real life
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 08:48 am
Piffka wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:

Nobody is trying to take away the rights of the woman. We are trying to protect what we see are the unalienable right to life of the unborn. And yes, there are then those difficult choices that must be made re rape, incest, certain health issues, etc. Maybe a case can be made for it being more ethical to terminate a pregnancy before we know whether it is even viable as opposed to terminating it after the body and brain has formed and the heart is beating. These are all things that reasonable people can certainly consider.

But all are moot so long as the pro-abortionists assign subhuman status to the unborn and consider it dispensable at whatever whim of the host parent.

I've told you several times, the women who are getting abortions do not assign subhuman status to the unborn. You are lying when you say this... or just don't know what you're talking about.

Then do you agree that the unborn is a living human?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:04 am
Well, it seems a lot has been said. Sorry I missed it at the time. Let's see if I can catch up.

Frank Apisa Wrote:

It has been explained to you dozens of times.

"What's up" that either you cannot or will not understand the explanation.

What's up is that even when we explain something to you that you seem to think we should be following as to what it means to us you ignore it. You continually post verses from the OT and we have explained them and the NT to you and the ENTIRE concept of God. Yet, you dismiss it and post again and again and again your OT verses with the same questions.

Piffka Wrote:

Slaughtered in the womb? Thousands of childless couples... well there are millions... 35 million abortions per year. Who is going to take care of all those? If you have say 100,000 couples taking 35 million children who would otherwise be "slaughtered" then ... let's see... that's.... uhm... 350 children... per year.... per couple. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to take on that responsibility.

Seems to me the thing to do would be to PUT THE RESPONSIBILITY WHERE IT SHOULD BE! Of all these (35 million abortions per year) just how many do you think were rape, incest, or women becoming pregnant even though they took precautions? I would imagine most were BECAUSE THE WOMEN WERE IRRESPONSIBLE! You are speaking of 35 million children here! Hilter slaughtered 6 million! This is nearly six times what Hilter did! And this is ONE YEAR?

Piffka Wrote:

I think that masturbation is a normal part of the human sexual sphere. Maybe you should think about it and you'd come back into the real world. I bring it up because I see that human sperm as an issue in this. If there weren't any of those, we wouldn't be having a problem. If men would just masturbate more, women wouldn't get pregnant.

If men would just masturbate more, women wouldn't get pregnant? Oh, so now it's the man's fault? WHAT ABOUT THE WOMAN? If she didn't have sex she wouldn't get pregnant! Why do you continually shift the blame to other than the woman?

Piffka Wrote:

The arrogance is deciding that she isn't taking responsibility.
The arrogance is seeing her fetus as more important than the entire rest of her life.
The arrogance is seeing that every sexual act by a woman under your strange and awful system would mean that she may be risking pregnancy... despite any precautions she has.

The real arrogance (IMO) is thinking it's okay to slaughter 35 million children because (in the pertinent cases) the WOMAN TOOK NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR HER ACTIONS!

Piffka Wrote:

If they aren't aborted, they'll be born, then they'll be destroyed. Here's a recent description from a medical exam performed this week on a child who was sexually abused. The little girl, between the ages of 4 and 7, gets kicked in the face by her father for not sharing. Has been kicked several times and lost teeth, constantly bruised. She wonders how she can keep him from kicking her. She has also been sexually abused by her older brother, but her father only cries about that... then kicks her and keeps humping her mother who has poured out three more children younger than this girl and is now pregnant again. Now there's a life being destroyed in front of our eyes.

Oh you have just entered into a realm of which I have firsthand experience. I am a survivor of rape by incest, pregnancy by incest, and extreme physical abuse. I lost my CHILD in my fifth month when I was 15. Do you think I thought that was a clump of cells in my womb? NO. Do you think I thought for one second that child should pay for someone else's acts? NO! I never for a second thought that. I loved that child from the second I knew the child was there! And, I would have loved that child its entire life. Yes, there is plenty of abuse in this world. But, the answer is not to kill the children. The answer is to educate and provide punishment for the adults that abuse the children. AGAIN, PUT THE RESPONSIBILITY WHERE IT BELONGS! Not on the child. And by the way Piffka, MY LIFE WAS NOT DESTROYED BY any of the abuse, pregnancy, miscarriage, or the incest.[/QUOTE]

Piffka Wrote:

Actually, Americans have made a decision. You just don't like it and so you're trying to change that decision.

I wonder how long those noses are that look down on these fallen women? Will they feed and clothe and school those children? Will they care for them and keep them out of mischief?

