Arella Mae
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 09:20 am

Yes, I guess we could. But, we have tried very hard not to make judgments about him and his beliefs, guesses, or whatever he chooses to call them.

I find it sad that he would want to advocate a right that would kill a child and try to take away another's right to practice their faith of believing in a loving God because he (IMO) has decided what is right for others.

Though this has been explained to me by Frank to make it a little clearer for me, I still find it a bit contradictory.

Saying the child is a fetus, and therefore, making it less than human, does not make it so. I do not agree with them. It is a growing human being. If there is one iota of a nerve ending at any point of growth, pain is caused when an abortion is formed.

So, just keep posting the way you have been! You have more support than you know!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 09:30 am
Momma Angel wrote:

Yes, I guess we could. But, we have tried very hard not to make judgments about him and his beliefs, guesses, or whatever he chooses to call them.

I find it sad that he would want to advocate a right that would kill a child and try to take away another's right to practice their faith of believing in a loving God because he (IMO) has decided what is right for others.

Though this has been explained to me by Frank to make it a little clearer for me, I still find it a bit contradictory.

Saying the child is a fetus, and therefore, making it less than human, does not make it so. I do not agree with them. It is a growing human being. If there is one iota of a nerve ending at any point of growth, pain is caused when an abortion is formed.

So, just keep posting the way you have been! You have more support than you know!

LOL, I thought I was supporting you guys and all those who value life at all stages of development.

Anyhow, even as they get more and more frantic, irrational, and insulting trying to defend the indefensible, we can hope the tides are shifting. It is an undisputable fact that most Americans do not want abortion outlawed, but it is also an undisputable fact that the huge majority of Americans know the life of a human being is at stake and think abortion should be severely restricted to the most extreme cases at least in mid to late term.

We can hope that the tides are shifting and a new spirit on the courts will return the policies to something more humane. That alone will provide incentive for women to take responsibility for their choices before they risk pregnancy.

Ultimately I expect us to have a policy that will not be satisfactory to the prolifers from conception group or the abortion-at-any-time-any place-any reason group, but we can hope for a policy that most of us can accept and live with.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 09:47 am

Yes! If we could just come to a compromise that all can live with that would be so wonderful!

And, looks like we are supporting each other!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 09:53 am
Foxfyre wrote:
[Anyhow, even as they get more and more frantic, irrational, and insulting trying to defend the indefensible, we can hope the tides are shifting.

Holy about the pot calling the kettle black.

In your last a frantic and irrational attempt to defend the actually had the audacity to say that you were not trying to take rights away from women...

...and then explained why you were trying to take rights away from them.

It was laughable.

And them you attempted to equate this nonsense with the slavery question by suggesting that people had to see blacks as sub-human, non-persons to justify slavery…

…when in fact, all anyone had to do to justify slavery was to point to the passage at Leviticus 25:44ff, where the god of the Bible justifies it very clearly. Here is the passage again:

"Slaves, male and female, you may indeed possess, provided you BUY them from among the neighboring nations. You may also BUY them from among the aliens who reside with you and from their children who are born and reared in your land. Such slaves YOU MAY OWN AS CHATTELS, and leave to your sons as their hereditary property, MAKING THEM PERPETUAL SLAVES. But you shall not lord it harshly over any of the Israelites, your kinsmen."

So any talk about frantic and irrational attempts to defend the indefensible should really apply to you...and your fellow anti-choice people…not the pro-choice side.

It is an undisputable fact that most Americans do not want abortion outlawed, but it is also an undisputable fact that the huge majority of Americans know the life of a human being is at stake and think abortion should be severely restricted to the most extreme cases at least in mid to late term.

Could be that is so…but characterizing it as "indisputable" is self-serving pap.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 09:57 am

I have to ask. Did you have that Bible passage memorized or do you cut and paste it everytime?

Frank, we are advocating the right of the child here.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 10:00 am
Foxfyre wrote:
The prolife groups sees the mother and baby as different beings and that the mother has responsibility for her baby within the womb as much as she has responsibility for it outside the womb.Real Life's comparison therefore is quite appropriate. Years ago, our ancesters had to see black people as sub-humans, non persons, dispensable property in order to justify slavery. The pro-abortion people do the same thing with the developing baby within the womb.

Nobody wants to take away a woman's rights.
[size=7]But the prolife group wants the woman who does not want a child to take responsibility to see that she does not become pregnant. If she does, they want her to take responsibility for the child that she carries[/size].

Of course you want to take away a woman's rights. If you didn't, then why would your group also be fighting so hard on the issue of the morning-after pill? Why make difficulties with people trying to privately manage their own birth control?

