, except for the part where you want that view made law for everbody else.

Keep in mind I don't like abortion either, I would certainly do my best to persuade people against it in most situations if asked (and I have done so right here at A2K), the difference is I don't think it's my right to insist they do what I think is right. When you think you have a god on your side, all your humility goes out the window.

A foetus is not a child anymore than an egg is a chicken. Do you also call babies teenagers? More semantics. I'm sure calling it a child makes you more confident of your position, it makes abortion look much worse. How do you deal with the natural miscarriage (or "child deaths") of about 1 in 6? How many hundreds of "children" don't make it past 12 weeks in utero every day??? All those poor lost souls every day of the week? Intelligent design , yeah RIGHT.

The "relative dead" thing is about what constitutes life and when to turn off respirators etc.

If you listen to doctors you will find they prefer to do abortions themselves in hospitals rather than try to fix all the backyard jobs that happen when it is made illegal.

Momma, would I be right to think you trust doctors right up to the point where they conflict with what you think your god wants?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 11:49 pm

I guess you'd have to give me a specific example of what you mean about trusting the doctors up to the point of conflict.

I don't know a thing about Intelligent Design. I won't even pretend to.

There are many reasons for miscarriages, Eorl. However, God is not one of them.

Eorl, that's just it, you and others keep saying scientists say, doctors say, etc. I do not put my faith in what man says when it conflicts with what God says in the Bible.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 12:13 am
real life wrote:
Eorl wrote:
Thanks Jane and Momma Smile edit:and mesquite!

Real Life, your question is trap built on semantics. It all depends on the definitions of the words "living" and "human being". As I pointed out, the whole right to life case rests on their definition as being assumed to be the right one. The word "child" is also used (see above) because it conjurs up images of the killing of the child that the feotus has the potential to become, rather than the foetus that it is right now. See, more semantics.

"Nothing is more usual than for philosophers to encroach on the province of grammarians, and to engage in disputes of words, while they imagine they are handling controversies of the deepest importance and concern."
David Hume

As you know, I would trust a doctor to tell me that my relative is "effectively dead" while you would prefer to ask a priest or a book.

Real Life perhaps you can respond to my question about miscarriage. Why do you think your god "murders" one out of every six "children" before 12 weeks?

To suppose that God murders children is to neither understand God, nor murder, Eorl.

Now it is too bad that you could not answer a simple question like the one I posed. I would hope that you would hold yourself to the same standard that you hold others. But perhaps not.

If you had been following this thread you would know that it is not a trap at all. You would see the question, the answers posed by various members and how I responded. Perhaps that would allay some of your fears.

So when a god causes a miscarriage it's not murder but when a doctor causes a miscarriage it is? Man, you dance around language like the Fred Astaire of rhetoric.

As for your simple question....Yes, I have seen you spring that trap already, or "paint into corners" was one way of putting it. The problem is you've made the question a yes or no question when the correct answer is "The question is not valid"

Will you admit the possibility that the unborn could indeed be a living human being?

There is no possibility involved is a thing or it is not a thing. Like I said it's all about the language you use. A living human being is whatever you decide a living human being should be defined as. It all comes down to drawing a line in the sand...when is abortion appropriate? You are at one extreme end due to your religious view of the situation, husbands who just found out it's not theirs may well be at the other....the generally accepted and medically, scientifically understood position falls somewhere in between, and that is the advice I would seek.

Let me try one of those "simple questions":
Would you stop the car and get out if a thief asked you to?
Do you admit the possibility that a police car could be stolen?
Would you stop if a police car asked you to, even though you admit there's a possibility it is stolen?

allay my fears?.....what fears ???
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 10:44 am
Eorl wrote:
Would you stop if a police car asked you to, even though you admit there's a possibility it is stolen?

One would have to be a fool to believe that a police car could talk! ;-)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 11:32 am
Momma Angel wrote:
There are many reasons for miscarriages, Eorl. However, God is not one of them.

That's right Eorl, don't you know that God only does good things. Twisted Evil

Momma Angel wrote:
I have to share this! I am having the most amazing day! God is doing the most amazing things today! woo hoo!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 11:41 am
mesquite wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
There are many reasons for miscarriages, Eorl. However, God is not one of them.

That's right Eorl, don't you know that God only does good things. Twisted Evil

Momma Angel wrote:
I have to share this! I am having the most amazing day! God is doing the most amazing things today! woo hoo!


You wouldn't be poking fun at me would you? God does amazing things in my life everyday. He blesses me every single day of my life. Even through my trials and tribulations, I find blessings.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 08:03 am
Eorl wrote:
real life wrote:
Eorl wrote:
Thanks Jane and Momma Smile edit:and mesquite!

Real Life, your question is trap built on semantics. It all depends on the definitions of the words "living" and "human being". As I pointed out, the whole right to life case rests on their definition as being assumed to be the right one. The word "child" is also used (see above) because it conjurs up images of the killing of the child that the feotus has the potential to become, rather than the foetus that it is right now. See, more semantics.

"Nothing is more usual than for philosophers to encroach on the province of grammarians, and to engage in disputes of words, while they imagine they are handling controversies of the deepest importance and concern."
David Hume

As you know, I would trust a doctor to tell me that my relative is "effectively dead" while you would prefer to ask a priest or a book.

Real Life perhaps you can respond to my question about miscarriage. Why do you think your god "murders" one out of every six "children" before 12 weeks?

To suppose that God murders children is to neither understand God, nor murder, Eorl.

