Foxfyre wrote:The prolife groups sees the mother and baby as different beings and that the mother has responsibility for her baby within the womb as much as she has responsibility for it outside the womb.Real Life's comparison therefore is quite appropriate. Years ago, our ancesters had to see black people as sub-humans, non persons, dispensable property in order to justify slavery. The pro-abortion people do the same thing with the developing baby within the womb.
Nobody wants to take away a woman's rights.
[size=7]But the prolife group wants the woman who does not want a child to take responsibility to see that she does not become pregnant. If she does, they want her to take responsibility for the child that she carries[/size].
Of course you want to take away a woman's rights. If you didn't, then why would your group also be fighting so hard on the issue of the morning-after pill? Why make difficulties with people trying to privately manage their own birth control?
If the prolife were to go on with their beliefs, then what do they think about masturbation?
Please explain where are these potential children of yours, those who are spilled everytime a male gets off, everytime a woman doesn't fully allow herself to be barefoot and pregnant... where are these young souls? Aren't they as potential in your eyes. And, if not, why not?
Quote:specifically that the foetus is seen as sub-human, non-person, dispensible or whatever.
Your words, and lovely they are. Yet how quickly the mother herself becomes sub-human in your eyes. Someone to scorn, who can't make her own decisions. She's a carrier of a foetus, nothing more, a non-person with no rights, whose future is dispensible. What arrogance on your part.
Nobody is asking Pro-Lifers to change any of their own beliefs and practices. Based on what their rigidly-held religious beliefs, as staunchly patriarchal as the highest of the high Catholic dogmas, they are more than willing to play fast and loose with the health and well-being of the living women and their familes when these self-same proponents of the living refuse to keep abortion safe and legal.
You should know, or I'm telling you now that women (those who do the "dance" and ought to pay the piper) will find other ways to terminate their pregnancies if you close this gap. Those will be unsafe, unregulated ways, outside of a hospital or clinic... procedures that may leave them permanently maimed, their other children facing more difficulties or even left without that "non-human," their Mom.
Remember, after all, how many of these women seeking abortions already have a brood already or are children themselves.
Somebody has to make the decision. Who will it be?
The mother who is pregnant and imagining how best to manage her future or the "Compassionate Conservatives" ?
I wonder how long those noses are that look down on these fallen women? Will they feed and clothe and school those children? Will they care for them and keep them out of mischief?