If the prolife were to go on with their beliefs, then what do they think about masturbation?

Please explain where are these potential children of yours, those who are spilled everytime a male gets off, everytime a woman doesn't fully allow herself to be barefoot and pregnant... where are these young souls? Aren't they as potential in your eyes. And, if not, why not?

specifically that the foetus is seen as sub-human, non-person, dispensible or whatever.

Your words, and lovely they are. Yet how quickly the mother herself becomes sub-human in your eyes. Someone to scorn, who can't make her own decisions. She's a carrier of a foetus, nothing more, a non-person with no rights, whose future is dispensible. What arrogance on your part.

Nobody is asking Pro-Lifers to change any of their own beliefs and practices. Based on what their rigidly-held religious beliefs, as staunchly patriarchal as the highest of the high Catholic dogmas, they are more than willing to play fast and loose with the health and well-being of the living women and their familes when these self-same proponents of the living refuse to keep abortion safe and legal.

You should know, or I'm telling you now that women (those who do the "dance" and ought to pay the piper) will find other ways to terminate their pregnancies if you close this gap. Those will be unsafe, unregulated ways, outside of a hospital or clinic... procedures that may leave them permanently maimed, their other children facing more difficulties or even left without that "non-human," their Mom.

Remember, after all, how many of these women seeking abortions already have a brood already or are children themselves.

Somebody has to make the decision. Who will it be?

The mother who is pregnant and imagining how best to manage her future or the "Compassionate Conservatives" ?

I wonder how long those noses are that look down on these fallen women? Will they feed and clothe and school those children? Will they care for them and keep them out of mischief?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 10:09 am
For the most part, I believe that the women need to take more responsibility in not becoming pregnant in the first place.

I see all these children having children! Why is that? Is no one teaching them or are they just not listening?

Yes, there are instances where a woman becomes pregnant through no action or choice of her own. But, I would even think that you wouldn't believe that is the majority.

Abortion is getting out of hand. It is all too often an answer to a problem created by someone not being responsible. Why make the child pay by killing it?

We, as human beings need to be more responsible for our own actions.

Would you legalize marijuana too just because they are still going to smoke it whether it's legal or not? What about heroin? What about murder? All these acts will be committed whether they are legal or not. The only deterrent for breaking these laws are the consequences.

I am sorry Piffka, but the rights of an innocent unborn child supersede (to me) the rights of the woman. She will carry the child for nine months, yes. It will effect her life, yes. But, she will be able to continue her life. The child will be given no chance at all if it is aborted.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 10:39 am
Piffka wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
The prolife groups sees the mother and baby as different beings and that the mother has responsibility for her baby within the womb as much as she has responsibility for it outside the womb.Real Life's comparison therefore is quite appropriate. Years ago, our ancesters had to see black people as sub-humans, non persons, dispensable property in order to justify slavery. The pro-abortion people do the same thing with the developing baby within the womb.

Nobody wants to take away a woman's rights.
[size=7]But the prolife group wants the woman who does not want a child to take responsibility to see that she does not become pregnant. If she does, they want her to take responsibility for the child that she carries[/size].

Of course you want to take away a woman's rights. If you didn't, then why would your group also be fighting so hard on the issue of the morning-after pill? Why make difficulties with people trying to privately manage their own birth control?

My group? I haven't even discussed the morning after pill. I don't recall anyone else discussing the morning after pill. Perhaps we could keep the discussion on the pertinent points that have been raised.

If the prolife were to go on with their beliefs, then what do they think about masturbation?

I don't know. I haven't asked anyone what they think about masturbation. I don't think about it much. Do you think about it a lot? You must think about it more than I do since you brought it up, so what do you think about it?

Please explain where are these potential children of yours, those who are spilled everytime a male gets off, everytime a woman doesn't fully allow herself to be barefoot and pregnant... where are these young souls? Aren't they as potential in your eyes. And, if not, why not?

I don't see a human egg or a human sperm as an issue. These are natural products of the human body that regularly occur from the time of puberty and require no conscious choice on our part. I do see a developing baby within the womb as a living human being deserving of all the consideration we give to any human being.

specifically that the foetus is seen as sub-human, non-person, dispensible or whatever.

Your words, and lovely they are. Yet how quickly the mother herself becomes sub-human in your eyes. Someone to scorn, who can't make her own decisions. She's a carrier of a foetus, nothing more, a non-person with no rights, whose future is dispensible. What arrogance on your part.

Quite the contrary. I see her as a person who has chosen to risk taking on the responsibility of another life. Once that responsibility is hers, then I see her as a person quite capable of making good choices for the well being of the baby for which she now has responsibility. How arrogant is it to assume that she is incapable of handling the responsibility she has taken on or that the baby's life or anybody's life is of no importance or consequence?

