Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2005 09:45 pm
maporsche wrote:
snood wrote:
maporsche wrote:
snood wrote:
Yes, thunder. Maybe some of us have trouble with it because late-term fetuses have measurable brain activity, facial expressions, the ability to feel pain, and far more similarities than differences with newborns. Maybe more folks ought to have that kind of "trouble".

You keep bringing up late term abortions...why. You are against ALL abortion, even 1 week abortions. Argue that point.

Why do you say I'm against ALL abortions? Do you have some fact, something I've said, to back that up? Or is it just because you have trouble thinking in anything but 2 dimensional black-and-white ? I don't believe any decent, reasonable person is ALL of anything - conservative, liberal, ANYTHING. I generally agree that a woman has the rights over her own body when it comes down to it. I have simply expressed my struggle with certain aspects of the abortion question. I struggle with the right and wrong of some things - is that alien to you?

I have a hard time understand your VIEW ON ANYTHING. You ask questions, then I respond *thinking* that your question represented a point of view, then I get challenged that you were "just asking for the sake of asking". I'm not only referencing the most recent post but posts in the past.

What is your view on abortion. Please post it plainly so we can all understand where you're coming from.

You are BY FAR the most difficult person to understand on this board when it comes to your viewpoints.

Then I'll be as clear as I know how...
Even though I shudder to think that this choice might ever be presented to someone close to me, I think that abortion should be the choice of a woman and her physician. I don't believe it is something that should be legislated against. I think if men had to bear the children for nine months, the argument would be over, and there would be abortion on demand across the board immediately tomorrow. I think I understand why it is such a raw subject - the deeply held feelings on both sides - so I think both sides should respect the views of the other side.

I don't at all appreciate the ad hominem toward me - the subject matter doesn't necessitate such an attack. If you can show me examples of how I am the "hardest to understand", I will attempt - ONCE - to clarify things for you, maporsche. I had no idea, and have no recollection of your ever even having conflict with me, so I am certainly willing to try to clear the air, if your expressed difficulty with me isn't just an excuse to take a swipe.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 03:31 am
thunder_runner32 wrote:
You folks seem to think it is okay to simply strip away rights from a pregnant woman simply because you want to invest the zygote, embryo, or fetus growing within her with rights that you say supercede her rights.

If you follow this logic all the way through the fetuses years, then the parents of the child have every right to murder them at any time...

A fetus is a developing human
A baby is a developing human
A child is a developing human
A teen....etc.

It is never anything but, a developing human. anyone want to contend that?

Yes...all of us, including this 69 year older...are developing humans.

But that does not make a zygote, an embryo, or a fetus...a living human being.

Oh, and here's a question Frank, if it isn't alive, why do they have to kill it?

For the same reason that a cancer cell is not a living human being but can be killed.

In any case, if you want to think that a woman obtaining an abortion is killing a child...think it.

I don't.


I disagree...and I am delighted that the courts of this country and most other countries...disagree also.

And I, sickened...

Fair enough. And I appreciate your position.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 04:17 am
A question for Frank or anyone who is ok with abortion:

What are your thoughts about removing all men's responsibility for a child they help create but don't want any part of ?

For example if a woman chooses to give birth and the man wants her to abort, why not let him abdicate his responsibility ?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 09:39 am
CerealKiller wrote:
A question for Frank or anyone who is ok with abortion:

What are your thoughts about removing all men's responsibility for a child they help create but don't want any part of ?

For example if a woman chooses to give birth and the man wants her to abort, why not let him abdicate his responsibility ?

I think the decision to abort or not to abort should be the woman's alone...and I do not think her decision not to abort should give the guy freedom from the responsibility the law places on the father of a child.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 11:37 am
snood wrote:
maporsche wrote:
snood wrote:
maporsche wrote:
snood wrote:
Yes, thunder. Maybe some of us have trouble with it because late-term fetuses have measurable brain activity, facial expressions, the ability to feel pain, and far more similarities than differences with newborns. Maybe more folks ought to have that kind of "trouble".

You keep bringing up late term abortions...why. You are against ALL abortion, even 1 week abortions. Argue that point.

Why do you say I'm against ALL abortions? Do you have some fact, something I've said, to back that up? Or is it just because you have trouble thinking in anything but 2 dimensional black-and-white ? I don't believe any decent, reasonable person is ALL of anything - conservative, liberal, ANYTHING. I generally agree that a woman has the rights over her own body when it comes down to it. I have simply expressed my struggle with certain aspects of the abortion question. I struggle with the right and wrong of some things - is that alien to you?

