Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 03:42 am

...Life and MA are doing what they have to do...

...pretending that their cause and motives are pure and unassailable...

...and the cause and motives of their opposition are nefarious and weak

They have to. They have almost nothing else going for them. Their arguments are built on beliefs (guesses) about a clump of cells having rights that take away rights from living human beings.

Hey…the entire of their case is built on a lie. They are pretending that they are arguing a secular case…when in fact, the structure of their arguments are easily seen to be an attempt to suck-up to their god.

They are the ones who are "selfish"…willing to indulge their fears of their god at the expense of fellow human beings.

They are anti-choice…and the choice they oppose is not invalid…as Life wants to paint it.

And apparently Life is unable to see that being pro-choice does not necessarily mean being pro-abortion. One could easily (and logically) despise abortion…but defend a woman's right to choose to have one…just as one could easily despise atheism, but defend a person's right to choose to be one.

But such is the lot of people with closed minds. Often they must shut out logic in order to preserve the seal.

Keep fighting the good fight, Flushd.

If there is a GOD…my guess is the GOD will be much more impressed with the way you are dealing with this question than the smarmy way your opponents in the discussion are.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 04:19 am
Keep fighting the good fight, Flushd.

Let people like Life suggest that fighting for the rights of humans somehow is selfish and self-serving...while their efforts, to give rights to a clump of cells that negate rights humans have, are pure and motivated only by a love of humanity.

Their arguments are silly...and getting sillier by the minute.

And...apparently Life cannot see that one can have strong feelings against abortion...and still be pro-choice.

But that is because a closed-mind must always guard against leakage.

People like Life should not fool you, Flushd. They are not fighting their fight for altruistic reasons. They are sucking up to their god...and they are willing to trash human rights in order to pretend they are motivated by higher interests.

They are the ones who are hopelessly selfish...not us.

I'm enjoying your posts. Please do not not quit...because that is what these people want you to do.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 04:20 am first effort at discussing this with you did manage to show up, Flushed.

They are similar...but look 'em both over.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 05:53 am
Frank Apisa wrote:

...Life and MA are doing what they have to do...

...pretending that their cause and motives are pure and unassailable...

...and the cause and motives of their opposition are nefarious and weak

They have to. They have almost nothing else going for them. Their arguments are built on beliefs (guesses) about a clump of cells having rights that take away rights from living human beings.

Hey…the entire of their case is built on a lie. They are pretending that they are arguing a secular case…when in fact, the structure of their arguments are easily seen to be an attempt to suck-up to their god.

They are the ones who are "selfish"…willing to indulge their fears of their god at the expense of fellow human beings.

They are anti-choice…and the choice they oppose is not invalid…as Life wants to paint it.

And apparently Life is unable to see that being pro-choice does not necessarily mean being pro-abortion. One could easily (and logically) despise abortion…but defend a woman's right to choose to have one…just as one could easily despise atheism, but defend a person's right to choose to be one.

But such is the lot of people with closed minds. Often they must shut out logic in order to preserve the seal.

Keep fighting the good fight, Flushd.

If there is a GOD…my guess is the GOD will be much more impressed with the way you are dealing with this question than the smarmy way your opponents in the discussion are.

This is one of the most ridiculous posts that I have read. Only piffka's masturbation post is in the same league.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 05:54 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Keep fighting the good fight, Flushd.

Let people like Life suggest that fighting for the rights of humans somehow is selfish and self-serving...while their efforts, to give rights to a clump of cells that negate rights humans have, are pure and motivated only by a love of humanity.

Their arguments are silly...and getting sillier by the minute.

And...apparently Life cannot see that one can have strong feelings against abortion...and still be pro-choice.

But that is because a closed-mind must always guard against leakage.

People like Life should not fool you, Flushd. They are not fighting their fight for altruistic reasons. They are sucking up to their god...and they are willing to trash human rights in order to pretend they are motivated by higher interests.

They are the ones who are hopelessly selfish...not us.