Americans? You are not American? May I ask where you are from? And if we don't like a law or think a law is wrong, it is our right and duty to change it. That's what we do in America.

Noses looking down on fallen women? Who is looking down on them? I am all for doing whatever can be done to raise those women up! Do you know how many women get pregnant over and over just so that they can get more welfare? If they are going to have the children don't you think they should have thought about taking care of them first? Where's their responsibility?

Piffka Wrote:

Then you obviously haven't been in the lines and seen what is really happening.

Oh yes, they are fallen women... and they've danced the responsibility dance. And they need to take responsibility for their actions. If their birth control didn't work... darn it. They've got another kid and they need to take responsibility for it. Of course, choosing abortion, in your eyes, is not taking responsibility for that.

Well, I have been in the lines. I am a survivor of one of those lines. Being in that line does not give me the excuse nor justification to kill a child.

No, killing a child is not taking responsibility. Preventing the pregnancy is. If the birth control doesn't work, then yes, take responsibility for the child and give it life.

Piffka Wrote:

It is perfectly clear to me that if abortion were made illegal, which despite the back-pedaling of Momma (this is not a black and white issue) Angel and Fox (I'm not saying I'd be against all abortion) Fyre is just what you want.

And just would that backpedaling be? The fact that I think that in the case of if a woman carries the child to term it could kill her, an abortion would be understandable? That's not backpedaling. If the woman is married (or not) has other children (or not) she has a mother, father, probably relatives. In this case, and in my opinion, pretty much the only case I would ever consider abortion, why should the woman die and leave her family to grieve? That's not backpedaling, honey. Seems like perfect sense to me.

Piffka Wrote:

I see how doctors, under your mishmash of reasoning, could be sentenced to crimes for performing abortions.... and in fact, have been murdered and attacked by the vigilante actions of the anti-choice-pro-life-I'll choose-for-you-crowd.

I see how the entire sorry spectacle is part of the greater fear and hatred that you people... yes... you people.... have for the inherent sexuality of our species.

Piffka Wrote:

I see how doctors, under your mishmash of reasoning, could be sentenced to crimes for performing abortions.... and in fact, have been murdered and attacked by the vigilante actions of the anti-choice-pro-life-I'll choose-for-you-crowd.

I see how the entire sorry spectacle is part of the greater fear and hatred that you people... yes... you people.... have for the inherent sexuality of our species.

Yep, sentence those doctors. And you betcha, those murdering and bombing in the name of vigilanteism, throw them in jail too. Those that would kill the abortion doctors or bomb clinics are just as guilty of killing as the abortion doctors themselves. That is unacceptable behavior to 'me', one of those people.

Greater fear and hatred that you people.....inherent sexuality of our species?! Because we want to give children the right to be born? I don't hate anyone. I don't hate women (as someone in this thread seems to think 'we' do).

And Frank,

With all that analyzing of 'us', did you stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night or do you have a degree in psychology or psychiatry?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:06 am
Foxfyre wrote:
At least my argument has more substance than 'it is so because I say so" and 'anybody who disagrees is stupid, lying, pathetic or any number of uncomplimentary adjectives hich is about all that Frank can come up with. a matter of fact, have been much, much more nasty than I have been in this discussion we've been having.

As for "substance" arguments are every bit as substantive as your....and you deciding they are not does not impact on that. And, your "substance" includes an obvious LIE...namely that you are not trying to take away any women's rights. do provide laughs...and what more can one ask of a fellow human being who was once a fetus, an embryo, a zygote, a fertilized egg...and from all indications, part of a star.

I love you, Fox....despite all your faults, pretentions...and the fact that you would lie so blatantly to try to support your efforts to take rights away from women.

I love you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:10 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Well, it seems a lot has been said. Sorry I missed it at the time. Let's see if I can catch up.

Frank Apisa Wrote:

It has been explained to you dozens of times.

"What's up" that either you cannot or will not understand the explanation.

What's up is that even when we explain something to you that you seem to think we should be following as to what it means to us you ignore it. You continually post verses from the OT and we have explained them and the NT to you and the ENTIRE concept of God. Yet, you dismiss it and post again and again and again your OT verses with the same questions.

You are mixing stuff up, MA. Get back under control and handle the item you quoted if you want to.

And Frank,

With all that analyzing of 'us', did you stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night or do you have a degree in psychology or psychiatry?