Now it is too bad that you could not answer a simple question like the one I posed. I would hope that you would hold yourself to the same standard that you hold others. But perhaps not.

If you had been following this thread you would know that it is not a trap at all. You would see the question, the answers posed by various members and how I responded. Perhaps that would allay some of your fears.

So when a god causes a miscarriage it's not murder but when a doctor causes a miscarriage it is? Man, you dance around language like the Fred Astaire of rhetoric.

As for your simple question....Yes, I have seen you spring that trap already, or "paint into corners" was one way of putting it. The problem is you've made the question a yes or no question when the correct answer is "The question is not valid"

Will you admit the possibility that the unborn could indeed be a living human being?

There is no possibility involved is a thing or it is not a thing. Like I said it's all about the language you use. A living human being is whatever you decide a living human being should be defined as. It all comes down to drawing a line in the sand...when is abortion appropriate? You are at one extreme end due to your religious view of the situation, husbands who just found out it's not theirs may well be at the other....the generally accepted and medically, scientifically understood position falls somewhere in between, and that is the advice I would seek.

Let me try one of those "simple questions":
Would you stop the car and get out if a thief asked you to?
Do you admit the possibility that a police car could be stolen?
Would you stop if a police car asked you to, even though you admit there's a possibility it is stolen?

allay my fears?.....what fears ???

The fear of answering the question that I am about to pose again.

You are correct when you say that the unborn is either living.............or it is not.

You insist that pro-life folks cannot know with absolute certainty that the unborn IS a living human being.

Can you know with absolute certainty that the unborn is NOT a living human being?

Hint: If you insist that "living" or "human being" cannot be objectively defined, then the answer to the question is obviously , and of necessity, No.
0 Replies
non-denom christian
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 10:14 am
One of the many great things about being saved is the unexplainable wisdom one receives studying the Holy Bible. I do not wonder about how I was created, or whether an abortion is murder or not. If you are lost and can't figure out the simplest things in life, I can only hope that you will find God. Only then will the world be as clear as crystal as is is to me. Can't explain it in words, only faith will get you there. I am not about taking the easy way out EVER. Once you take that leap of faith it's a long journey of consistently trying to do what is right, and that is harder than just living day to day. One becomes aware of the big picture. Abortion is one one the greatest sins a person can commit. God being LOVE forgives even that! I know that it makes God cry to see this going on, he told me and I'll never forget the day. I was married to a VERY abusive man, we were on welfare, I had two children with him already and he had two living with us from his first girlfriend. I was 20 and having my third child. It was a bad situation to bring another child into. I prayed very much over this because I considered an abortion. God GROANED to me not just for my baby but for all the babies. I decided to give it up for adoption with the blessing of my husband. I knew a couple who were trying to adopt. Just before my son was born, they got a call that a baby girl was waiting for them. God wanted me to keep my baby. Well, 18 years later, I have been divorced for 12 years, I have been off welfare for 14 years and my children are my treasures. My son was so connected to me at birth that he would not stop crying in the nursery until the nurse brought him to me. Once in my arms he immediately stopped crying. I could sit and write all day about how many times that boy made me laugh, but I will close since I have a lot to do today. May God bless everyone who reads this.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 10:32 am
God has truly blessed me with this non-denom christian. God Bless You for sharing this!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 10:42 am
Thank you for sharing your experience, non-denom christian. Some will fully understand what you are saying. Others may find some kind of fault with it. For them, we pray.

You have obviously kept your faith for many years and through good and bad. God does not give us more than we can handle.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 09:14 pm
Eorl wrote:
real life wrote:
Eorl wrote:
Real Life perhaps you can respond to my question about miscarriage. Why do you think your god "murders" one out of every six "children" before 12 weeks?........

To suppose that God murders children is to neither understand God, nor murder, Eorl.................

So when a god causes a miscarriage it's not murder but when a doctor causes a miscarriage it is? Man, you dance around language like the Fred Astaire of rhetoric.

You have offered no evidence that God is the cause of a miscarriage. But I am willing to let you present your case. (This should be interesting, since you don't believe in God.)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 05:41 pm
OK, real life....

Could your god prevent a miscarriage if he wanted to?

Or is he one of the less powerful gods?

Could your god not know a miscarriage was happening?

Or is he one of the less knowledgeable gods?

Could your god have the both the knowledge and the power, but chooses not to prevent it?

Is he one of those gods who doesn't care that much?

Wait a minute....I think your god just put an answer in my reception is a bit fuzzy (irregular use, you know)...something about mysterious ways and being preoccupied with wonders....

I've seen him choose not to prevent the death of a baby in the womb at 8 months....while throughout the rest of the hospital he was busy "blessing" lots of folks with beautiful healthy babies.

Clearly he can be blamed for both.... or neither. Which is it?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 05:43 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 06:51 pm
Shocked Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 06:55 pm
What's with all the wide eyed wonderment?

It's not even a new argument.... Confused
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 06:59 pm
Well, that's exactly why I was shocked. It is NOT a new argument.

Thought these questions had been answered before.

Well, that and the fact you seem to be blaming God for an awful lot.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 07:16 pm
when words are just not enough....
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 07:23 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 07:25 pm

I'm sure it would be useful if you could make the effort to find the words.

It's difficult to argue with a superior condescending shake of the head...second time on this thread too.

Momma, no they have not been answered well enough. The paradox of an all seeing, all powerful, all caring god in the presence of human suffering has not been resolved to my knowledge. I'll agree to any two but all three is impossible.
0 Replies

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