I'm enjoying your posts. Please do not not quit...because that is what these people want you to do.

It just got more ridiculous.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 05:59 am
Intrepid wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

...Life and MA are doing what they have to do...

...pretending that their cause and motives are pure and unassailable...

...and the cause and motives of their opposition are nefarious and weak

They have to. They have almost nothing else going for them. Their arguments are built on beliefs (guesses) about a clump of cells having rights that take away rights from living human beings.

Hey…the entire of their case is built on a lie. They are pretending that they are arguing a secular case…when in fact, the structure of their arguments are easily seen to be an attempt to suck-up to their god.

They are the ones who are "selfish"…willing to indulge their fears of their god at the expense of fellow human beings.

They are anti-choice…and the choice they oppose is not invalid…as Life wants to paint it.

And apparently Life is unable to see that being pro-choice does not necessarily mean being pro-abortion. One could easily (and logically) despise abortion…but defend a woman's right to choose to have one…just as one could easily despise atheism, but defend a person's right to choose to be one.

But such is the lot of people with closed minds. Often they must shut out logic in order to preserve the seal.

Keep fighting the good fight, Flushd.

If there is a GOD…my guess is the GOD will be much more impressed with the way you are dealing with this question than the smarmy way your opponents in the discussion are.

This is one of the most ridiculous posts that I have read.

You mean you do not read your own posts???


You are being unnecessarily modest. You know your posts are much more ridiculous.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 06:01 am
Intrepid wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Keep fighting the good fight, Flushd.

Let people like Life suggest that fighting for the rights of humans somehow is selfish and self-serving...while their efforts, to give rights to a clump of cells that negate rights humans have, are pure and motivated only by a love of humanity.

Their arguments are silly...and getting sillier by the minute.

And...apparently Life cannot see that one can have strong feelings against abortion...and still be pro-choice.

But that is because a closed-mind must always guard against leakage.

People like Life should not fool you, Flushd. They are not fighting their fight for altruistic reasons. They are sucking up to their god...and they are willing to trash human rights in order to pretend they are motivated by higher interests.

They are the ones who are hopelessly selfish...not us.

I'm enjoying your posts. Please do not not quit...because that is what these people want you to do.

It just got more ridiculous.

"An' a man in my position can't afford to be made to look you get your..."



But when I am laughing...stuff like this comes to mind.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 06:02 am
Did you pick that up in the schoolyard, Frank? Is this one of those nah, nah, na nah nah things? I will take that as an admission that you agree that your post was ridiculous and not worthy of you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 06:06 am
Intrepid wrote:
Did you pick that up in the schoolyard, Frank? Is this one of those nah, nah, na nah nah things? I will take that as an admission that you agree that your post was ridiculous and not worthy of you.

"Take it" to mean whatever you want, Intrepid.

You heaved an insult like a taunting kid in a schoolyard. It makes no sense for you to decry my mocking it by continuing in the same vein.

But by all "take it" to mean whatever you want.

You are a delight, Intrepid. Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 06:24 am
real life wrote:

Hi Piffka,

Please educate yourself before you post this stuff. You embarrass yourself with this type of nonsense.

Neither sperm nor egg will develop into a fully grown person until they join together. That is called fertilization.

Guess what? I'm not embarassed and I've got more education on this issue than you'll ever have. What about in vitro fertilization? What about saved eggs? What about saved sperm?

I am willing to take this issue to its logical conclusion to see just where the "pro-life/anti-choice (except their own) group are headed.

It is perfectly clear to me that if abortion were made illegal, which despite the back-pedaling of Momma (this is not a black and white issue) Angel and Fox (I'm not saying I'd be against all abortion) Fyre is just what you want.

I see how pregnant women would be put into jail until their baby were brought to term.

I see how doctors, under your mishmash of reasoning, could be sentenced to crimes for performing abortions.... and in fact, have been murdered and attacked by the vigilante actions of the anti-choice-pro-life-I'll choose-for-you-crowd.