Actually, my graduate work was in psychology...although my undergrad majors were economoics and philosophy.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:13 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
At least my argument has more substance than 'it is so because I say so" and 'anybody who disagrees is stupid, lying, pathetic or any number of uncomplimentary adjectives hich is about all that Frank can come up with. a matter of fact, have been much, much more nasty than I have been in this discussion we've been having.

As for "substance" arguments are every bit as substantive as your....and you deciding they are not does not impact on that. And, your "substance" includes an obvious LIE...namely that you are not trying to take away any women's rights. do provide laughs...and what more can one ask of a fellow human being who was once a fetus, an embryo, a zygote, a fertilized egg...and from all indications, part of a star.

I love you, Fox....despite all your faults, pretentions...and the fact that you would lie so blatantly to try to support your efforts to take rights away from women.

I love you.

I wouldn't put much stock into what Frank says about you being nasty. (IMO) you have been straightforward but you have not resorted to the same tactics as others have.

And Frank, yes, I will say this. In trying to protect the child, I the woman's right to make that choice will be taken away.

Tell you what, you give up your right to fight this abortion issue and I will give up my right to fight you on the religion issue? Not much chance of that is there? So, let's lay off on taking away rights, ok?

Frank Apisa Wrote:

Actually, my graduate work was in psychology...although my undergrad majors were economoics and philosophy.

Well, then it's a good thing I didn't pay you anything. I would have had to sue you for a missed diagnosis.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:17 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Actually, my graduate work was in psychology...although my undergrad majors were economoics and philosophy.

What exactly is economoics?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:23 am
Intrepid wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Actually, my graduate work was in psychology...although my undergrad majors were economoics and philosophy.

What exactly is economoics?

It is a typo.

I would have thought even you could figure that out.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:25 am
Momma Angel wrote:
I wouldn't put much stock into what Frank says about you being nasty. (IMO) you have been straightforward but you have not resorted to the same tactics as others have.

And Frank, yes, I will say this. In trying to protect the child, I the woman's right to make that choice will be taken away.

Tell you what, you give up your right to fight this abortion issue and I will give up my right to fight you on the religion issue? Not much chance of that is there? So, let's lay off on taking away rights, ok?



Frank Apisa Wrote:

Actually, my graduate work was in psychology...although my undergrad majors were economoics and philosophy.

Well, then it's a good thing I didn't pay you anything. I would have had to sue you for a missed diagnosis.

Yeah...that problem might arise even if I had completed my work, gotten a degree in psychology, and treated you as a patient rather than simply talked to you in an Internet forum.

It happens all the time with delusional patients, I understand.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:28 am

That's not nice! I am not delusional. Look, I have had therapy for years after my childhood. Delusional is one thing I most definitely am not.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:42 am
Momma Angel wrote:

That's not nice! I am not delusional. Look, I have had therapy for years after my childhood. Delusional is one thing I most definitely am not.

No MommaAngel, you are not in the least bit dilusional. You, Real Life, and some others would probably vote to be somewhat more restrictive in abortion laws than I would probably vote--I would have to think on that more--but you have not been in the least bit irrational, inconsistent, or delusional, and I can't fault you for your position on this issue.

We all share the conviction that human life is precious and is not to be discarded on the whim of one who simply doesn't want to have to deal with it.

It still boils down to the fact that 'they' have to a) agree that killing a human baby is okay or b) relegate the growing baby to subhuman status in order to justify abortion. They are unable to justify either point so they can't have a debate on anything other than the most superficial level.

And because they cannot justify it on anything other than the most superficial level, they have to ridicule and insult and accuse the prolifers with ridiculous charges or try to deflect to something else.

We are probably beating our heads against a brick wall. But at least we know we are on the defensible side of the issue.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:42 am
I've told you several times, the women who are getting abortions do not assign subhuman status to the unborn.

Foxfyre wrote:

So you are saying that the women who are getting abortions are intentionally killing a human baby?

Oh well. That makes it okay then. Rolling Eyes

I don't think I said that, but I will, if you want. If a woman who finds herself pregnant decides to terminate her pregnancy, then she is surely losing that child. She is making the choice to not let it be born. She has looked at the options for herself and her family and sees that she cannot handle the trauma of pregnancy, the having a baby and raising it. You don't think she has the right. I do.

I am particularly incensed that you assume there is no grief, no concern, no questions... it is uncalled-for and a bitter way for Pro-Life people to pat themselves on the back. I guess that way you can huddle together and be sure you're doing the right thing.

The right thing in my opinion is to take care of the living, breathing human who lives right down the street.

