Quote:(By the way...can the driver of a car decide to pull over and say "I no longer want to drive"...or, once driving, are they required by some god to continue driving until they get to a particular destination...no matter what?)
If the driver voluntarily accepted a helpless passenger, then later pulled over and abandoned that passenger who died as a result, the law would have something to say about it. Evenmoreso, there would be consequences if the reason for abandoning the passenger was purely one of convenience. We do have a degree of responsibility for the welfare of others that we choose to place in our custody and care. This is the argument for the prolife people.
Many (most?) of the pro-choice-in-all-circumstances crowd choose not to consider the unborn baby a person until it is born. If that is the case, then there should be no consequence for the mother who takes drugs, drinks excessively, or otherwise harms her unborn baby who is later born damaged, yet many in the pro choice crowd believe the law should be able to intervene in such cases. And there should be no additional consequence for the killing of an unborn baby when the mother is murdered, yet the State of California passed such a law and others are considering similar legislation.
Some of the prolife group consider a fertilized egg sacrament under all circumstances, and while I do not necessarily share that belief, I do respect it.
All of the pro life group consider a baby, born or unborn, that has a formed body, brain, and a beating heart to be a human being whether still in the womb, in an incubator, or a full term baby that has left the mother's body. The idea of killing that person for convenience is indefensible.
In every other circumstance, the women who risks a communicable disease, obesity, complications of diabetes, addiction, etc. etc. etc. is required to accept the consequences of her behavior that incurs such risk. In each case she had a choice. And it is also a choice the woman should make before she takes the risk of pregnancy.
But once the risk is voluntarily taken and she becomes pregnant, she has voluntarily taken on a helpless passenger, and in my view she is responsible for its well being.