I see how the entire sorry spectacle is part of the greater fear and hatred that you people... yes... you people.... have for the inherent sexuality of our species.

You're just silly geese quacking away... and backtracking as needed.

I raised specific points which you just won't answer... can't answer...

No, I am not embarassed at all. I have fully thought out my position.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 06:29 am
Piffka wrote:
You're just silly geese quacking away

I like that, Piffka, but shouldn't that be "silly geese honking" rather than quacking?

I think ducks quack and geese honk.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 07:00 am
Foxfyre wrote:

My group? I haven't even discussed the morning after pill. I don't recall anyone else discussing the morning after pill. Perhaps we could keep the discussion on the pertinent points that have been raised.

I put you in the Pro-Life group. Do you want to become a member of the Pro-Choice group?

The Morning-After Pill is extremely pertinent to this discussion, because it absolutely proves my point. Your group is afraid of sex and hates women. Even the women among you hate women.


I don't know. I haven't asked anyone what they think about masturbation. I don't think about it much. Do you think about it a lot? You must think about it more than I do since you brought it up, so what do you think about it?

I think that masturbation is a normal part of the human sexual sphere. Maybe you should think about it and you'd come back into the real world. I bring it up because I see that human sperm as an issue in this. If there weren't any of those, we wouldn't be having a problem. If men would just masturbate more, women wouldn't get pregnant.


I don't see a human egg or a human sperm as an issue. These are natural products of the human body that regularly occur from the time of puberty and require no conscious choice on our part. I do see a developing baby within the womb as a living human being deserving of all the consideration we give to any human being.

No conscious choice? Except where responsibility is concerned, yes?

The human egg and the human sperm are exactly the issue. What part of the sexual act do you not understand? I am amazed that someone of your age never got this.

specifically that the foetus is seen as sub-human, non-person, dispensible or whatever.

I told you in a long and heart-felt description that in fact, a woman who makes a choice has very, very strong feelings for her fetus. It is you who pretends that she does not. How many people have you counseled when they're pregnant anyway?

Quite the contrary. I see her as a person who has chosen to risk taking on the responsibility of another life. Once that responsibility is hers, then I see her as a person quite capable of making good choices for the well being of the baby for which she now has responsibility. How arrogant is it to assume that she is incapable of handling the responsibility she has taken on or that the baby's life or anybody's life is of no importance or consequence?

The arrogance is deciding that she isn't taking responsibility.
The arrogance is seeing her fetus as more important than the entire rest of her life.
The arrogance is seeing that every sexual act by a woman under your strange and awful system would mean that she may be risking pregnancy... despite any precautions she has.

So let's get back to the Morning-After Pill. Why is it that this pill is so hard to acquire? Wh do teenagers needs permission to get it?

It would be a simple solution for many and they wouldn't have to resort to abortion. But no, your group (Yes, your group... you haven't proved yourself to be anything other than a no-choicer except my choice Pro-Lifer) ... your group wants to keep this away from desperate women and has done everything they can think of to keep it out of women's hands.

Could you find me a quote from any of the prolifers in this thread that suggest they are willing to play fast and loose with the health and well-being of the living women and their families?

Every single time they demand that women can't have a choice in their pregnancy, they are playing fast and loose with those who are alive.

I believe most, if not all, are quite willing to keep abortion safe and legal. But every single one of us is not willing to kill a baby just because it was not wanted or is inconvenient to the adult who took it on.[/b]

How can this possibly be both? Unless you are willing to leave the law as it is? You group tell us that the 32 cell fetus is a baby. A BABY.

I'm astounded that you say you'd keep abortion safe and legal... please tell me what the circumstances would be for this?

If we "close the gap" of willful destruction of unborn children purely for the convenience of the mother, I think there will be a whole lot less destruction of unborn children.

Actually, you are completely wrong on that.

