Momma Angel wrote:I'd be the first to admit, "I ain't got a clue to that one."
All I can say is that I believe life is God-given and man should not take away that life.
It's just another one of those things that I guess we will have to wait to find out when we do get the answers.

And what about those aborted at the blastocyst stage? At that point of time, you can harvest stem cells. These are the cells that go up to make every cell in your body.
If abortion were death, then surely we wouldn't be able to use those stem cells to grow another human being, but we can.
This is part of the concept of cloning. If you split those stem cells into one empty blastocyst and another blastocyst and ensure that there are enough stem cells to ensure good growth, you end up with twins.
From that one "life" you have made two.
Likewise, abort the blastocyst and then keep the stem cells growing indefinitely. Theoretically, you can use them to grow new organs or at least, the cells for those orgrans. Yet, you can take some of those newly grown stem cells and put them back into an empty blastocyst.
Put it in a woman, let the birth continue as it has always done and theoretically, it's as if the "baby" was never aborted in the first place.
Now, let me explain to you why I say, theoretically.
You see stem cells are immortal. They can divide and grow indefinitely. In that way, stem cells are cancerous. It is desirable, if you want to keep them as stem cells, to grow them as a single layer on a plate filled with nutrients. The moment they realise there's no more room to grow in a single layer, they start to turn into different cells. So to keep them a single layer, every now and then, you have to remove them from the plate and put half on one plate and another half on another. In other words, space them out. That is called passaging.
A passage number is given to each stem cells. The higher the passage number, the more times these cells have been separated from one plate into two plates. The higher the passage number, the less capable the cells are of being reincorporated into a blastocyst.
That is why I said theoretically, because if you grow them long enough, it becomes impossible for you to undo what you have done before (that is, the abortion).
Human life, is not as clear cut as anti-abortionists think. Not even life is as clear cut as the laymen thinks, because viruses are neither live nor dead and in some situations can bring dead cells back to life.
That is why we must talk about sentience, not life, and sentience does not start at the point of conception and it doesn't start until the nerves and the brain have started to form.