Nobody is asking Pro-Lifers to change any of their own beliefs and practices. Based on what their rigidly-held religious beliefs, as staunchly patriarchal as the highest of the high Catholic dogmas, they are more than willing to play fast and loose with the health and well-being of the living women and their familes when these self-same proponents of the living refuse to keep abortion safe and legal.

Could you find me a quote from any of the prolifers in this thread that suggest they are willing to play fast and loose with the health and well-being of the living women and their families? I believe most, if not all, are quite willing to keep abortion safe and legal. But every single one of us is not willing to kill a baby just because it was not wanted or is inconvenient to the adult who took it on.

You should know, or I'm telling you now that women (those who do the "dance" and ought to pay the piper) will find other ways to terminate their pregnancies if you close this gap. Those will be unsafe, unregulated ways, outside of a hospital or clinic... procedures that may leave them permanently maimed, their other children facing more difficulties or even left without that "non-human," their Mom.

Remember, after all, how many of these women seeking abortions already have a brood already or are children themselves.

If we "close the gap" of willful destruction of unborn children purely for the convenience of the mother, I think there will be a whole lot less destruction of unborn children. And, as was the case when abortion laws were far less lenient, there will not be an increase in unwanted children. When there are no quick and easy solutions for the consequences of our indiscretions, most people, even women, are quite capable of making better choices and almost certainly will.

The argument that what cannot be done legally will be done illegally is true about just about anything. But fortunately, there are only a few who take that option.

Somebody has to make the decision. Who will it be?

The mother who is pregnant and imagining how best to manage her future or the "Compassionate Conservatives" ?

I would hope it is a decision that all Americans will make together. I do not think 'liberal' is synonymous with pro-abortion any more than 'conservative' is synonymous with anti-abortion. The extremists on both sides will not settle for anything other than abortion at any time, any place, for any reason or no abortions at any time, any place, for any reason. The rest of us are capable of accepting a more reasonable policy.

I wonder how long those noses are that look down on these fallen women? Will they feed and clothe and school those children? Will they care for them and keep them out of mischief?

You see them as fallen women? How interesting. I see them as adults who are capable of accepting responsibility for the consequences of their choices and who are capable of making good choices given incentive to do so. There are thousands of childless couples out there who are more than eager to take on the responsibility of feeding, clothing, and schooling the few unwanted children that are brought into the world. Every one of us would have preferred that rather than be slaughtered in the womb.

It usually works out though. I was not ready to get pregnant with either of my kids but they came along anyway and both were quite financially straining and most inconvenient for me. Now I can't imagine my life or a world without them.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 10:47 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I was not ready to get pregnant with either of my kids but they came along anyway and both were quite financially straining and most inconvenient for me. Now I can't imagine my life or a world without them.[/b]

You had a choice.

You got pregnant when you didn't plan to...and you had a choice as to whether or not to continue the pregnancy.

You chose to continue them.

Why are you insisting that all women do what you did?

Why are you trying to take away other women's rights...rights you had an exercised?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 11:09 am
Momma Angel wrote:
For the most part, I believe that the women need to take more responsibility in not becoming pregnant in the first place.

I see all these children having children! Why is that? Is no one teaching them or are they just not listening?

Yes, there are instances where a woman becomes pregnant through no action or choice of her own. But, I would even think that you wouldn't believe that is the majority.

Abortion is getting out of hand. It is all too often an answer to a problem created by someone not being responsible. Why make the child pay by killing it?

We, as human beings need to be more responsible for our own actions.

Would you legalize marijuana too just because they are still going to smoke it whether it's legal or not? What about heroin? What about murder? All these acts will be committed whether they are legal or not. The only deterrent for breaking these laws are the consequences.

I am sorry Piffka, but the rights of an innocent unborn child supersede (to me) the rights of the woman. She will carry the child for nine months, yes. It will effect her life, yes. But, she will be able to continue her life. The child will be given no chance at all if it is aborted.

I agree that women need to take more responsibility in getting pregnant in the first place.
However: that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.
That is a 'problem' with many, many causes and factors.

Personally, I get upset when I see women having large families. Does that make it my place to make the decision for them? No. It is not my place to tell women they can only have two children. I could fight for the gov't to put legal measures in place to punish women for conceiving and bearing many children, but IMO that is wrong. It is not my right to decide for other people. Procreation is one liberty which should not be violated.

Is it the 'child in the womb' y'all are truly concerned about or is this more about the idea of abortion offending your sensibilities?!