If they aren't aborted, they'll be born, then they'll be destroyed. Here's a recent description from a medical exam performed this week on a child who was sexually abused. The little girl, between the ages of 4 and 7, gets kicked in the face by her father for not sharing. Has been kicked several times and lost teeth, constantly bruised. She wonders how she can keep him from kicking her. She has also been sexually abused by her older brother, but her father only cries about that... then kicks her and keeps humping her mother who has poured out three more children younger than this girl and is now pregnant again. Now there's a life being destroyed in front of our eyes.

And, as was the case when abortion laws were far less lenient, there will not be an increase in unwanted children.

Wrong again.

When there are no quick and easy solutions for the consequences of our indiscretions, most people, even women, are quite capable of making better choices and almost certainly will.

Better choices being the choices you would have them make, not the ones they may want to make for themselves. Good grief, do you realize how patronizing that sounds?

The argument that what cannot be done legally will be done illegally is true about just about anything. But fortunately, there are only a few who take that option.[/b]

Wrong again.

Somebody has to make the decision. Who will it be?
The mother who is pregnant and imagining how best to manage her future or the "Compassionate Conservatives" ?

I would hope it is a decision that all Americans will make together. I do not think 'liberal' is synonymous with pro-abortion any more than 'conservative' is synonymous with anti-abortion. The extremists on both sides will not settle for anything other than abortion at any time, any place, for any reason or no abortions at any time, any place, for any reason. The rest of us are capable of accepting a more reasonable policy.

Actually, Americans have made a decision. You just don't like it and so you're trying to change that decision.

I wonder how long those noses are that look down on these fallen women? Will they feed and clothe and school those children? Will they care for them and keep them out of mischief?


You see them as fallen women? How interesting. I see them as adults who are capable of accepting responsibility for the consequences of their choices and who are capable of making good choices given incentive to do so.

Then you obviously haven't been in the lines and seen what is really happening.

Oh yes, they are fallen women... and they've danced the responsibility dance. And they need to take responsibility for their actions. If their birth control didn't work... darn it. They've got another kid and they need to take responsibility for it. Of course, choosing abortion, in your eyes, is not taking responsibility for that.

There are thousands of childless couples out there who are more than eager to take on the responsibility of feeding, clothing, and schooling the few unwanted children that are brought into the world. Every one of us would have preferred that rather than be slaughtered in the womb.

Slaughtered in the womb? Thousands of childless couples... well there are millions... 35 million abortions per year. Who is going to take care of all those? If you have say 100,000 couples taking 35 million children who would otherwise be "slaughtered" then ... let's see... that's.... uhm... 350 children... per year.... per couple. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to take on that responsibility.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 07:02 am
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
Piffka wrote:
You're just silly geese quacking away

I like that, Piffka, but shouldn't that be "silly geese honking" rather than quacking?

I think ducks quack and geese honk.

Oops... tanks for saving my sorry ass, Gus. <smooch>

Geese honk, yes indeedy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 07:06 am
flushd writes
Why do you keep calling it the pro-abortion side?!

Choice is making a decision between alternate options. We have choices in most things in life. Some choices have natural consequences. Some choices evoke consequences imposed by others.

Using the generic "you":

You can choose to rob a bank and thus enrich yourself, or you can choose not to risk indictment and imprisonment by obtaining money through legal means.

You can choose to abuse your body with harmful chemicals, poor diet, risky behavior, etc. or you can choose to do what is necessary to be healthy.

You can choose to be as hateful and insulting as you wish to those who dare to disagree with you, or you can choose to accept and be tolerant of differing points of view.

You can choose to be abusive or neglectful to a spouse or your children or other loved ones and thus damage them. alienate them, or even kill them, or you can choose to be a partner with your spouse and a positive influence on your children.

You can choose to accept the consequences for the choices you make or you can choose to play the victim and the injured party and expect others to pay the price for what you have done.

You can choose to accept the possibility of pregnancy through sexual intercourse and you can choose the time, place, and circumstances in which you are willing to accept that risk.

