Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 01:43 pm
Intrepid" wrote:
IMHO, a woman gives up her "right to her body" when she becomes pregnant and is carrying a living being inside of her through her own actions. She now shares her body with the infant to be. What basic biological right do you speak of?

Birth control methods are readily available and she has the "right" to avail herself of them. I do agree with abortion, in the very early stages, if a woman becomes pregnant through rape.

Inrepid- If, as you say a woman gives up the right to her body, what difference would it make if she were raped? If one goes along with your conclusion, no matter how she was impregnated, she still "gives up the right to her body".

Your rationale does not "compute" with me. Please explain.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 01:43 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Questioner wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
IMHO, a woman gives up her "right to her body" when she becomes pregnant and is carrying a living being inside of her through her own actions. She now shares her body with the infant to be. What basic biological right do you speak of?

Birth control methods are readily available and she has the "right" to avail herself of them. I do agree with abortion, in the very early stages, if a woman becomes pregnant through rape.

I've already brought this point up a few times. It bounces off of Frank like a wet nerf ball.

Many have brought this point up at some point in time. I am not trying to change his mind. It would be easier to remove Mount Everest one chip at a time.

We are all entitled to our opinions. What irks me is that Frank thinks his opinion is the only one that counts. He is not the only one, but he appears to be the leader.

Apparently Intrepid not only thinks a woman should give up her rights to control her own body when he deems it proper...he also thinks I should not speak my mind. each his own.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 01:46 pm
Once she becomes pregnant, the woman's body is a vessel for the developing child. Just as suicide is illegal, so should aborting (killing) the developing baby be if we consider the vessel to be the woman's body.

This is not about a woman's body... it is about the killing of that which is inside of her body. A separate living being.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 01:49 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Once she becomes pregnant, the woman's body is a vessel for the developing child. Just as suicide is illegal, so should aborting (killing) the developing baby be if we consider the vessel to be the woman's body.

This is not about a woman's body... it is about the killing of that which is inside of her body. A separate living being.


That is the way you want to see things.

For is not about a woman's body. But for the is about her body. That is what I meant about it being personal.

You want to embue the fetus with rights that take away fundamental rights the woman has over her own body.

It ain't gonna happen.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 01:50 pm
Well, now I see where our basic values diverge.

*checking my body* All this time I thought I was a human being, turns out I am just *a vessel in waiting* Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 01:50 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Once she becomes pregnant, the woman's body is a vessel for the developing child. Just as suicide is illegal, so should aborting (killing) the developing baby be if we consider the vessel to be the woman's body.

Suicide is illegal? Better go sell that rope I was hanging on to then. Sad

This is not about a woman's body... it is about the killing of that which is inside of her body. A separate living being.

Unfortunately, it's still inconclusive as to at which point the "parasite" within the mother becomes a human.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 01:51 pm
Intrepid wrote:
I do agree with abortion, in the very early stages, if a woman becomes pregnant through rape.

You still haven't answered my question. If a pregnant woman's body is a vessel for the pregnancy, how can there reasonably be ANY exceptions? Or can one make exceptions on a subjective basis, with no rational core?

Also, are you one of those people who consider women simply baby making machines? I would tend to conclude that is what you believe from your posts.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 01:56 pm
Frank Apisa Wrote:


That is the way you want to see things.

For is not about a woman's body. But for the is about her body. That is what I meant about it being personal.

You want to embue the fetus with rights that take away fundamental rights the woman has over her own body.

It ain't gonna happen.

I would submit that just as you feel you have the right to try to wipe Christianity from all mankind, others have the right to try to protect the innocent.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 01:59 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Intrepid" wrote:
IMHO, a woman gives up her "right to her body" when she becomes pregnant and is carrying a living being inside of her through her own actions. She now shares her body with the infant to be. What basic biological right do you speak of?

Birth control methods are readily available and she has the "right" to avail herself of them. I do agree with abortion, in the very early stages, if a woman becomes pregnant through rape.

Inrepid- If, as you say a woman gives up the right to her body, what difference would it make if she were raped? If one goes along with your conclusion, no matter how she was impregnated, she still "gives up the right to her body".

Your rationale does not "compute" with me. Please explain.

If a woman becomes pregnant through consentual intercourse, she has done so of her own free will and should follow through without using abortion as a form of birth control. She, and her partner, should have been more responsible in the first place.

Rape is not consentual and I do not see why a woman should be made to carry a baby conceived in this way. Of course, there are many caring and responsbile women that would carry the baby to term anyhow. I am just speaking for the cases where this is not the case or the "woman" is still considered a child herself.

I don't know if this is what you want, but it is what I feel.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:04 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
I do agree with abortion, in the very early stages, if a woman becomes pregnant through rape.

You still haven't answered my question. If a pregnant woman's body is a vessel for the pregnancy, how can there reasonably be ANY exceptions? Or can one make exceptions on a subjective basis, with no rational core?

Also, are you one of those people who consider women simply baby making machines? I would tend to conclude that is what you believe from your posts.

Only 8 minutes since your post and you are already asking where the answer is. Surprised

You got your answer a few minutes ago.

No, I do not consider a woman a baby making machine. How could you read that from my posts? I have already said that birth control is available to woman. Is that someone who thinks women are baby making machines? I am talking about responsibility. That is something that a reasonably mature person accepts.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:04 pm
Intreped, would you mind answering my q now?