That you think you should make the choice for that woman and her family... is patriarchal government, repressive and unfeeling at its very worst. Not only that, you are arguing against the law of the land WHILE your duly promoted president is waging hideous uncalled-for war even now, killing not just fetuses but babies and children and women and men.

That you refuse to discuss those 35 million babies who would need to be cared-for, or the flat-footed agenda of Pro-Life becomes absurd.

Roll your eyes, it suits you.

The argument of Pro-Life is based on beliefs that I don't happen to share... I don't believe in fate vs science. I don't believe that "things happen for a reason" and I don't believe birth control should be controlled by someone other than the person giving birth.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:50 am

She is not LOSING the child. She is throwing the child away. She is making the choice of not letting it be born? Since when do human beings have the right to decide who should not be born?

Refuse to discuss those 35 million? Oh no, I did discuss them. You just want to shift the responsibility from the women having those 35 million children to well, if you won't let them have an abortion then who is going to take care of them.

And, if 'your side' doesn't tell us the feelings of those women, then you would expect us to just assume those facts? Honey, I know women who have had an abortion and it was like swatting a fly to them.

And this is NOT the thread for discussing the war. This is the thread for discussing abortion. There are plenty of threads on the war.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:50 am
Momma Angel wrote:

That's not nice! I am not delusional. Look, I have had therapy for years after my childhood. Delusional is one thing I most definitely am not.

Well...I do not know if you are delusional or not.

But I might call to your attention...if you were most defintely would insist you were not delusional.

It's a "delusional" thing.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:53 am
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:56 am
"A rising number of pharmacists are refusing to dispense prescriptions for birth control and morning-after pills, saying it is against their beliefs." So declared an article appearing in The Economist in April. Whether, in fact, such refusals have become increasingly common or simply more visible in the press and the public eye is unclear. What is clear, however, is that incidents of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for emergency contraception and, occasionally, other methods of birth control have been documented in more than a dozen states, according to Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the National Women's Law Center, which are both spearheading efforts to collect such stories. In some of these cases, pharmacists have gone to such extreme lengths as refusing to fill prescriptions for rape victims; refusing to transfer the prescription to another pharmacy or even to return it to the woman so she could take it elsewhere; and giving women religious lectures and chastising them for being "irresponsible."
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:58 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:

That's not nice! I am not delusional. Look, I have had therapy for years after my childhood. Delusional is one thing I most definitely am not.

No MommaAngel, you are not in the least bit dilusional. I am sure MA is going to ask if Fox has the credentials to make that assessment!


You, Real Life, and some others would probably vote to be somewhat more restrictive in abortion laws than I would probably vote--I would have to think on that more--but you have not been in the least bit irrational, inconsistent, or delusional, and I can't fault you for your position on this issue. holy rollers want to vote on whether or not a woman can make a decision to terminate a pregnancy or not. You seem to think it is perfectly okay for you folks to make that decision for her...but that there is something wrong with her making it for herself.

Egad. What do they feed you to get into this condition?


It still boils down to the fact that 'they' have to a) agree that killing a human baby is okay

Only in your sick mind!

All they actually have to do is to decide whether it makes more sense for you to decide when a woman can terminate her own pregnancy...or if she should decide.

And that is a no-brainer (except for you folks.)

... or b) relegate the growing baby to subhuman status in order to justify abortion.

Nope...don't have to do that either.

All they actually have to do is to decide whether it makes more sense for you to decide when a woman can terminate her own pregnancy...or if she should decide.


They are unable to justify either point so they can't have a debate on anything other than the most superficial level.

Unfortunately...having a debate with you is almost always having one on the most superficial level. But that has nothing to do with our positions.

And because they cannot justify it on anything other than the most superficial level, they have to ridicule and insult and accuse the prolifers with ridiculous charges or try to deflect to something else.

Listen to you...a person who has done nothing but ridicule and insult since you came into this thread.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

We are probably beating our heads against a brick wall. But at least we know we are on the defensible side of the issue. let me see you defend your position that you want to take away a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy when she deems appropriate...with your contention that you are not trying to take away any of her rights.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 10:04 am
Frank Apisa Wrote:

Quote: holy rollers want to vote on whether or not a woman can make a decision to terminate a pregnancy or not. You seem to think it is perfectly okay for you folks to make that decision for her...but that there is something wrong with her making it for herself.

Egad. What do they feed you to get into this condition?

Let's rewrite that shall we Frank? Let's see...

You non-believers (specifically Frank) want to vote whether or not a person can make the decision to practice Christianity or not. You seem to think it is perfectly okay for you folks to make that decision for others...but that there is something wrong with us making it for ourselves.