Now in all above examples, society has attached consequences for certain choices that are involved including making some of those choices socially unacceptable or completely illegal depending on issues of custody, age, and other criteria.

Then there is this choice:

When your choice produces a new life, you can choose to give it the best possible chance to achieve its potential or you can choose to kill it.

Some in this thread would say that here society has no say. In this one circumstance there must be no social stigma or consequence for the choice the woman makes.

That's why we on the prolife side say the 'pro choice' handle is inconsistent when you look at the big picture. To advocate a woman killing her unborn child just because she wants to is pro abortion. You can't get around it or sanitize it by attaching a less graphic term to it. And the only way a moral people can advocate killing a baby for the woman's convenience is to give the unborn child subhuman status. It is no longer a developing person. It is a 'bundle of cells', a 'parasite', a 'thing' that can be discarded at will.

The pro life group sees that new life as a new human life, and believe there is plenty of room here for society to decide what is moral and ethical related to that new life.

Again the first thing that must be decided is whether each and every one of us was once an unborn baby. If we agree that we were, then how can anyone rationalize that those other unborn babies are not on their way to joining us in the world?

Nobody is trying to take away the rights of the woman. We are trying to protect what we see are the unalienable right to life of the unborn. And yes, there are then those difficult choices that must be made re rape, incest, certain health issues, etc. Maybe a case can be made for it being more ethical to terminate a pregnancy before we know whether it is even viable as opposed to terminating it after the body and brain has formed and the heart is beating. These are all things that reasonable people can certainly consider.

But all are moot so long as the pro-abortionists assign subhuman status to the unborn and consider it dispensable at whatever whim of the host parent.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 07:09 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Nobody is trying to take away the rights of the woman. We are trying to protect what we see are the unalienable right to life of the unborn. And yes, there are then those difficult choices that must be made re rape, incest, certain health issues, etc. Maybe a case can be made for it being more ethical to terminate a pregnancy before we know whether it is even viable as opposed to terminating it after the body and brain has formed and the heart is beating. These are all things that reasonable people can certainly consider.

But all are moot so long as the pro-abortionists assign subhuman status to the unborn and consider it dispensable at whatever whim of the host parent.

I've told you several times, the women who are getting abortions do not assign subhuman status to the unborn. You are lying when you say this... or just don't know what you're talking about.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 07:10 am
Piffka wrote:
If men would just masturbate more, women wouldn't get pregnant

I hear ya, sister and I'm doing my part.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 07:32 am
Piffka writes
I've told you several times, the women who are getting abortions do not assign subhuman status to the unborn. You are lying when you say this... or just don't know what you're talking about.

Really? Frank says they are just a bundle of cells (or any number of other adjectives to avoid assigning human status to them). Of course he's not a woman but he speaks with what he seems to consider great authority on this subject.

So you are saying that the women who are getting abortions are intentionally killing a human baby?

Oh well. That makes it okay then. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 08:27 am
Foxfyre wrote:
flushd writes
Why do you keep calling it the pro-abortion side?!

Choice is making a decision between alternate options. We have choices in most things in life. Some choices have natural consequences. Some choices evoke consequences imposed by others.

Using the generic "you":

You can choose to rob a bank and thus enrich yourself, or you can choose not to risk indictment and imprisonment by obtaining money through legal means.

You can choose to abuse your body with harmful chemicals, poor diet, risky behavior, etc. or you can choose to do what is necessary to be healthy.

You can choose to be as hateful and insulting as you wish to those who dare to disagree with you, or you can choose to accept and be tolerant of differing points of view.

You can choose to be abusive or neglectful to a spouse or your children or other loved ones and thus damage them. alienate them, or even kill them, or you can choose to be a partner with your spouse and a positive influence on your children.

You can choose to accept the consequences for the choices you make or you can choose to play the victim and the injured party and expect others to pay the price for what you have done.

You can choose to accept the possibility of pregnancy through sexual intercourse and you can choose the time, place, and circumstances in which you are willing to accept that risk.