If a woman gives up the right to her body when she gets pregnant; who has the right to that body?
How can a human being lose the right over their own body?
That doesn't make sense to me. That makes a woman less than a human being.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:06 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
Frank Apisa Wrote:


That is the way you want to see things.

For is not about a woman's body. But for the is about her body. That is what I meant about it being personal.

You want to embue the fetus with rights that take away fundamental rights the woman has over her own body.

It ain't gonna happen.

I would submit that just as you feel you have the right to try to wipe Christianity from all mankind, others have the right to try to protect the innocent. certainly have the right to try to take away a woman's right to have control over her own body...which is actually what you are doing.

I have no problem with that at all.

I will, however, fight you on this with everything I can bring to bear.

We'll see who prevails.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:10 pm
flushd wrote:
Intreped, would you mind answering my q now?

If a woman gives up the right to her body when she gets pregnant; who has the right to that body?
How can a human being lose the right over their own body?
That doesn't make sense to me. That makes a woman less than a human being.

What I meant was, when she becomes pregnant she is now sharing her body with another being. She can do what she wants with the parts of her body that do not interfere with the well being of the fetus. If she wants to cut off her arm..find. It is her body.

I have never said that a woman is less than a human being. I believe that we are all equal... man and woman of any nationality or culture. Gay, lesbian, black, white, red, yellow, blue, fetus, baby... they are all of value and none are less than the other.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:12 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
Frank Apisa Wrote:


That is the way you want to see things.

For is not about a woman's body. But for the is about her body. That is what I meant about it being personal.

You want to embue the fetus with rights that take away fundamental rights the woman has over her own body.

It ain't gonna happen.

I would submit that just as you feel you have the right to try to wipe Christianity from all mankind, others have the right to try to protect the innocent. certainly have the right to try to take away a woman's right to have control over her own body...which is actually what you are doing.

I have no problem with that at all.

I will, however, fight you on this with everything I can bring to bear.

We'll see who prevails.

If you believe that I am trying to take away a woman's right to decide, how is that different from you trying to take away my right to decide on religion?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:12 pm
Intrepid wrote:
If a woman becomes pregnant through consentual intercourse, she has done so of her own free will and should follow through without using abortion as a form of birth control. She, and her partner, should have been more responsible in the first place.

Intrepid- So may I conclude by what you are saying is that a woman deserves to be deprived the rights to her body because of an irresponsible act? On the other hand, if the pregnancy was not her "fault", (as through rape) she is entitled to control her body?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:14 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
If a woman becomes pregnant through consentual intercourse, she has done so of her own free will and should follow through without using abortion as a form of birth control. She, and her partner, should have been more responsible in the first place.

Intrepid- So may I conclude by what you are saying is that a woman deserves to be deprived the rights to her body because of an irresponsible act? On the other hand, if the pregnancy was not her "fault", (as through rape) she is entitled to control her body?

Does a person who ends up in jail because of an irresponsible act not give up something? Freedom.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:18 pm
I don't think a woman needs to give up control over her own body at all. She isn't required to give up control over her own body after her baby is born. Nor is she allowed to intentionally harm that baby or any child in any way. It doesn't matter that the baby cries incessantly or totally cramps her social life or keeps her awake when she wants to sleep or needs food when she would much rather be doing something else. She is not ethically or morally or legally allowed to harm the child no matter what that does to her body. She may not want the child. She may hate it. She may give it away. But she is not legally allowed to intentionally harm it.

Why should it be in different before the baby is born? When she makes the choice to risk pregnancy, why should the new life within her be punished? The woman still has complete choice over her own body. But she also has responsibility for the new life that she chose to bring into the world. It doesn't matter that it is an inconvenience or that she doesn't want it or she hates the idea of being pregnant. She should not harm the life that she took on as a passenger.

Once we agree on that issue is settled, then the other issues such as rape, incest, health of the mother, welfare of babies when there are too many to live, etc. can be debated. There is no point in debating any of it so long as the developing baby is considered a parasite or some other subhuman adjective.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:20 pm
I wish I had said that :-)
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:22 pm
MA quoted me saying:

Quote: certainly have the right to try to take away a woman's right to have control over her own body...which is actually what you are doing.

I have no problem with that at all.

I will, however, fight you on this with everything I can bring to bear.

We'll see who prevails.

And now she asks:

If you believe that I am trying to take away a woman's right to decide, how is that different from you trying to take away my right to decide on religion?

One...I am not "believing" anything.

I am taking you at your word...that you do not want a woman to have a right to decide whether or not to terminate a pregnancy.

If I have you wrong...please let me know where...and I will revise my thoughts on it. But I suspect I have your position down correctly.

You have, as I said above...a right to take that stance.

I also said I have no problem with that...but that I would fight you on that with everything I can bring to bear.

None of that has anything to do with my wanting to rid the world of religion.

But if you were asking about the equities involved...well...there certainly are lots of similarities.

I have a right to take the position I am taking on getting rid of religion.

And you have a right to fight me in that with everything you can bring to bear.

What is your point?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:24 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Does a person who ends up in jail because of an irresponsible act not give up something? Freedom.

Interesting. So do you equate having an unwanted pregnancy with a crime? And if the irresponsible person who irresponsibly conceived, are you saying that her punishment is for the to be obliged to carry the pregnancy to term, and raise that child?

Wow! That is laying a lot of responsibility on what you consider an irresponsible person. Imagine if society had to deal with all those irresponsible women who had to give up their freedom of choice because of their irresponsibility, together with the products of their irresponsibility.
0 Replies

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