maporche Wrote:
Quote:So I assume you're ok with euthanasia too because vets do it. They not only euthanise sick/dying animals, but also kittens who are not adopted to help control the feline population. I can't believe you support this real life, what if we did that to old people too? You are truly sick.
Maporche, perhaps I am not reading what Real Life posted, but I believe the D&C abortion he was speaking of was on a woman and not on animals.
I talked to my vet and he does not perform abortions on an animal. However, the the mother animal's life is at stake sometimes procedures are performed. Mostly, the animal will undergo anesthesia and then the babies will be surgically removed. He did say, however, this is rather rare, as mother nature seems to take care of this situation for most.
He also stated that sometimes, when he is spaying a female, it may be discovered that she is pregnant. Unfortunately, the anesthesia administered to the mother will have effected the babies and would not be able to survive.
I believe Real Life was speaking of if someone were to slice, hack to pieces, or end an animal's life in a slow, painful, torturous way, thereby causing its death. If I am incorrect in my assumptions, I guess I need clarification on it myself.
And euthanisia? Oh, that's one I don't like. I run a homeless cat shelter. I am a NO KILL SHELTER. I never have a cat euthanized for any other reason than it is in the best interest of the cat and then only on the advice of my vet.
I do not believe in euthanizing animals to control the pet population. I feel it is the pets' owners responsibility to have their pet spayed or neutered, but alas, a very hard thing to instill into the minds of some. Most people don't have it done because of the cost. I'd like to think that is the reason for most not being spayed/neutered. Unfortunately, a lot of pet owners are not responsible enough to do this.
And I really believe Real Life would never ever support euthanizing old people to "what? control that population?"