Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:38 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
MommaAngel wrote:
I am sorry Piffka, but the rights of an innocent unborn child supersede (to me) the rights of the woman.

Wow Momma, that's a pretty strong statement. Might I infer by your statement that since you believe that the rights of the fetus supercedes the mother, that in a medical situation where the doctors have to make a choice about either saving the mother or the fetus, you believe that the fetus should be saved, possibly causing the death of the mother?


...MA also sees a clump of maybe 32 cells in a woman's body as having rights that supercede the rights of the woman.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:40 pm
well yes questioner, and then there is the question of "rights." one side demands rights for the "unborn" that are in conflict with the "born" and choose to prefer the "unborn" rights to the "born" rights. The "born" are legal persons whereas the "unborn" are not legal persons. It is confusing I suppose and certainly not an easy question but us radical liberals side on rights of the "born and legal persons."
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Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:40 pm
Intrepid wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
If it were only so simple as "using abortion as a form of birth control." But, even if that's what a few women will do, that is their choice and none of our business.

You prefer apathy? Maybe drunk drivers or drug dealers are none of our business either.

Actually...since you asking us about what we prefer...

...I'd prefer that you and the other holy rollers keep your noses out of the personal decisions a woman has to make about her own body.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:52 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
If they want control over their own bodies, why don't they get sterilized to prevent the possibility of pregnancy rather than use abortion as a form of birth control.

Because they don't want to...and they ought to have the right not to want to.

You really do hate women, don't you!

Why do you say that, Frank? want to take rights away from women...and it just seems to me that "you hating women" might account for it.

Are you on another rant?

Nah...I don't rant.

Nothing of substance to say this morning?

Oh, gosh, I've had lots of substantive things to say today...and I have said them.

I do not hate women.

Okay...I guess I have to take your word for it. But...

Nor do I hate anyone.

Wow. Not even pedophiles? You are really special.

It is you that is full of hatered. I'm one of the most loving people on this board. I can't think of anyone I actually hate here.

It shows in your posts when you don't get your own way.

No it doesn't. You are just saying that because you are angry at me pointing out that you seem to hate women.

Try to get back under control You don't look good when you are ranting like this, Intrepid.

Sure they have the right. That does not make it right!

Just as you have the right to suppose the murderous barbarian described as a god in the Bible is actually a GOD...which of course, doesn't make it right.

Frankly, I have not even argued whether or not it is "right" by my standards...or by anyone else's standard.

I notice you would have to guess if it is "right" by Jesus' standard...since Jesus never mentioned a word about it.

You continue to have a nice day, Intrepid. Remember...even though you seem a bit put off with me right now...I LOVE YA, FELLA.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:58 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I still think a remedial reading comprehension course for the extreme liberals on the board would be a very good idea. At least they might get a clue of what is being said and would be less likely to make up extreme statements in their eagerness to insult anybody who does not agree with them.

Well...I am not even a liberal, let alone an extreme I have no dog in this particular fight Fox is trying to start.

But it seems to me a bit of insulting back and forth is a heck of a lot more ethical and acceptable...than the (let me try to think of a polite way of saying this) "less than truthful" comments I've seen you make, Fox.

You actually have stated that "nobody" is trying to take any rights away from women...when in fact, YOU PERSONALLY are trying to take rights away from them.

In any case...a lecture from you on this stuff is so is easy to forgive you for making them.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 03:02 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
flushd you have not been given to making outrageous assertions about what others think, feel, want, hate, etc. So you may excuse yourself from my statement.

I believe the prolifers have been confronting the issues head on. The difference between the pro-abortion people and the prolifers seems to boil down to a conclusion that the pro-abortion people think a woman is not required to accept any responsibility for the new life growing inside her and that she should be able to do anything with it that she chooses. They further think that new life is subhuman and is undeserving of any consideration--whatever the woman wants to do with it is okay.

The prolifers see that unborn entity as a human baby separate from the mother however totally dependent on the mother it is for its well being. The prolifers see no difference between killing a baby a few hours before birth or killing a baby after it is born.

We would like to have agreement on that one issue and then issues of rape, incest, age, etc. of the woman can be debatedon their own merits.

So long as the pro-abortion side rejects the humanity of the unborn child, and refuse to see the point of the view of the prolifers, there is no debate to be had--it's simply a 'is too - is not' argument.

