Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 04:50 pm
Phoenix Wrote:

You didn't ask me, but I will put my two cents in. In all three cases, I would not come to the person's assistance directly, but I would call the police, and make sure that they came to the scene.

The reason I would not intervene directly is because I am not willing to sacrifice my safety for some random stranger. I could be at risk if I intervened, and the perp had a knife, a gun, or could overpower me.

If the person being hurt were someone that I loved, I then would be willing to take a greater risk.

Phoenix, then I applaud you. You would DO something. That's my point. If everyone would DO something then great things would get done. It's the standing by and letting injustices go unnoticed that hurt society.

You would be giving the victims in these three scenarios some hope and I believe there is a great lack of hope in today's society.

Thank you for your two cents! It was more priceless than you know!

Momma Angel
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 04:58 pm

I can only imagine the horrors you have seen. It takes a very special type of person to be able to do that kind of a job. I would imagine that it would harden you in some respects. Maybe harden is not the right word, but I hope you know what I mean.

There just are no easy answers, are there? When I look at any given situation I try to look at it on the whole. Like I am happy more often than I am sad, etc.

I cannot imagine having to face the situations you have faced on a day to day basis. So, I would imagine for you, it would seem those situations were more the norm than not. I pray they are not.

I understand what you mean about certain "christians" dys. It is very hard for Christians that aren't like that to overcome that stereotype, just as it is for anyone to overcome stereotypes of any kind.

Thank you for expanding your answer. I do appreciate it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 05:40 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
Isn't that like the unbelievable comment by a member on another forum posting that those being killed in Iraq would probably die from car crashes and other tragedies anyhow so are people complaining about them dying in a war? Both cases are incredible.

Don't know what in hell you are talking about here, Intrepid...and I suspect neither do you.

It is my opinion that a woman has a right to decide if she wants to continue a pregnancy occurring in her own body...or if she wants to terminate it.

If you see that as having something to do with Iraq and car crashes...what can I tell ya???

What a pathetic claim of ignorance. Your suspicions are unfounded because you don't have the remotest clue as to what I know and don't know. Let me refresh your apparently failing memory as to what you said and what I responded to.

Frank Apisa wrote:
One...the god adds to the indignity suffered by the soul by refusing it entry into heaven because it still is contaminated by Original Sin (an eventuality which was argued by several of the early Christian fathers)...or....

...two...the soul is welcomed into Christian heaven on a free pass...and begins enjoyment of salvation for all of eternity immediately...

...having suffered great pain during the abortion...but probably much, much, much, much less than it would have endured had it lived its life.

So where is the great loss for this "living human being?

Intrepid responded
Isn't that like the unbelievable comment by a member on another forum posting that those being killed in Iraq would probably die from car crashes and other tragedies anyhow so are people complaining about them dying in a war? Both cases are incredible.

Can you see the similarity, Frank? This poster claimed that those dying in Iraq would probably die in car accidents etc. anyhow so what is the loss. You claim that the pain that the fetus endures may be less that what it would endure had it lived it's life. You ask where is the great loss.

Other than your supportive cronies who usually come to your defence, who among us can possibly agree with this?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 05:47 pm
Frank Apisa:
Seems to me you are in no position to be judging others on offensive posts, Snood.

Find someone else I've had repeated incidences of ugly encounters with besides you. And if you find one, compare my handful with the to-dos you get into with so many people. You can't carry on a conversation without insulting someone.

Fact is...the language and the supposed abuse...IS A RED HERRING.

Well, I guess for you to avoid the simple truth that you're a foul mouthed goon who makes enlightening conversation difficult, it would have to be.

But Christians are always looking for reasons to avoid dealing with the issues raised...and I guess this is as good a one as any.

Since you're so astute, find a post where I claim to be a Christian. You're so narrow minded that since I can co-exist with them, you have to toss me and them into the same "opposition". If you were an iota as bright as you try to portray, you'd notice that I simply side with people of faith in God, no matter what particular stripe.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 05:52 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
MommaAngel- Frank is right in this instance. He was making his point by using "colorful" language, but he was not calling you a f**khead.

MommaAngel wrote:
Why should anyone want to believe or agree to anything you say when you cannot show the slightest of common courtesy?

FrankApisa wrote:
If I said "2 + 2 = 4, you dumb f**khead...would that make my math any the less valid?

