Re: ABORTION.......
Implicator wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:Implicator wrote:Willing is good.
Are you stating you have a problem with such a god?
Only if thinking such a god would be a scumbag is a problem.
I was hoping for a more definitive (less conditional) answer.
Since I can't be sure whether this response was sarcastic or not, please tell me - would you think of such a god as a scumbag?
I honestly didn't think my response was conditional at all...and I consider it to be entirely definitive.
But let me take you at your word...and allow me to flesh it out. It may provide a basis for a discsussion.
IF...a God exists...and
IF that God would be willing to refuse to welcome a soul into heaven because the soul was stained by a "sin" commited by someone else thousands of years ago...and
IF the God were unwilling to allow the fact that the soul had not been cleansed of that "sin" because it was aborted before being born and having Baptism available to it to mitigate against the refusal...
...then that god would, in my opinion, be a scumbag.
Keep in mind that we have a track record here on this issue.
St. Augustine, one of the earliest church fathers, asserted that unBaptized souls went to Hell...albeit to a part of Hell lacking the full punishments of the regular Hell. But as far as St. Augustine was concerned...the souls of unBaptized souls did go to Hell.
St. Thomas Aquinas attempted to ease that up a bit. He posited the existence of a place called the Limbo of Innocents...a place, he asserted, of happiness and contentment...but lacking one essential of Heaven...namely, the Beatific Vision...personal intimacy with God.
But since both St. Augustine and Aquinas agreed that the single most torturous aspect of Hell was the knowledge that the Beatific Vision would forever be denied condemned souls...the distinction Aquinas offered was one without significant difference.
I was taught back in the 40's and 50's...that souls of babies who died unBaptized would forever be denied Heaven...and it was instilled in us that the single most grevious sin parents could commit was to delay Baptism because of this danger.
IF there is a god that would add to the indignity of abortion by further insulting the soul by considering it unfit for the divine presence...that god would, in my opinion, be a scumbag.
And since most of the Christians I have debated over the years see things relatively that same way (they do so by denying the possibility that their god would do such a thing)...I exclude it from consideration.
You questioned that exclusion.
This is my response.