flushd wrote:I can hardly believe this thread is still going!!
There is too much to read it all at the moment.
Have y'all come to any conclusions/ agreements? Or is this a continued
pro-life vs pro-choice discussion?
Just wondering.....
I notice a bit about euth....real life: what did you mean by posting that email about J. ?
I'm not trying to be a jerk, I seriously want to know what you are trying to get across.
Hi Flushd,
Momma Angel had made a reference to euthanasia.
I followed up with the email which seems to indicate that the "medical professionals" in this case were far too eager to pull the plug on J when there was obvious reason not to.
When abortion was given the OK by the Supreme court way back when, there were many who talked about the slippery slope of devaluing life that this would create, euthanizing the sick and disabled was chief among those concerns.
This, of course, was scoffed at by the enlightened pro-abortion fans; but as we all know now it was not an unfounded concern. Terri Schiavo and many others including J have been the target (sometimes of family members, sometimes of "medical professionals") and our culture seems too hypnotized by entertainment to be concerned with the mounting death toll.