flushd wrote:Foxfyre wrote:The argument keeps coming back to the same point of disagreement:
a) That the woman has the right to do whatever she wishes with he own body vs
b) The woman does not have the right to do whatever she wishes with the separate body within the womb.
The advocates of a) never even speak of that separate body or if they do, they diminish it to sub-human status.
The advocates of b) hold to a principle of respect for human life and see no difference between a seventh-month premie in the womb and one on life support in an incubator.
Once you see the baby fighting for its life in that incubator, however, there is no rational way to say that this is not a human being, or that it is not 100% wrong to intentionally kill it for convenience or just because you can.
Well spoken, Foxyfyre.
You're listening I see!
Perhaps the passion blinds us all from going into the gray area (a developing child not yet born).
There is a lot at risk.
For certain there is. "A lot at risk" that is.
There is very little doubt that among the people making the most noise on the anti-choice side...a significant percentage of them express the thought that from the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg...there is a "living human being" present....and that the "living human being", even if nothing more than a small clump of undifferentiated cells...has rights that negate the rights a woman has to have control over her own body.
Bottom line: A woman has a right to terminate a pregnancy if she chooses. There is absolutely no way any other person...or the government acting collectively...should require that she continue to host a zygote, embryo, or fetus if she chooses to abort the pregnancy.
And it is my opinion, based on lots of discussions with people on the opposite side of this issue from me...that ANY concessions made will be used as a prelude to outlaw any abortions....even within the first few weeks of a pregnancy.
The nonsense and hypocrisy going on over the "morning after" pill is almost proof positive of this difficulty.
Flushd...I can see that you are conflicted over certain aspects of abortion rights. But I beg you to consider the danger of making any concessions on the issue.