Now in all above examples, society has attached consequences for certain choices that are involved including making some of those choices socially unacceptable or completely illegal depending on issues of custody, age, and other criteria.

Then there is this choice:

When your choice produces a new life, you can choose to give it the best possible chance to achieve its potential or you can choose to kill it. can put it that way if you are anti-choice and want to pretend that a clump of cells is a living human being. A fertilized just a clump of cells. A zygote is just a clump of cells.

A pregnant woman can choose to carry her pregnancy on to term...or to terminate the pregnancy. That is a choice.


Some in this thread would say that here society has no say. In this one circumstance there must be no social stigma or consequence for the choice the woman makes.

And they would be quite correct in that.

It is a unique situation...and each woman should be allowed to make the choice herself...without any pretentious holy rollers sticking their noses into it.


That's why we on the prolife side say the 'pro choice' handle is inconsistent when you look at the big picture. To advocate a woman killing her unborn child just because she wants to is pro abortion.

No it isn't. One can have very strong considerations against abortion...and still advocate that a woman has a right to choose to obtain one.

One can have very strong considerations against atheism...and still advocate the right of a person to choose to be an atheist. That does not make the person pro-atheism. It makes them pro-choice.

But the blind, hopelessly pretentious holy rollers on the other side of this issue simply do not want to acknowledge that kind of thing.


You can't get around it or sanitize it by attaching a less graphic term to it.

No need to do that. The term is only there because of the blindness and pretentiousness of the anti-choice side.

And the only way a moral people can advocate killing a baby for the woman's convenience is to give the unborn child subhuman status. It is no longer a developing person. It is a 'bundle of cells', a 'parasite', a 'thing' that can be discarded at will.

It is a unique situation...and the pro-choice side makes a heck of a lot more sense...and is, by and large, a good deal more consistent on the issue than the anti-choice side.


The pro life group sees that new life as a new human life, and believe there is plenty of room here for society to decide what is moral and ethical related to that new life.

Again the first thing that must be decided is whether each and every one of us was once an unborn baby. If we agree that we were, then how can anyone rationalize that those other unborn babies are not on their way to joining us in the world?

We each of us were, at one time...a separate sperm and egg. We each of us were, at one time, part of a star that exploded.

Wake up.

A pregnant woman has a right to decide if she wants to terminate her pregnancy.

Nobody is trying to take away the rights of the woman.

Here is that pathetic LIE again.

You fault this side for its stance on a clump of cells (which is all a zygote is)...yet you dare to suggest what you are doing is not trying to take away the rights of the woman...when you try to take away her right to choose to end a pregnancy.

This makes so little sense...I am surprised even one of you people try it.

We are trying to protect what we see are the unalienable right to life of the unborn. And yes, there are then those difficult choices that must be made re rape, incest, certain health issues, etc. Maybe a case can be made for it being more ethical to terminate a pregnancy before we know whether it is even viable as opposed to terminating it after the body and brain has formed and the heart is beating. These are all things that reasonable people can certainly consider.

Not if you are one of the anti-choice people...and if you have any consistency.

You are mouthing off about protecting "that which one day will be a human."

Every fertilized human egg one day will be a human...and none of that other stuff matters one whit.


But all are moot so long as the pro-abortionists assign subhuman status to the unborn and consider it dispensable at whatever whim of the host parent.

A fetus is not a living human being. A zygote is not a living human being. A fertilized egg is not a human being. An embryo is not a living human being.

Get over it.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 08:29 am
Don't get upset, Piffka... you can see, Foxfyre is getting more and more desparate...and painting herself deeper and deeper into the corner with a growing lack of logic in her arguments.

Try to enjoy the self-destruction.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 08:42 am
At least my argument has more substance than 'it is so because I say so" and 'anybody who disagrees is stupid, lying, pathetic or any number of uncomplimentary adjectives hich is about all that Frank can come up with.
0 Replies

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