Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:10 pm
Oh good now we have two who would be in a in a more comfortable position out bombing some abortion clinic or shooting some abortion doctor in the back in jesus name. Go play in the street.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:18 pm

I told you I would try not to assume anything so I am not. So, I will come right out and ask you. When you say "two" are you including me as one of those two?

Momma Angel
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:28 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Oh good now we have two who would be in a in a more comfortable position out bombing some abortion clinic or shooting some abortion doctor in the back in jesus name. Go play in the street.

A simple question was asked and you talk about bombing abortion clinics and shooting doctors and a suggestion is made to go play in the street.

You answered a question as a negative so I asked if it was the other side. Rather than respond you make this comment.

You do not know me or what I stand for. You talk about assumptions and are the first to jump in with them. I would not be in a comfortable position with either of your suggestions. I would to totally against such action. Like so many others, you use a wide brush to label Christians. What are you afraid of?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:29 pm
Oh my..."foul mouthed goon." And earlier you called me "an inconsiderate nincompoop!"

Gosh...I wonder what Spike Lee would say about that? I wonder how Spike Lee would react to you using such terribly strong language while using his picture as an avatar? I wonder?

Do you? Do you really wonder about that? Yeah, I can see where you're a real fan of Spike Lee and know something about what he might think... yeah, Frank - that's not a stretch at all. Yer losin it, pallie.

And just to show you that I can maintain a good sense of humor while discussing this rationally and courteously with you, Snood...another "I wonder" just crossed my mind.

I wonder if you told...let's say, Eddie Murphy...that there is this guy who used the word "boy" while addressing you...and you wrote back to him that he was a "foul mouthed goon" and "an inconsiderate nincompoop...

...I wonder what Eddie Murphy would say.

Or Redd Foxx in his day!

Eddie Murphy and Redd Foxx, huh? And you accuse others of diverting from issues at hand? What're you, from the moon, or something? I guess it's such a strain for you to emulate a "rational and courteous" person that your fragile grasp on reality is slipping.

But just for S&Gs, I don't really think any of those gentlemen would like very much the fact that you're calling someone whom you know to be black "boy" - especially as old as you are, and having seen as much recent American history.

Oh, by the way....did I mention that you are in no position to be judging others on offensive posts, Snood.

Oh, and by the way, you wouldn't consider ANYBODY "in a position" to judge your foul-mouthed, discourteous, bullying crap, because you've deluded yourself into thinking you're above reproach. Guess what, my aged beach boy? You ain't.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:31 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

I told you I would try not to assume anything so I am not. So, I will come right out and ask you. When you say "two" are you including me as one of those two?

Momma Angel

0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:32 pm
Real Life and Intrepid, you both have displayed the worst kind of unethical manipulations regarding what Dys was saying about child abuse. To force words and meaning into what was said is the lowest, slimiest form of distortion.

Dys and I have discussed his work for hours on end. I understand child abuse quite well as one who was abused and as the sister of two older brothers with mental retardation who were also abused at home and while in a hellish institution. For you to cheapen Dys's words and career with purposeful misunderstanding is beyond ugly.

Since the two of you are so self-righteous about abortion, tell me how many children with severe disabilities you have adopted? How many children with acting out behaviors that don't ever stop? How many children who need constant medical supervision? How many children with severe physical deformities? How many children who will never smile at you with love? How many AIDs children or crack babies?

The only people who are against abortion whom I respect are those, and I know of two, who have adopted children with severe, permanent disabilities, making a loving home for them and treating them with the same love that they show for their biological children.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:36 pm
dyslexia wrote:
first of off MA since you don't already know, I spend a lifetime career as a member/supervisior of a child protection unit. I have personally dealt with every imaginable horror that can happen to a child. I have dealt with every excuse imaginable from "I was drunk at the time and didn't know what I was doing" to "it's none of your damn business what I do with my own family, this is between me and my god" I have investigated sexual abuse/incest cases, death by beating with a belt for a 6 month old and death by starvation for a nine year old locked in a closet (the list goes on into infinity) I have also (as a child welfare policy analyst for the state lobbied against "christian" groups who wanted/demanded that the "state" not be allowed to interfere with a "god given right" to decide "family matters" So you say "spanking" and I say "beating to death" all boils down to the same thing-child abuse. I am now retired but I can never forget the many years of self-rightous excuses I heard endlessly from "christians" "yes he/she died but that was an accident, I only meant to provide christian morality re his/her potty training" etc etc etc. I am more than willing to carry on this conversation with you re my experiences but I warn you there may be some "unpleasant" words from my keyboard.

dyslexia wrote:
I never said I was against child abuse. Don't even try to bait me. That's really a scum-bag attempt. Don't look now but your total lack of ethics is apparent.

I'm with Intrepid. Will the real Dys please stand up?