I have a hard time understand your VIEW ON ANYTHING. You ask questions, then I respond *thinking* that your question represented a point of view, then I get challenged that you were "just asking for the sake of asking". I'm not only referencing the most recent post but posts in the past.

What is your view on abortion. Please post it plainly so we can all understand where you're coming from.

You are BY FAR the most difficult person to understand on this board when it comes to your viewpoints.

Then I'll be as clear as I know how...
Even though I shudder to think that this choice might ever be presented to someone close to me, I think that abortion should be the choice of a woman and her physician. I don't believe it is something that should be legislated against. I think if men had to bear the children for nine months, the argument would be over, and there would be abortion on demand across the board immediately tomorrow. I think I understand why it is such a raw subject - the deeply held feelings on both sides - so I think both sides should respect the views of the other side.

I don't at all appreciate the ad hominem toward me - the subject matter doesn't necessitate such an attack. If you can show me examples of how I am the "hardest to understand", I will attempt - ONCE - to clarify things for you, maporsche. I had no idea, and have no recollection of your ever even having conflict with me, so I am certainly willing to try to clear the air, if your expressed difficulty with me isn't just an excuse to take a swipe.

Snood, I refuse to go back over hundereds of pages of posts to prove my point. I KNOW that other people on this board agree with what I've posted (I've received PMs about it).

I also refust to make a big deal about it anymore, I just will no longer respond to post by you that there may be a question about your position.

And as far as you "not appreciating" my post, which you obviously considered insulting. I'll take the childish approach of "You started it". Your reply to my post was insulting as well.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 11:39 am

I don't mean to get in the middle of anything, but I didn't understand why you had trouble with Snood's posts. I haven't had a problem with them and was just curious if perhaps I am missing something?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 11:54 am
maporsche wrote:
snood wrote:
maporsche wrote:
snood wrote:
maporsche wrote:
snood wrote:
Yes, thunder. Maybe some of us have trouble with it because late-term fetuses have measurable brain activity, facial expressions, the ability to feel pain, and far more similarities than differences with newborns. Maybe more folks ought to have that kind of "trouble".

You keep bringing up late term abortions...why. You are against ALL abortion, even 1 week abortions. Argue that point.

Why do you say I'm against ALL abortions? Do you have some fact, something I've said, to back that up? Or is it just because you have trouble thinking in anything but 2 dimensional black-and-white ? I don't believe any decent, reasonable person is ALL of anything - conservative, liberal, ANYTHING. I generally agree that a woman has the rights over her own body when it comes down to it. I have simply expressed my struggle with certain aspects of the abortion question. I struggle with the right and wrong of some things - is that alien to you?

I have a hard time understand your VIEW ON ANYTHING. You ask questions, then I respond *thinking* that your question represented a point of view, then I get challenged that you were "just asking for the sake of asking". I'm not only referencing the most recent post but posts in the past.

What is your view on abortion. Please post it plainly so we can all understand where you're coming from.

You are BY FAR the most difficult person to understand on this board when it comes to your viewpoints.

Then I'll be as clear as I know how...
Even though I shudder to think that this choice might ever be presented to someone close to me, I think that abortion should be the choice of a woman and her physician. I don't believe it is something that should be legislated against. I think if men had to bear the children for nine months, the argument would be over, and there would be abortion on demand across the board immediately tomorrow. I think I understand why it is such a raw subject - the deeply held feelings on both sides - so I think both sides should respect the views of the other side.

I don't at all appreciate the ad hominem toward me - the subject matter doesn't necessitate such an attack. If you can show me examples of how I am the "hardest to understand", I will attempt - ONCE - to clarify things for you, maporsche. I had no idea, and have no recollection of your ever even having conflict with me, so I am certainly willing to try to clear the air, if your expressed difficulty with me isn't just an excuse to take a swipe.

Snood, I refuse to go back over hundereds of pages of posts to prove my point. I KNOW that other people on this board agree with what I've posted (I've received PMs about it).

I also refuse to make a big deal about it anymore, I just will no longer respond to post by you that there may be a question about your position. There is no need to "clear the air", I have no problem with you (in the argumentative sense).

And as far as you "not appreciating" my post, which you obviously considered insulting. I'll take the childish approach of "You started it". Your reply to my post was insulting as well.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 03:24 pm
This was your first post directed at me on this thread:

You keep bringing up late term abortions...why. You are against ALL abortion, even 1 week abortions. Argue that point.

