A lot happens here in a little time!
The first thing that I noticed was that Levron did not answer my question. Why? I'm guessing I'll never get an answer to that q.
I want to add my bit because I keep seeing posts that underhandedly slap women who chose abortion. You may not be intending to make personal jabs at the character of these people, but you are.
Let me make this perfectly clear:
Abortions are horrible. They are often traumatizing. They are never fun.
For many women it is the emotional and spiritual equivalent of losing a born child.
When a woman is grieving after an abortion, she needs love and caring.
Instead, she is often met with condemnation. This is devastating.
Imagine being in those shoes.
If you can't imagine ever choosing to have an abortion, then why not talk to women who have and hear them out? You'll find they are just like you. No better, no worse. Just different life circumstances.
Man, I cringe every time I hear someone suggest that adoption is always preferable to abortion. That just isn't the case.
Frank and others, what difference does it make when a child is considered a child or a fetus or a whatever? What difference does it make if you think it has a soul or not? If you grew up believing that trees had souls, would that mean you would never allow a tree to be cut? Would it stop us from pouring concrete over everything that isn't defined as a human being?
If in your mind it is 'just a fetus' or 'cancerous tumor cells', does that suddenly mean that we can treat it as anything but a part of life? Religious or not, doesn't common sense tell you that the world is not just here for our pleasure and experimentation? Even actual cancer growing in the body deserves respect. If you neglect to respect it, all you'll do is help to destroy yourself.
I'm talking about basic respect for life. When you respect something, you don't dissect it and then decide whether you will allow it to live or die. You work with it as it is.
I'm sorry that I am coming across accusing. I don't know you people or how you live your life. I'm just raising questions.
Any woman will tell you that an everpowerful connection is already made when a woman even THINKS she's pregnant.
And, the connection can be made with a child who is not biologically related at all. Men also can have unspeakable connections with other life.
It doesn't matter how we explain it, it matters that it is.
I think our basic human wisdom needs to be respected more now than ever. Sometimes it seems like we're too frickin' smart for our own good.