Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 11:04 am
Frank Apisa wrote:

So I ask the question again:

Since you consider abortion to be such an odious thing....why didn't your god or Jesus or Paul EVER MENTION IT?

I know I will regret getting involved in this one, but what the heck.

Maybe God, Jesus or Paul did mention it, but it just was not recorded by those who wrote the gospel accounts of Christ's life. Most of Paul's letters were addressed to specific people/churches and addressed problems said churches were concerned with. Abortion may well not have been a problem, thus Paul did not touch on it.

I hope this serves to satisfy you Frank. I don't expect it to, mind you, but I can always hope. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 11:31 am
Proverbs 6:16  These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17  A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18  An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19  A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 11:37 am
CoastalRat wrote:
Most of Paul's letters were addressed to specific people/churches and addressed problems said churches were concerned with. Abortion may well not have been a problem, thus Paul did not touch on it.

Sure, why mention abortion when there are much more pressing issues at hand such as women that dare to open their mouth in church.

1 Corinthians 14:34-35
34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

By the way, I wonder what law he is referencing there?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 11:48 am
Mesquite, if you want to talk about some other topic then feel free to start a new thread. Your response has absolutely nothing to do with this topic and does not advance anything to the discussion. Your response is simply an attempt to deflect an honest and reasonable explaination for the question Frank asked.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 11:54 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote"
They are not mentioned by the god.

It is included the murder category.

It is not mentioned by the god! Period.

If it is anywhere near the abhorrant thing you people are making of it...why was it not mentioned by the god specifically....and why did Jesus not mention it specifically...and why did Paul not mention it specifically?

But it is mentioned, even commanded in Numbers 5.

"27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people."

The New International Version gives "her abdomen will swell and her thigh waste away," but adds in the footnotes that an alternate translation is "she will have barrenness and a miscarrying womb." The New Revised Standard Version, one of the most respected translations by scholars, gives "her womb shall discharge, her uterus drop…," which more clearly indicates an abortion procedure.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 12:16 pm
Num 5:27 If she has defiled herself by being unfaithful to her husband, the water that brings the curse will cause bitter suffering. She will become infertile,* and her name will become a curse word among her people.
Num 5:28 But if she has not defiled herself and is pure, she will be unharmed and will still be able to have children.

This speaks of infertility...NOT abortion
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 07:58 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Num 5:27 If she has defiled herself by being unfaithful to her husband, the water that brings the curse will cause bitter suffering. She will become infertile,* and her name will become a curse word among her people.
Num 5:28 But if she has not defiled herself and is pure, she will be unharmed and will still be able to have children.

This speaks of infertility...NOT abortion

A great thing about the Bible, if you don't like one translation, try another.

However, even taking your translation as the one that is true...why are you so eager to assume that the "infertility" will only apply to the future rather than any possible pregnancy that may have occurred by the infidelity?

Here we have a woman accused of being unfaithful.

She is given a concoction that will make her barren/ infertile.

Seems reasonable to call that an abortion IMO.

It also has the escape clause (verse 28) that if it does not work and she conceives, she therefore was not unfaithful. Sort of a biblical win / win.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 08:04 pm
CoastalRat wrote:
Mesquite, if you want to talk about some other topic then feel free to start a new thread. Your response has absolutely nothing to do with this topic and does not advance anything to the discussion. Your response is simply an attempt to deflect an honest and reasonable explaination for the question Frank asked.

CoastalRat, "Objection, Irrelevant"

mesquite, "It goes to the credibility of the witness your honor.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 08:04 pm
I don't assume anything. I am merely pointing out that posting single bible verses can go on and on without any resolution. Especially when different versions are used. There are over 31,000 verses in the bible. This could go on for years. What makes you think it is abortion... could be morning after contraception. See what I mean?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 09:08 pm
Interesting that you think I should not post in a thread about religion and abortion, a verse that can be reasonably assumed to address abortion. Would you have felt better if I had included more context so that it was obvious that it was the lord directing the abortion?

Numbers 5:11-15

11 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

12 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him,

13 And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither she be taken with the manner;

14 And the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be defiled: or if the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be not defiled:

15 Then shall the man bring his wife unto the priest, and he shall bring her offering for her, the tenth part of an ephah of barley meal; he shall pour no oil upon it, nor put frankincense thereon; for it is an offering of jealousy, an offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 09:12 pm
Study Finds 29-Week Fetuses Probably Feel No Pain and Need No Abortion Anesthesia
Taking on one of the most highly charged questions in the abortion debate, a team of doctors has concluded that fetuses probably cannot feel pain in the first six months of gestation and therefore do not need anesthesia during abortions.

Their report, being published today in The Journal of the American Medical Association, is based on a review of several hundred scientific papers, and it says that nerve connections in the brain are unlikely to have developed enough for the fetus to feel pain before 29 weeks.

The finding poses a direct challenge to proposed federal and state laws that would compel doctors to tell women having abortions at 20 weeks or later that their fetuses can feel pain and to offer them anesthesia specifically for the fetus. article
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 09:28 pm
Re the Biblical ritual for wives suspected of infidelity, the only biological difference between an unfaithful wife and a faithful one is the possibility of pregnancy. If she miscarries after taking the bitter abortifacient, she was unfaithful. If not, she is cleared.

Surely God would not require a husband to attempt to impregnate a lady he thinks cheated on him, especially since it could take months to establish that she was indeed barren and therefore unfaithful. It is faster to induce abortion, which also avoids the problem of what to do with a bastard child.