This was my first reply to you:

Why do you say I'm against ALL abortions? Do you have some fact, something I've said, to back that up? Or is it just because you have trouble thinking in anything but 2 dimensional black-and-white ? I don't believe any decent, reasonable person is ALL of anything - conservative, liberal, ANYTHING. I generally agree that a woman has the rights over her own body when it comes down to it. I have simply expressed my struggle with certain aspects of the abortion question. I struggle with the right and wrong of some things - is that alien to you?

I responded to a falsehood and assumption on your part - that I am against all abortions. You started it. so Nyah Nyah - I hereby excuse myself from trying to figure out your nonsense, OR from wearing kid gloves when unjustly attacked. Screw you, your PMs and your twisted panties.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 04:04 pm
snood wrote:
This was your first post directed at me on this thread:

You keep bringing up late term abortions...why. You are against ALL abortion, even 1 week abortions. Argue that point.

This was my first reply to you:

Why do you say I'm against ALL abortions? Do you have some fact, something I've said, to back that up? Or is it just because you have trouble thinking in anything but 2 dimensional black-and-white ? I don't believe any decent, reasonable person is ALL of anything - conservative, liberal, ANYTHING. I generally agree that a woman has the rights over her own body when it comes down to it. I have simply expressed my struggle with certain aspects of the abortion question. I struggle with the right and wrong of some things - is that alien to you?

I responded to a falsehood and assumption on your part - that I am against all abortions. You started it. so Nyah Nyah - I hereby excuse myself from trying to figure out your nonsense, OR from wearing kid gloves when unjustly attacked. Screw you, your PMs and your twisted panties.

Whatever. I'm excited to see you remove the "kid gloves" and get tough on a message board?!?!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 04:09 pm

So, were you just looking for a fight or a discussion?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 04:19 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

So, were you just looking for a fight or a discussion?

Either. I'm not picky. I've been rather active in this thread which has reached 115 pages now, so I'm confused as to why you think I wouldn't be up for a discussion.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 04:22 pm
maporsche wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:

So, were you just looking for a fight or a discussion?

Either. I'm not picky. I've been rather active in this thread which has reached 115 pages now, so I'm confused as to why you think I wouldn't be up for a discussion.

I guess I just found it a bit odd that you would get excited because someone took their kid gloves off. Makes me wonder, that's all.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 05:15 pm

0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 07:22 pm
snood wrote:


Sure is. Also, I suppose that the fact that people pm maporche (according to previous post) to agree with his/her posts says something. Must be afraid to do it publicly. ;-)

Hang in there, snood.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 07:23 pm
Intrepid wrote:
snood wrote:


Sure is. Also, I suppose that people pm maporche to agree with his/her posts says something. Must be afraid to do it publicly. ;-)

Hang in there, snood.

Hi Intrepid,

How are you? I will have to ditto your remarks!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 07:25 pm
Hi Momma,

You answered while I was editing for content. :-)

I haven't posted for a couple of days because we buried my 2 month old grandson yesterday. At least we had the little guy for 2 months. A lot longer than the advocates of abortion give to those who we grieve. That is all that I will say on the matter.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 07:28 pm

I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine losing a child. I will pray for God's peace for you and your family. Yes, so wonderful that your grandson was given a chance at life. I am sure he was a blessing to all of you. Peace be with you, my friend.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2005 10:34 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Hi Momma,

You answered while I was editing for content. :-)

I haven't posted for a couple of days because we buried my 2 month old grandson yesterday. At least we had the little guy for 2 months. A lot longer than the advocates of abortion give to those who we grieve. That is all that I will say on the matter.


I am very sorry to hear about your grandson. It's never easy to lose someone you love, but it's especially tough when they are so young. Please extend my sympathy to your whole family. May God comfort each of you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2005 09:59 am
Intrepid -
May you find consolation and comfort from such a harsh loss.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Sep, 2005 12:12 am
Frank Apisa wrote:

I think the decision to abort or not to abort should be the woman's alone...and I do not think her decision not to abort should give the guy freedom from the responsibility the law places on the father of a child.

Thanks for your response Frank.

Your response surprises me a little because it seems somewhat inconsistent with your position...something you're usually not. I thought you would go the other way on that.

What did you think of Scott Peterson being charged with a double murder ? His wife and the fetus.

In your estimation should that law be changed ?
0 Replies

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