Given that pro-lifers generally believe that the developing child is the same thing (and deserving of the same rights AND MORE) of a child already born, why aren't you protesting what happens in hospitals/clinics/homes/shelters/the streets regarding ALL PREGNANT
WOMEN. Not just women who choose abortion. If you have made yourselves the self appointed keepers of these 'children' (which they are not- they are fetus'), then you have a lot of work on your hands.
The woman on drugs on the street who is pregnant, the woman who eats junk food and smokes while pregnant, the woman who is in an abusive relationship while pregnant.

I'm sorry: belief does not equal fact. All the pro-life sanction is able to deliver as of now has been Belief. Belief that the fetus is the same as a child. Belief that abortion is wrong. Belief that people have a right over another's body.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 01:33 pm
MommaAngel wrote:
I am sorry Piffka, but the rights of an innocent unborn child supersede (to me) the rights of the woman.

Wow Momma, that's a pretty strong statement. Might I infer by your statement that since you believe that the rights of the fetus supercedes the mother, that in a medical situation where the doctors have to make a choice about either saving the mother or the fetus, you believe that the fetus should be saved, possibly causing the death of the mother?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 01:39 pm
MommaAngel wrote:
I am sorry Piffka, but the rights of an innocent unborn child supersede (to me) the rights of the woman.

I am sure there is some kinda of reasoning behind this statement but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 01:42 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
If it were only so simple as "using abortion as a form of birth control." But, even if that's what a few women will do, that is their choice and none of our business.

You prefer apathy? Maybe drunk drivers or drug dealers are none of our business either.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 01:43 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
MommaAngel wrote:
I am sorry Piffka, but the rights of an innocent unborn child supersede (to me) the rights of the woman.

Wow Momma, that's a pretty strong statement. Might I infer by your statement that since you believe that the rights of the fetus supercedes the mother, that in a medical situation where the doctors have to make a choice about either saving the mother or the fetus, you believe that the fetus should be saved, possibly causing the death of the mother?

Likewise, if the mother trips and falls and results in the fetus being miscarried, does this constitute involuntary manslaughter?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 01:46 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
If they want control over their own bodies, why don't they get sterilized to prevent the possibility of pregnancy rather than use abortion as a form of birth control.

Because they don't want to...and they ought to have the right not to want to.

You really do hate women, don't you!

Why do you say that, Frank? Are you on another rant? Nothing of substance to say this morning? I do not hate women. Nor do I hate anyone. It is you that is full of hatered. It shows in your posts when you don't get your own way. Sure they have the right. That does not make it right!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 01:46 pm
Following the logic (?) displayed here by both MA and Foxfyre, anyone attempting or abetting an abortion should be charged with a capital crime and executed.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 01:54 pm
I still think a remedial reading comprehension course for the extreme liberals on the board would be a very good idea. At least they might get a clue of what is being said and would be less likely to make up extreme statements in their eagerness to insult anybody who does not agree with them.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:05 pm
Who specifically are you referring to when you say "extreme liberals on the board"?

Tolerance. Tolerance allows people to discuss without whitewashing the conversation and making sweeping, ignorant statements about the educational status of folks.

I find it extremely frustrating when people choose to handle difficult counter-statements or statements at all by ignoring them. It would be more appropriate/considerate to confront the issue head-on.

Let's call a spade a spade. I think I was correct in my sense that this is an issue of offended sensibilities.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:19 pm
flushd you have not been given to making outrageous assertions about what others think, feel, want, hate, etc. So you may excuse yourself from my statement.

I believe the prolifers have been confronting the issues head on. The difference between the pro-abortion people and the prolifers seems to boil down to a conclusion that the pro-abortion people think a woman is not required to accept any responsibility for the new life growing inside her and that she should be able to do anything with it that she chooses. They further think that new life is subhuman and is undeserving of any consideration--whatever the woman wants to do with it is okay.

The prolifers see that unborn entity as a human baby separate from the mother however totally dependent on the mother it is for its well being. The prolifers see no difference between killing a baby a few hours before birth or killing a baby after it is born.

We would like to have agreement on that one issue and then issues of rape, incest, age, etc. of the woman can be debatedon their own merits.

So long as the pro-abortion side rejects the humanity of the unborn child, and refuse to see the point of the view of the prolifers, there is no debate to be had--it's simply a 'is too - is not' argument.

To accuse those who reject killing a baby out of convenience of 'wanting to deny women their rights' or accusing them of 'wanting the women executed' is not my definition of tolerance.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:27 pm
The "humanity" of the fetus has always been the center topic of this debate. If one side or the other aknowledges it either way this thread would go away entirely. That's rather the point.
0 Replies

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