Note that there was no test of fidelity for men suspected of adultery. Since they could not be pregnant, the drug would have no effect on them.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 11:40 pm
Terry wrote:
Study Finds 29-Week Fetuses Probably Feel No Pain and Need No Abortion Anesthesia
Taking on one of the most highly charged questions in the abortion debate, a team of doctors has concluded that fetuses probably cannot feel pain in the first six months of gestation and therefore do not need anesthesia during abortions.

Their report, being published today in The Journal of the American Medical Association, is based on a review of several hundred scientific papers, and it says that nerve connections in the brain are unlikely to have developed enough for the fetus to feel pain before 29 weeks.

The finding poses a direct challenge to proposed federal and state laws that would compel doctors to tell women having abortions at 20 weeks or later that their fetuses can feel pain and to offer them anesthesia specifically for the fetus. article

Apparently one of the authors of this article is an MD employed by an abortion clinic, and another author is a lawyer formerly employed by NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League), according to the AP story that was picked up by ABC.

Objective sources, I am sure.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2005 03:06 am
CoastalRat wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

So I ask the question again:

Since you consider abortion to be such an odious thing....why didn't your god or Jesus or Paul EVER MENTION IT?

I know I will regret getting involved in this one, but what the heck.

Maybe God, Jesus or Paul did mention it, but it just was not recorded by those who wrote the gospel accounts of Christ's life. Most of Paul's letters were addressed to specific people/churches and addressed problems said churches were concerned with. Abortion may well not have been a problem, thus Paul did not touch on it.

If it is anywhere near as huge a sin as some here think it is...why did the god not mention it with enough emphasis so that it would be recorded?

Same for Jesus and Paul.

Hell...the god and Paul spent plenty of time telling us that slavery is okay and moral...

...why would this abortion thing not be handled properly? the world second oldest profession....occasioned in part by the oldest.

I hope this serves to satisfy you Frank. I don't expect it to, mind you, but I can always hope. Smile

Why not just post if you have something to post...and stop worrying about whether or not it "satisfies."
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2005 03:08 am
Intrepid wrote:
Proverbs 6:16  These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17  A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18  An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19  A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.


Stop supposing that the god or Jesus or Paul...would not know the word.

Why do you suppose your god...Jesus...nor Paul never condemned abortion if it is the kind of horrible thing you people suppose it is????
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2005 03:15 am
So your point is that if an act is not condemned by name by "the God of the bible", that the act is sanctioned by it?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2005 03:20 am
snood wrote:
So your point is that if an act is not condemned by name by "the God of the bible", that the act is sanctioned by it?

My point is not a is a question:

Why, if the act is such an abomination...was it never condemned by the god of the Jesus...or by Paul.

The all certainly condemned all sorts of things.

Snood...why do you suppose none of them condemned abortion...even though someone like Hippocrates, working on behalf of Apollo, thought it repugnant enough to condemn?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2005 03:29 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
snood wrote:
So your point is that if an act is not condemned by name by "the God of the bible", that the act is sanctioned by it?

My point is not a is a question:

Why, if the act is such an abomination...was it never condemned by the god of the Jesus...or by Paul.

The all certainly condemned all sorts of things.

Snood...why do you suppose none of them condemned abortion...even though someone like Hippocrates, working on behalf of Apollo, thought it repugnant enough to condemn?

Just a little old harmless question that didn't mean nothin', huh? You wouldn't be trying to add support to your overall "position" - that the "God of the bible" is petty, cruel, vindictive, etc., etc., etc., ? The "God of the bible" doesn't condemn female genital mutilation either - should reasonable people draw some sort of halfass conclusion from that?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2005 03:38 am
snood wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
snood wrote:
So your point is that if an act is not condemned by name by "the God of the bible", that the act is sanctioned by it?

My point is not a is a question:

Why, if the act is such an abomination...was it never condemned by the god of the Jesus...or by Paul.

The all certainly condemned all sorts of things.

Snood...why do you suppose none of them condemned abortion...even though someone like Hippocrates, working on behalf of Apollo, thought it repugnant enough to condemn?

Just a little old harmless question that didn't mean nothin', huh? You wouldn't be trying to add support to your overall "position" - that the "God of the bible" is petty, cruel, vindictive, etc., etc., etc., ? The "God of the bible" doesn't condemn female genital mutilation either - should reasonable people draw some sort of halfass conclusion from that?

If you like drawing halfassed all means, Snood...continue to do so.

I prefer not to do that.

In the case you missed my question:

Why, considering you folks think it is such an you suppose your god....Jesus...nor Paul....ever condemned abortion?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2005 03:56 am
mesquite wrote:
Interesting that you think I should not post in a thread about religion and abortion, a verse that can be reasonably assumed to address abortion. Would you have felt better if I had included more context so that it was obvious that it was the lord directing the abortion?

Numbers 5:11-15

11 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

12 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him,

13 And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither she be taken with the manner;

14 And the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be defiled: or if the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be not defiled:

15 Then shall the man bring his wife unto the priest, and he shall bring her offering for her, the tenth part of an ephah of barley meal; he shall pour no oil upon it, nor put frankincense thereon; for it is an offering of jealousy, an offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance.

You make assumptions. I DID NOT say you should not post. I was only pointing out how futile it is. Again, here you are showing instances of adultery and being impregnated by other than the husband. What is actually interesting is that you are reaching to find evidence of abortion in the bible.
0 Replies

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