To accuse those who reject killing a baby out of convenience of 'wanting to deny women their rights' or accusing them of 'wanting the women executed' is not my definition of tolerance.

To suggest that those of us arguing for a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy...are advocating the killing of a itself beyond a reasonable definition of tolerable.

The extremism and duplicity of people like Fox and associates is a primary reason for the lack of accomodation between the two sides.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 03:08 pm
Fox wrote:

I still think a remedial reading comprehension course for the extreme liberals on the board would be a very good idea. At least they might get a clue of what is being said and would be less likely to make up extreme statements in their eagerness to insult anybody who does not agree with them.

Flushd asked her:

Who specifically are you referring to when you say "extreme liberals on the board"?

Fox replied:
flushd you have not been given to making outrageous assertions about what others think, feel, want, hate, etc. So you may excuse yourself from my statement.

I know that I can excuse myself from Fox's statement also...because I am not a liberal, extreme or otherwise...and I certainly am able to read and comprehend anything Fox is writing.

So who was Fox referring to with her cryptic comment?

These kinds of situations make me long for the time when people had the guts to actually say what really mean...rather than playing silly "you know who I mean" games.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 03:10 pm
dyslexia wrote:
well yes questioner, and then there is the question of "rights." one side demands rights for the "unborn" that are in conflict with the "born" and choose to prefer the "unborn" rights to the "born" rights. The "born" are legal persons whereas the "unborn" are not legal persons. It is confusing I suppose and certainly not an easy question but us radical liberals side on rights of the "born and legal persons." took the words right out of my mouth, Dys. Except for that "us radical liberals" part.

Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 03:19 pm
Frank, I suspect you've been called worse than an 'extreme liberal'.
I know I certainly have! (Recalling the times I've been called a stinkin' hippy liberal). Razz

Ahhh. This thread gets my juices flowin' and I raise a glass to Everyone for that!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 03:42 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
well yes questioner, and then there is the question of "rights." one side demands rights for the "unborn" that are in conflict with the "born" and choose to prefer the "unborn" rights to the "born" rights. The "born" are legal persons whereas the "unborn" are not legal persons. It is confusing I suppose and certainly not an easy question but us radical liberals side on rights of the "born and legal persons." took the words right out of my mouth, Dys. Except for that "us radical liberals" part.

Twisted Evil

Yeah yeah. But these issues are side effects of the primary that I listed. If either side gives in to one way or the other the rest of the above will eventually work themselves out. NOT, of course, to everyone's satisfaction, but they will be resolved.

If the fetus is determined to be human, then the constitution would be in a bit of a bind for a bit trying to decide who's rights take precendence in such a situation, but lawmakers would eventually rule one way or the other. They'd have to.

If the fetus is determined to be a fetus, a non-human collection of cells then by current law it would have no rights.

I guess, however, there will always be lobbying of some kind or another. I plan to present a bill stating that all American-employed workers be paid a 10% bonus for every time a manager or CEO calls a meeting.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 05:04 pm
Well, I just got in from running errands all day and really need to go through all of these and read them thoroughly.

Phoenix, I will answer your question though. I believe that in the case of the mother's life being in danger due to the pregnancy, then yes, I could understand an abortion being necessary. In this case, the mother has connections to others and as much as I hate the thought of a child dying, I can understand it in this case.

Frank, that clump of maybe 32 cells may be just that to you, but to me it is a growing human being.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 05:39 pm
Phoenix, I will answer your question though. I believe that in the case of the mother's life being in danger due to the pregnancy, then yes, I could understand an abortion being necessary.

Momma- But your statement contradicts your premise that the rights of the fetus supercedes the rights of the mother.

In this case, the mother has connections to others.................

Why do connections to others have anything to do with this issue? What would you say about a woman who was a hermit, and was raped?

If, as you say, the rights of the fetus supercede the rights of the mother, then the logical conclusion is that there should be NO exceptions.

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 05:56 pm

There are exceptions to everything. Nothing is purely black and white.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 07:30 pm
Piffka wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
The prolife groups sees the mother and baby as different beings and that the mother has responsibility for her baby within the womb as much as she has responsibility for it outside the womb.Real Life's comparison therefore is quite appropriate. Years ago, our ancesters had to see black people as sub-humans, non persons, dispensable property in order to justify slavery. The pro-abortion people do the same thing with the developing baby within the womb.