The fact that you only see this as colourful language shows that you are easily amused. Many of us do not find this colourful or amusing and regard it with disgust. Why do you choose to overlook how Frank is addressing MommaAngel when it is obvious to most of us what his intent is? Your faithful friendship to Frank, at least, is to be commended.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 06:00 pm
My take on this was that Frank was not addressing Momma Angel. I believe that he was illustrating a supposition. I would suspect that the point he was trying to make that if something is true, in this case the postulate that 2+2=4, it is true even if it is phrased in less than elegant language.

Can we get past this?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 06:01 pm
I would love to get past this. Back to the topic then everyone?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 06:28 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

I have been mulling over some of the things you said about not being a moral compass. It raises a few questions for me. Can I ask you how would you respond in some of these situations?

1. You encounter a man beating a woman or a child on the street.
2. You have proof someone is committing incest with their child.
3. You encounter a woman being raped.

I would call the police in each of these instances. I may take more action, but it would depend on the circumstances involved (If I was carrying my gun or knife (for protection, believe me I would not pull my gun needlessly), if I was by myself and not with my girlfriend, etc). I would only take action because these are violent offenses that are against the law.

I do not see how my comment about being a moral compass in regards to the language used on this board has led you to these questions however. Obviously the situations are completely different.

Now, these are all three situations in which I believe we all agree are just plain wrong. And I understand that these are rather extreme situations. My point is this. If we would stand up for what is right at the very beginning, wouldn't it follow that perhaps things like the above might not happen as often? The problem with this statement is that it's not always clear what is right or wrong. You would prefer if everyone used your morals/beliefs, but who's to say that those are correct? Christians can't even agree on what is true or literal in the bible, how can someone govern/live based this?If you let someone get away with something wrong it's like condoning that behavior. Then if that behavior is condoned, it's easier to condone even more inappropriate behavior?

I mean this sincerely in asking you these questions. I am very interested in your answer.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 06:35 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
Isn't that like the unbelievable comment by a member on another forum posting that those being killed in Iraq would probably die from car crashes and other tragedies anyhow so are people complaining about them dying in a war? Both cases are incredible.

Don't know what in hell you are talking about here, Intrepid...and I suspect neither do you.

It is my opinion that a woman has a right to decide if she wants to continue a pregnancy occurring in her own body...or if she wants to terminate it.

If you see that as having something to do with Iraq and car crashes...what can I tell ya???

What a pathetic claim of ignorance. Your suspicions are unfounded because you don't have the remotest clue as to what I know and don't know. Let me refresh your apparently failing memory as to what you said and what I responded to.

Frank Apisa wrote:
One...the god adds to the indignity suffered by the soul by refusing it entry into heaven because it still is contaminated by Original Sin (an eventuality which was argued by several of the early Christian fathers)...or....

...two...the soul is welcomed into Christian heaven on a free pass...and begins enjoyment of salvation for all of eternity immediately...

...having suffered great pain during the abortion...but probably much, much, much, much less than it would have endured had it lived its life.

So where is the great loss for this "living human being?

Intrepid responded
Isn't that like the unbelievable comment by a member on another forum posting that those being killed in Iraq would probably die from car crashes and other tragedies anyhow so are people complaining about them dying in a war? Both cases are incredible.

Can you see the similarity, Frank? This poster claimed that those dying in Iraq would probably die in car accidents etc. anyhow so what is the loss.

Intrepid...that is absurd.

I am not highlighting the fact that they will eventually die anyway...but rather that they die innocent...and go immediately to heaven....if that pathetic religion of yours is accurate.

Any similarity you see is imagination.

You claim that the pain that the fetus endures may be less that what it would endure had it lived it's life. You ask where is the great loss.

Yeah...if the soul of this supposed "living being" goes directly to heaven on a free pass...what is the loss?????

Other than your supportive cronies who usually come to your defence, who among us can possibly agree with this?

Anyone with the ability to think.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 06:40 pm

I am glad that you WOULD do something in each of these instances. So, you do understand at least some of my point. It's obvious you are taking care in your actions, which is wise. Yes, these situations are different, bear with me a minute.

I believe there are basic wrongs and rights in this world that actually have nothing to do with religious beliefs. We all know it's wrong to lie, to cheat, to harm others, etc. I was taught to treat everyone with respect. You don't use foul language, you don't call people names, etc. I believe that is also a basic right or wrong. No religion, just right and wrong.