Frank, I couldn't have said it better myself! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 10:04 am
Piffka wrote:
I've told you several times, the women who are getting abortions do not assign subhuman status to the unborn.

Foxfyre wrote:

So you are saying that the women who are getting abortions are intentionally killing a human baby?

Oh well. That makes it okay then. Rolling Eyes

I don't think I said that, but I will, if you want. If a woman who finds herself pregnant decides to terminate her pregnancy, then she is surely losing that child. She is making the choice to not let it be born. She has looked at the options for herself and her family and sees that she cannot handle the trauma of pregnancy, the having a baby and raising it. You don't think she has the right. I do.

I am particularly incensed that you assume there is no grief, no concern, no questions... it is uncalled-for and a bitter way for Pro-Life people to pat themselves on the back. I guess that way you can huddle together and be sure you're doing the right thing.

The right thing in my opinion is to take care of the living, breathing human who lives right down the street.

That you think you should make the choice for that woman and her family... is patriarchal government, repressive and unfeeling at its very worst. Not only that, you are arguing against the law of the land WHILE your duly promoted president is waging hideous uncalled-for war even now, killing not just fetuses but babies and children and women and men.

That you refuse to discuss those 35 million babies who would need to be cared-for, or the flat-footed agenda of Pro-Life becomes absurd.

Roll your eyes, it suits you.

The argument of Pro-Life is based on beliefs that I don't happen to share... I don't believe in fate vs science. I don't believe that "things happen for a reason" and I don't believe birth control should be controlled by someone other than the person giving birth.

I am quite sure there are loving, capable couples out there more than willing to adopt and raise 35 million babies as their own. I do not believe there would be anywhere near 35 million unwanted babies however. I give women more credit than you do. I think most are smart enough to be more careful when they don't have abortion as a quick fix for indiscretions. We all tend to be less careful about pretty much anything when there are no consequences for error.

For you to put the argument in the realm of only the extreme cases is that superficial debate I complained about in a previous post. That you would suggest that women are not using abortion as a means of birth control purely because they do not wish to be bothered or inconvenienced by a pregnancy flies in the face of common sense.

We have no problem restricting the rights of women to abuse or kill their spouses, born children, or any other people; we have no problem restricting her rights to take what doesn't belong to her or to abuse her body with illegal substances, or stopping her from taking her own life etc. etc. etc. But she must have the right to kill an unborn baby at any stage including full term as it emerges from the womb? And you do not see a disconnect with this?

I know from years of working with troubled families that many women do agonize over the abortion they choose. I have sat with women waiting for abortion procedures that were absolutely essential and felt their agony in the decision they were forced to make. I am not in business of judging anybody and I don't.

The issue starts always whether that is a living, human baby in her womb. And if it is--and you say that it is--how does one justify killing it at any time, any place, and for any reason? Once there is some agreement that the unborn is a living human being worthy of consideration, then we can proceed in a rational way to deal with those other comparatively rare circumstances that make hard decisions necessary.

The prolife side knows that the vast bulk of abortions are not made from necessity but are made out of convenience. And we believe that is the unnecessary taking of a human life and is therefore wrong.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 10:09 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Frank Apisa Wrote:

Quote: holy rollers want to vote on whether or not a woman can make a decision to terminate a pregnancy or not. You seem to think it is perfectly okay for you folks to make that decision for her...but that there is something wrong with her making it for herself.

Egad. What do they feed you to get into this condition?

Let's rewrite that shall we Frank? Let's see...

You non-believers (specifically Frank) want to vote whether or not a person can make the decision to practice Christianity or not. You seem to think it is perfectly okay for you folks to make that decision for others...but that there is something wrong with us making it for ourselves.

You seem to be particularly confused today, MA. Problems in your life perhaps???

I have mentioned MANY, MANY, MANY, MANY times that I would like the eradication of religion to be a voluntary, evolutionary step humanity takes.

I want humans to exercise the choice to give up superstition.

It is a choice, MA...A CHOICE.

And I have actually encouraged you to fight against it. I have not tried to get you to stop.

But you are very cute when you think you have made a point and you are being smug about it.

I love that.


Frank, I couldn't have said it better myself! Laughing

You will get no dispute from me on that, MA!
Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 10:10 am
um Fox, just asking but the figure of 35 million keeps coming up, Is this another just giggles number drawn out of a hat? I only ask because I can only find documentation as current as 2000 and it shows 1.31 million in the US of A. Of course the actual number doesn't really matter (it's the principle, right?)
0 Replies

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