Nobody wants to take away a woman's rights.
[size=7]But the prolife group wants the woman who does not want a child to take responsibility to see that she does not become pregnant. If she does, they want her to take responsibility for the child that she carries[/size].

Of course you want to take away a woman's rights. If you didn't, then why would your group also be fighting so hard on the issue of the morning-after pill? Why make difficulties with people trying to privately manage their own birth control?

If the prolife were to go on with their beliefs, then what do they think about masturbation?

Please explain where are these potential children of yours, those who are spilled everytime a male gets off, everytime a woman doesn't fully allow herself to be barefoot and pregnant... where are these young souls? Aren't they as potential in your eyes. And, if not, why not?

Hi Piffka,

Please educate yourself before you post this stuff. You embarrass yourself with this type of nonsense.

Neither sperm nor egg will develop into a fully grown person until they join together. That is called fertilization.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 07:38 pm
Real Life,

I find it very ironic that our beliefs and our words, and the words of the Bible are brought into play when the other side is trying to make a point. They don't believe what we believe but if we believe it, we'd better believe it to the letter because if we don't, they will surely point that out.

What's up with that?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 08:12 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
Real Life,

I find it very ironic that our beliefs and our words, and the words of the Bible are brought into play when the other side is trying to make a point. They don't believe what we believe but if we believe it, we'd better believe it to the letter because if we don't, they will surely point that out.

What's up with that?

Notice what's important to both sides.

It's the difference between desiring to win at all costs and desiring to be correct.

The pro-abortion side says, "We can't give an inch or we'll lose."

The pro-life side says, "We can't give in because it's not right to abandon these children"

One side forsees a negative impact on themselves. They are in it for them.

One side forsees a negative impact on others. There is no benefit to the pro-life advocate if a child is saved from abortion.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 08:18 pm
Well put!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 10:15 pm
Why do you keep calling it the pro-abortion side?!

Very Happy

BTW: it's vulgar to insinuate that those on the pro-choice side are selfish, self-serving b*astards who are only in it for themselves.
Guilt and shame, guilt and shame.
It reminds me of my early days in church. "Now, I won't say it outright, but I will do my d*amnest to make you feel like a horrible person for disagreeing".

All are entitled to their beliefs, but once again I wish to point out that BELIEF DOES NOT EQUAL FACT.
The facts will stand by themselves, while beliefs will fall without support.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 11:48 pm
flushd wrote:
Why do you keep calling it the pro-abortion side?!

Very Happy

BTW: it's vulgar to insinuate that those on the pro-choice side are selfish, self-serving b*astards who are only in it for themselves.
Guilt and shame, guilt and shame.
It reminds me of my early days in church. "Now, I won't say it outright, but I will do my d*amnest to make you feel like a horrible person for disagreeing".

All are entitled to their beliefs, but once again I wish to point out that BELIEF DOES NOT EQUAL FACT.
The facts will stand by themselves, while beliefs will fall without support.

I call it what it is.

Those who defend abortion are pro abortion.

I am pro life, but if you wish to call me anti abortion I am only too happy to agree with you.

If you wish to call me anti choice I will also agree that some choices are not valid, such as killing an unborn child, and I am very pleased to be known as one who is against that choice being legal. Please do call me anti choice and everyone will understand that I am against your definition of an acceptable choice. I will very proudly wear the label.

I am not ashamed of what I stand for. Why are you embarrassed over the term 'pro abortion'? That's what you are if you defend abortion. What else could you be?


As for insinuating that pro abortion folks are selfish and self serving, I do not wish to leave that impression at all.

I did not want to insinuate that.

I wish to state it outright. The pro abortion position is selfish and self serving. Those who hold this position should feel guilt and shame. Unfortunately, many of them do not.

Let me break it down for you.

If you believe that an innocent unborn child must die in order for you to be free to live your life as you wish ---- you are selfish.

If you think that your convenience is more important than the life of your child --- you are selfish.

Have I been unambiguous enough on this point?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 03:18 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Real Life,

I find it very ironic that our beliefs and our words, and the words of the Bible are brought into play when the other side is trying to make a point. They don't believe what we believe but if we believe it, we'd better believe it to the letter because if we don't, they will surely point that out.

What's up with that?

It has been explained to you dozens of times.

"What's up" that either you cannot or will not understand the explanation.
0 Replies

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