Ok, fine. I have no guts because I won't get nasty with you. Works for me.
I don't have the knack for being logical? Ok. Works for you.
And no, I did not say murder. I said killing, remember? Murder is the illegal act, as you have stated.
A reasonable inference of moral philosophical superiority could probably be garnered from a statement like, "I am going to heaven and you are going to hell." Me trying to use common courtesy is just that, common courtesy. And, to put it straight out there, I don't think you know what common courtesy is, unless, of course, one agrees with you.
Underhanded, pretend to be nice...? I won't even try to dignify that remark with an answer. (Oops, guess I just did!

And I am not sneaky about my insults. I have told you before that I thought you were a very rude and arrogant man. What's so sneaky about that?
I don't call your views names because I have no right to do so. You have the same rights as I do and just because you trample on mine does not mean I can trample on yours.
I pretend that I am considerate and I pretend that I am respectful? I can tell you one thing Frank. You don't know me at all. I pretend nothing. I don't need to pretend. I am real. What you see is what you get.
I just don't think you have to be rude to people to get your point across, as you obviously think you have to be. Now, that is as nasty as I care to get with you or anyone else.
Frank Apisa Wrote:
Quote:I say: Until it is born...it is not a living being.
You say: From the moment the egg is fertilized...it is a living being.
You are right. You cannot "equate the two as equals."
Your position is absurd compared with mine.
Just what kind of answer is that? I didn't ask you to compare my position to yours. I asked you how can you equate a full term child to being the same as one just conceived.
In other words, is a full term child not out of the womb yet the same thing as a newly conceived "fetus, zygote, etc." as you call it (and child as I call it)? (In your opinion, that is.)