It just seems that the moral compasses of society are a bit off. What was once wrong is now right? Things that were wrong are now right because not enough of society stands up and says, that is just wrong, thus, more and more wrongs become right or at least acceptable.

The morals/beliefs, whatever you wish to call them, are the basics here. I am not talking about things that have no defining line. Just simple basics of right and wrong. Do you not agree there are basic wrongs and rights?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 06:49 pm
snood wrote:
Frank Apisa:
Seems to me you are in no position to be judging others on offensive posts, Snood.

Find someone else I've had repeated incidences of ugly encounters with besides you. And if you find one, compare my handful with the to-dos you get into with so many people. You can't carry on a conversation without insulting someone.

Why of course I can, Snood.

Fact is...the language and the supposed abuse...IS A RED HERRING.

Well, I guess for you to avoid the simple truth that you're a foul mouthed goon who makes enlightening conversation difficult, it would have to be.

Oh my..."foul mouthed goon." And earlier you called me "an inconsiderate nincompoop!"

Gosh...I wonder what Spike Lee would say about that? I wonder how Spike Lee would react to you using such terribly strong language while using his picture as an avatar? I wonder?

And just to show you that I can maintain a good sense of humor while discussing this rationally and courteously with you, Snood...another "I wonder" just crossed my mind.

I wonder if you told...let's say, Eddie Murphy...that there is this guy who used the word "boy" while addressing you...and you wrote back to him that he was a "foul mouthed goon" and "an inconsiderate nincompoop...

...I wonder what Eddie Murphy would say.

Or Redd Foxx in his day!


But Christians are always looking for reasons to avoid dealing with the issues raised...and I guess this is as good a one as any.

Since you're so astute, find a post where I claim to be a Christian. You're so narrow minded that since I can co-exist with them, you have to toss me and them into the same "opposition". If you were an iota as bright as you try to portray, you'd notice that I simply side with people of faith in God, no matter what particular stripe.

Well, I will do that right after you find a post where I claimed you were a Christian.


Oh, by the way....did I mention that you are in no position to be judging others on offensive posts, Snood.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:00 pm
Perhaps a little off topic, but I wonder, Frank, why you consistently abuse the TOS rules 1 through 6 and continue to do so. Do you have special immunity? Have you been doing it so long that it is now considered acceptable behaviour? Does using the * in particular parts of a word ensure your continued ability to do so? I am curious because on another board even adding * etc. to words is grounds for being barred.

Back to the issue. I disagree with your premise.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:01 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Perhaps a little off topic, but I wonder, Frank, why you consistently abuse the TOS rules 1 through 6 and continue to do so. Do you have special immunity? Have you been doing it so long that it is now considered acceptable behaviour? Does using the * in particular parts of a word ensure your continued ability to do so? I am curious because on another board even adding * etc. to words is grounds for being barred.


Back to the issue. I disagree with your premise.

And I disagree with your response.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:01 pm

What are TOS rules?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:04 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

What are TOS rules?

Terms of Service

Box at the bottom of the screen
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:04 pm

Those are the rules (Terms of Service) that each member agrees to when becoming a member.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:09 pm
Thanx. Very Happy
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 08:57 pm
dyslexia wrote:
first of off MA since you don't already know, I spend a lifetime career as a member/supervisior of a child protection unit. I have personally dealt with every imaginable horror that can happen to a child. I have dealt with every excuse imaginable from "I was drunk at the time and didn't know what I was doing" to "it's none of your damn business what I do with my own family, this is between me and my god" I have investigated sexual abuse/incest cases, death by beating with a belt for a 6 month old and death by starvation for a nine year old locked in a closet (the list goes on into infinity) I have also (as a child welfare policy analyst for the state lobbied against "christian" groups who wanted/demanded that the "state" not be allowed to interfere with a "god given right" to decide "family matters" So you say "spanking" and I say "beating to death" all boils down to the same thing-child abuse. I am now retired but I can never forget the many years of self-rightous excuses I heard endlessly from "christians" "yes he/she died but that was an accident, I only meant to provide christian morality re his/her potty training" etc etc etc. I am more than willing to carry on this conversation with you re my experiences but I warn you there may be some "unpleasant" words from my keyboard.


Since you are against child abuse, do you include killing a child of any age in your definition of abuse?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:03 pm
I never said I was against child abuse. Don't even try to bait me. That's really a scum-bag attempt. Don't look now but your total lack of ethics is apparent.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:07 pm
Does that mean that you are for child abuse? I am confused.
0 Replies

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