Forgive us Dys if we assumed that your eyewitness description of the horrible effects of child abuse led us to erroneously think you were against it. You really ought to be more clear, or wear a warning label , or something. ????????????

No, I think you simply can't answer the question straight because you understand the contradiction in your own position. Call whoever whatever names you want if all you've got is a fourth grade vocabulary. It won't change that.

It's rather contradictory to be appalled at a child beaten to death by a parent, and then turn around and give the A-OK to a child chopped and dismembered by abortion. More than difficult, it may require multiple personalities.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:39 pm
I have friends that have adopted children with disabilities. I have been raising 2 children that came to us 5 years ago.

I do not believe that we displayed anything unethical. Dys stated to Real Life that he did not say he was against child abuse. I would take that to mean he was or something different. Given the passionate post that he had made, I found this hard to believe. I asked if it was the other so I could know what he was saying.

He then wrote about bombing and shooting. To use your words, "To force words and meaning into what was said is the lowest, slimiest form of distortion. "

I am sorry if you are offended.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:46 pm
Intrepid, you have my sincere respect for raising the children who came to you. That does not alleviate my distaste for your and RealLife's twisted interpretation of Dys's words.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:46 pm
Ok, take a deep breath everyone, please! Let's not get into the name calling, assuming bad things, etc. That gets us nowhere.

Can't we all play nice? We all have our opinions and they obviously are not all the same.

I just hate to see us all start dividing and conquering here.

I do have one thing to say though, since some of you thought Frank did not mean what he said to me earlier, that perhaps I was taking it the wrong way, could this maybe be the case here?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:46 pm

I am offended when you imply that being dismembered or chemically burned alive in an abortion is preferable to living a difficult life with a disability.

Perhaps the one who should make the decision whether a disabled life is worth living is the disabled one. Why don't you let him?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:50 pm
Ok Momma..... But, I don't like being accused of twisting something that I did not twist. I asked a question and got accused of being a bomber and marksman. If that is not twisting, distorting and making false accusations, I don't know what is.
There....I am finished now.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:56 pm

I know where you are coming from, most definitely. And I am right there with you. But, I think you know as well as I do that there is a double standard here and it's not going to change. But I honestly do not know where Dys would get the impression anyone in here would actually be more comfortable bombing abortion clinics or shooting the doctors who perform them.

I just feel that if we give them what they give us, we are just adding fuel to their fire.

Real Life,

I have a question for you from someone. I do not have sending PM privileges yet. Could you send me your email addy in a pm? If not, I will understand.

Momma Angel
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 03:32 am
real life wrote:

I am offended when you imply that being dismembered or chemically burned alive in an abortion is preferable to living a difficult life with a disability.

Perhaps the one who should make the decision whether a disabled life is worth living is the disabled one. Why don't you let him?

Of course, you have some way to ask the fetus these questions...or are we supposed to take your word for how the fetus would respond.

And at some point...you really should deal with the question that has been asked so many times:

Since the end result of an abortion, according to your religion, is a bit of pain (much, much less than would be felt if a life were lived out completely)...and a free pass to eternity in heaven with your god...

...how is this a negative for the fetus?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 05:31 am
I interrupt this discussion to interject the following.

Momma Angel wrote:
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Give that clown a cigar! Momma does have four cheeks! Thanx CoastalRat, I needed that! Laughing

I just noticed! Where in South Carolina? I just visited in Greenville and Simpsonville last week! I love SC!

Gosh, a lot of posts since this one Momma. I live just outside Charleston, SC. About halfway between Charleston and Summerville. I enjoy the area, although I do wish we could avoid these 95 degree, 95% humidity days. But the trade-off is that the winters are not too bad.

Hope you enjoyed your trip here.

OK everyone, back to the current discussion.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 05:57 am
real life, since we're just asking quetions here I would like to ask you this question "have you stopped your ritual of killing chickens and goats on saturday nights by tearing out their hearts with your bare hands and then drinking the blood while the heart is still beating to appease your god?"
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 07:27 am
dyslexia wrote:
real life, since we're just asking quetions here I would like to ask you this question "have you stopped your ritual of killing chickens and goats on saturday nights by tearing out their hearts with your bare hands and then drinking the blood while the heart is still beating to appease your god?"

Hi Dys,

Too bad you couldn't simply say, "Of course I am against child abuse." and thus clear up the seeming inconsistency provided by your posts.

I don't think anyone really believes that you meant to say you were FOR child abuse, but your reply that you hadn't said you were AGAINST it was rather oddly worded, wouldn't you agree?

Do you include killing a child in your definition of child abuse?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 10:52 am
Hey dys - you just having some wierd brand of fun, or what?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 09:46 pm
Here's an interesting view or three



0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 07:33 am
Thought provoking ads.

I'm glad that the insipid pro-abortion rhetoric is being met with a request to at least QUESTION abortion.
0 Replies

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